= BibTeX-Ruby The BibTeX-Ruby package contains a parser for BibTeX bibliography files and a class structure to manage BibTeX objects in Ruby. It is designed to support all BibTeX objects (including @comment and string-replacements via @string) and handles all content outside of BibTeX objects as `meta comments' which may be included in post-processing. == Quickstart * require 'bibtex' * bib = BibTeX::Bibliography.open('file.bib') == Installation If you just want to use it: * gem install bibtex-ruby If you want to work with the sources: * gem install racc * git clone http://github.com/inukshuk/bibtex-ruby.git * cd bibtex-ruby * rake racc * rake rdoc * rake test Or, alternatively, fork the (project on github)[http://github.com/inukshuk/bibtex-ruby.git]. == Requirements * The parser generator {+racc+}[http://i.loveruby.net/en/projects/racc/] is required to generate parser. * The +minitest+ gem is required to run the tests in older Ruby versions (prior to 1.9). == Usage Look at the `examples' directory for a simple BibTeX to HTML converter. == The Parser The BibTeX-Ruby parser is generated using the wonderful {+racc+}[http://i.loveruby.net/en/projects/racc/] parser generator. == The BibTeX Format At first glance, the BibTeX file format seems very clear and simple; however, there are a number of peculiarities which warrant some explanation. The best place to start reading is probably at {your closest ctan server}[http://www.ctan.org/get/biblio/bibtex/] where the original +bibtex+ from 1988 still lives. Additionally, Xavier Decoret has written {a great summary}[http://artis.imag.fr/~Xavier.Decoret/resources/xdkbibtex/bibtex_summary.html] of the format; another invaluable source of information is Nicolas Markey's website[http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/~markey/bibla.php]. Unfortunately, even after consulting these documents, a number of issues remain. Therefore, it is the purpose of this section to deliver the rationale that went into some of the design decision in BibTeX-Ruby. A BibTeX bibliography is typically stored in a file with the file extension `.bib'. This file may contain any number of BibTeX objects; everything that is not a BibTeX object is assumed to be a comment and ignored. The individual objects are discussed in further detail below. First, however, a number of general remarks: * BibTeX-Ruby begins in comment-mode, treating all text it encounters as comments. Normally these comments are ignored; however, if you wish the parser to include them, you can do so by adding the symbol +:meta_comments+ to the +:include+ array in the parser's options. * Note that string literals in BibTeX are either contained in quotes or braces; nested quotes in a quoted literal are not escaped with a usual backslash but must be placed inside braces. Nested braces must be balanced in literals, regardless of whether they are surrounded by quotes or braces. * Quoted strings and string constants (which are defined by @string objects) can be concatted by the `#' symbol. String literals in braces can not be concatted in this way. * The `@' symbol may only occur in quoted string literals (not in braced out literals) in the original BibTeX; note, however, that this is not true for BibTeX-Ruby (i.e., it will parse any string containing an `@'). === @comment The purpose of the @comment object is not entirely clear, because everything outside of an object is treated as a comment anyway. Nicolas Markay argues that a @comment makes it possible to quickly comment out a number of consecutive objects; however, as Xavier Decoret points out that this does not work with the original +bibtex+ program (following a @comment, it simply ignores everything until the end of the line). Indeed, on page 13 of {the original documentation}[http://www.ctan.org/get/biblio/bibtex/contrib/doc/btxdoc.pdf], Oren Patashnik explains that @comment objects are not really necessary; they exist only for _Scribe_ system compatibility. Because they would be useless otherwise, BibTeX-Ruby treats @comment objects as Nicolas Markay describes them: thus, everything inside a @comment is treated as a comment and is ignored—everything, that is, until the object is closed. For this reason, BibTeX-Ruby assumes that braces inside a @comment are balanced! Obviously, BibTeX-Ruby differs from +bibtex+ in that respect; though, the gain is, that it is now possible to comment out a sequence of entries, without removing their respective `@' symbols. === @string The @string object defines a single string constant (for multiple constant assignments, it is necessary to define separate @string objects). These constants can be used within string assignments in other @string or @preamble objects, as well as in regular BibTeX entries. For example, this is a valid constant definition and usage: * @string{ generator = "BibTeX-Ruby"} * @preamble{ "This bibliography was generated by " # generator } === @preamble Typically, the purpose of @preamble objects is to define LaTeX statements, which will be put into the `.bbl' file by +bibtex+. A @preamble object may contain a single string literal, a single string constant (defined by a @string object), or a concatenation of literals and constants. === Entries These represent proper BibTeX objects (e.g., @book, @collection, etc.). == Credits The BibTeX-Ruby package was written by {Sylvester Keil}[http://sylvester.keil.or.at/]. == License BibTeX-Ruby Copyright (C) 2010-2011 {Sylvester Keil}[http://sylvester.keil.or.at] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see .