require 'yaml' require 'pathname' lib_path = File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib_path) require 'carmen/country' require 'carmen/i18n' require 'carmen/version' module Carmen class << self attr_accessor :data_paths, :i18n_backend # Public: Return the current array of locations where data files are stored. # # Data in entries that appear later in the array takes precedence. # # Each path should follow the following structure: # |- world.yml (all countries) # \- regions (directory for subregions, named by code) # |- be.yml (subregion file for a country) # # Defaults to only the the `iso_data` directory within the Carmen directory. def data_paths @data_paths end # Public: Set the array of paths for Carmen to search for data files. def data_paths=(paths) @data_paths = paths end # Public: return the current I18n backend. # # Defaults to an instance of Carmen::I18n::Simple. def i18n_backend @i18n_backend end # Public: set an object to use as the I18n backend. # # Ths suppiled object must respond to t(key). def i18n_backend=(backend) @i18n_backend = backend end # Public: the Carmen library's root directory. # # Provides a way to find the built-in data and locale files. attr_accessor :root_path # Public: Append an additional data path. # path - The String path to the data directory. def append_data_path(path) World.instance.reset! self.data_paths << end # Public: Clear the data_paths array. def clear_data_paths World.instance.reset! self.data_paths = [] end # Public: Reset the data_paths array to the defaults. def reset_data_paths clear_data_paths append_data_path(root_path + 'iso_data/base') append_data_path(root_path + 'iso_data/overlay') end # Public: Reset the i18n_backend to a default backend. def reset_i18n_backend base_locale_path = root_path + 'locale/base' override_locale_path = root_path + 'locale/overlay' self.i18n_backend =, override_locale_path) end end self.root_path = + '../..' self.reset_data_paths self.reset_i18n_backend end