module PagesHelper # Set the page title def page_title(default_text) if @page replace_title_for(@page) else default_text end end def page_js(options={}) default_options = { 'with_tags' => true }.merge(options.stringify_keys) if default_options['with_tags'] if @page && !@page.js.blank? javascript_tag do @page.js end end else @page.js end end def page_css(options={}) default_options = { 'with_tags' => true }.merge(options.stringify_keys) if default_options['with_tags'] if @page && !@page.css.blank? content_tag :style do @page.css end end else @page.css end end def page_meta_keywords if @page && !@page.meta_keywords.blank? content_tag :meta, :name => 'keywords' do @page.meta_keywords end end end def page_meta_description if @page && !@page.meta_description.blank? content_tag :meta, :name => 'description' do @page.meta_description end end end # Usage: # You can use the attributes of any instance variables and insert them in the title # For example: # This is a page for {{my_object:my_object_attribute}} # Requires that any object that will be used have a public whitelist method which returns an array # of legal attributes (as this can be set by a user certain attributes should not be exposed) def replace_title_for(page) return nil unless page page.title.scan(/\{\{(\w+):(\w+)\}\}/).uniq.flatten.in_groups_of(2).each do |klass, attribute| if self.instance_variable_defined? "@#{klass}" obj = self.instance_variable_get "@#{klass}" if obj.class.public_methods.include?(:whitelist) && obj.class.whitelist.is_a?(Array) if obj.class.whitelist.include?(attribute) page.title.gsub!("{{#{klass}:#{attribute}}}", obj.send(attribute).to_s) else page.title.gsub!("{{#{klass}:#{attribute}}}", "'#{attribute}' not in whitelist for #{obj.class}") end else page.title.gsub!("{{#{klass}:#{attribute}}}", "Whitelist not defined for #{obj.class}") end else page.title.gsub!("{{#{klass}:#{attribute}}}", "Not found") end end page.title end # Add extra fields for an object in a form, in this case page parts def link_to_add_fields(name, f, association) new_object = f.object.class.reflect_on_association(association) fields = simple_fields_for(association, new_object, :child_index => "new_#{association}") do |builder| safe_concat(render(association.to_s.singularize + "_fields", :f => builder)) end link_to('Add', '#', :onclick => "add_fields(this, \"#{association}\", \"#{escape_javascript(fields)}\")", :class => 'icon add') end # Return the specified page part content def page_content(options={}) default_options = { 'page' => @page, 'part' => 'body' }.merge!(options.stringify_keys) default_options['page'].page_parts.detect { |p| p.title == default_options['part'].to_s } if default_options['page'] end def page_snippet(name, options={}) default_options = { 'default_text' => 'Page snippet not found', 'tag' => nil, 'class' => ['page_snippet'], 'id' => nil }.merge(options.stringify_keys) page_snippet = PageSnippet.find_by_name(name.to_s) if default_options['tag'] content_tag default_options['tag'], :class => default_options['class'], :id => default_options['id'] do page_snippet ? page_snippet : default_options['default_text'] end else page_snippet ? page_snippet : default_options['default_text'] end end def link_to_page(page, options={}) # Arbitrarily chosen url to take precedence over controller and action if page.url.blank? if page.controller.blank? && page.action.blank? link_to replace_title_for(page), "/#{page.permalink}", options else link_to replace_title_for(page), url_for(:controller => '/' + page.controller, :action => page.action), options end else link_to replace_title_for(page), page.url, options end end # Takes an array of pages which constitute the ancestors of the current page (page) and displays them in the requested format # Options: # * seperator: The text or character that will seperate the breadcrumbs. Defaults to " » " # * format: choices are "ul" or "inline". "ul" displays the breadcrumb links in an unordered list whilst "inline" displays them inline in a containing div. Defaults to "ul" def breadcrumbs(options={}) default_options = { 'breadcrumbs' => @breadcrumbs, 'page' => @page, 'seperator' => ' » ', 'format' => 'ul' }.merge!(options.stringify_keys) case default_options['format'].to_s when 'inline' content_tag :div, :class => 'breadcrumbs' do links = default_options['breadcrumbs'].collect.with_index { |breadcrumb, i| link_to_page(breadcrumb, :class => "crumb_#{i}") + default_options['seperator'].html_safe }.join().html_safe links += content_tag(:span, replace_title_for(default_options['page']), :class => 'current_page') if default_options['page'] end when 'ul' content_tag :ul, :class => 'breadcrumbs' do links = default_options['breadcrumbs'].collect.with_index { |breadcrumb, i| content_tag(:li, link_to_page(breadcrumb, :class => "crumb_#{i}")) }.join().html_safe links += content_tag(:li, replace_title_for(default_options['page']), :class => 'current_page') if default_options['page'] end else 'Please choose one of \'inline\' or \'ul\' as a format' end end # Options: # * current: The current_page if not @page # * depth: The number of levels in the tree to traverse. Defaults to 2 # * class: The class of the containing ul. Defaults to "" # * id: The id of the containing id. Defaults to "" # * link_current: Set to true if the current page should have a link. Defaults to false def navigation(permalink, options={}) default_options = { 'current' => @page, 'class' => 'nav', 'id' => '', 'include_root' => false, 'link_current' => false, 'depth' => 2 }.merge!(options.stringify_keys) current_user = nil unless defined?(current_user) root_page = Page.published_or_hidden.viewable_by(current_user) if permalink root_page = root_page.find_by_permalink(permalink.to_s) else root_page = root_page.first end return "
Error: Root page not found
".html_safe unless root_page grouped_pages = root_page.self_and_descendants.viewable_by(current_user).shown_in_menu.published.group_by(&:parent_id) render 'pages/navigation', :options => default_options, :root_page => root_page, :grouped_pages => grouped_pages, :level => 1 end def filter_select(target, options={}) default_options = { 'builder' => nil, 'object' => nil, 'attribute' => nil }.merge!(options.stringify_keys) if default_options['builder'] default_options['builder'].select(default_options['attribute'], Page.filters, {}, { :class => 'filter', :rel => target }) else select_tag(default_options['object'], default_options['attribute'], Page.filters, {}, { :class => 'filter', :rel => target }) end end private # To add a class to the root of the tree that the current page appears in def mark_as_root_of_current? page if page.root? page == @page else return true if @breadcrumbs.include?(page) || page == @page end end def page_menu_class page css_classes = [] css_classes << page.menu_css_class unless page.menu_css_class.blank? css_classes << "selected" if mark_as_root_of_current?(page) end end