# Intrinio::CryptoApi
All URIs are relative to *https://api-v2.intrinio.com*
Method | HTTP request | Description
------------- | ------------- | -------------
[**get_crypto_book_asks**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_book_asks) | **GET** /crypto/book/asks | Crypto Book Asks
[**get_crypto_book_bids**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_book_bids) | **GET** /crypto/book/bids | Crypto Book Bids
[**get_crypto_book_summary**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_book_summary) | **GET** /crypto/book | Crypto Book Summary
[**get_crypto_currencies**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_currencies) | **GET** /crypto/currencies | Crypto Currencies
[**get_crypto_exchanges**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_exchanges) | **GET** /crypto/exchanges | Crypto Exchanges
[**get_crypto_pairs**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_pairs) | **GET** /crypto/pairs | Crypto Pairs
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_adi**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_adi) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/adi | Accumulation/Distribution Index
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_adtv**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_adtv) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/adtv | Average Daily Trading Volume
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_adx**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_adx) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/adx | Average Directional Index
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_ao**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_ao) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/ao | Awesome Oscillator
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_atr**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_atr) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/atr | Average True Range
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_bb**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_bb) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/bb | Bollinger Bands
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_cci**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_cci) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/cci | Commodity Channel Index
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_cmf**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_cmf) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/cmf | Chaikin Money Flow
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_dc**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_dc) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/dc | Donchian Channel
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_dpo**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_dpo) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/dpo | Detrended Price Oscillator
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_eom**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_eom) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/eom | Ease of Movement
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_fi**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_fi) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/fi | Force Index
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_ichimoku**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_ichimoku) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/ichimoku | Ichimoku Kinko Hyo
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_kc**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_kc) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/kc | Keltner Channel
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_kst**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_kst) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/kst | Know Sure Thing
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_macd**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_macd) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/macd | Moving Average Convergence Divergence
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_mfi**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_mfi) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/mfi | Money Flow Index
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_mi**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_mi) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/mi | Mass Index
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_nvi**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_nvi) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/nvi | Negative Volume Index
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_obv**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_obv) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/obv | On-balance Volume
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_obv_mean**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_obv_mean) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/obv_mean | On-balance Volume Mean
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_rsi**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_rsi) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/rsi | Relative Strength Index
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_sma**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_sma) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/sma | Simple Moving Average
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_sr**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_sr) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/sr | Stochastic Oscillator
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_trix**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_trix) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/trix | Triple Exponential Average
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_tsi**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_tsi) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/tsi | True Strength Index
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_uo**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_uo) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/uo | Ultimate Oscillator
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_vi**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_vi) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/vi | Vortex Indicator
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_vpt**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_vpt) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/vpt | Volume-price Trend
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_vwap**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_vwap) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/vwap | Volume Weighted Average Price
[**get_crypto_price_technicals_wr**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_wr) | **GET** /crypto/prices/technicals/wr | Williams %R
[**get_crypto_prices**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_prices) | **GET** /crypto/prices | Crypto Prices
[**get_crypto_snapshot**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_snapshot) | **GET** /crypto/snapshot | Crypto Snapshot
[**get_crypto_stats**](CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_stats) | **GET** /crypto/stats | Crypto Stats
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_book_asks)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoBookAsks)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoBookAsks.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_book_asks_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/book/asks)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_book_asks)
## **get_crypto_book_asks**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_book_asks_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoBookAsks get_crypto_book_asks(opts)
#### Crypto Book Asks
Returns the entire ask order book for a given Crypto Currency Pair and Crypto Exchange.
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return the order book asks for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return the order book asks for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC" # String | Return the order book asks for the given Crypto Currency.
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_book_asks(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_book_asks: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return the order book asks for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return the order book asks for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return the order book asks for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_book_bids)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoBookBids)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoBookBids.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_book_bids_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/book/bids)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_book_bids)
## **get_crypto_book_bids**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_book_bids_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoBookBids get_crypto_book_bids(opts)
#### Crypto Book Bids
Returns the entire bid order book for a given Crypto Currency Pair and Crypto Exchange.
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return the order book bids for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return the order book bids for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC" # String | Return the order book bids for the given Crypto Currency.
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_book_bids(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_book_bids: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return the order book bids for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return the order book bids for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return the order book bids for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_book_summary)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoBook)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoBook.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_book_summary_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/book)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_book_summary)
## **get_crypto_book_summary**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_book_summary_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoBook get_crypto_book_summary(opts)
#### Crypto Book Summary
Returns the order book summary (bid/ask prices and size) for a given Crypto Currency Pair and Crypto Exchange.
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
levels: nil, # Integer | The number of prices/levels to return on each side. For example, the max of 50 levels will return up to 50 bid prices and 50 ask prices.
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return the order book summary for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return the order book summary for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC" # String | Return the order book summary for the given Crypto Currency.
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_book_summary(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_book_summary: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**levels** | Integer| The number of prices/levels to return on each side. For example, the max of 50 levels will return up to 50 bid prices and 50 ask prices. | [optional]
**pair** | String| Return the order book summary for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return the order book summary for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return the order book summary for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_currencies)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoCurrencies)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoCurrencies.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_currencies_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/currencies)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_currencies)
## **get_crypto_currencies**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_currencies_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoCurrencies get_crypto_currencies(opts)
#### Crypto Currencies
Returns a list of Crypto Currencies for which prices are available.
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
exchange: "binance" # String | Returns Crypto Currencies traded on the given Crypto Exchange.
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_currencies(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_currencies: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**exchange** | String| Returns Crypto Currencies traded on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_exchanges)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoExchanges)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoExchanges.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_exchanges_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/exchanges)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_exchanges)
## **get_crypto_exchanges**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_exchanges_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoExchanges get_crypto_exchanges(opts)
#### Crypto Exchanges
Returns a list of Crypto Exchanges for which prices are available.
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd" # String | Filter exchanges based on whether or not prices are available on the exchange for the crypto currency pair.
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_exchanges(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_exchanges: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Filter exchanges based on whether or not prices are available on the exchange for the crypto currency pair. | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_pairs)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoPairs)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoPairs.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_pairs_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/pairs)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_pairs)
## **get_crypto_pairs**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_pairs_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoPairs get_crypto_pairs(opts)
#### Crypto Pairs
Returns a list of Crypto Currency Pairs for which data is available.
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
exchange: "binance", # String | Return pairs traded on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return pairs with one side being the given Crypto Currency.
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_pairs(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_pairs: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**exchange** | String| Return pairs traded on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return pairs with one side being the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_adi)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoAccumulationDistributionIndex)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoAccumulationDistributionIndex.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_adi_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/adi)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_adi)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_adi**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_adi_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoAccumulationDistributionIndex get_crypto_price_technicals_adi(opts)
#### Accumulation/Distribution Index
Returns the Accumulation/Distribution Index values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_adi(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_adi: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_adtv)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoAverageDailyTradingVolume)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoAverageDailyTradingVolume.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_adtv_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/adtv)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_adtv)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_adtv**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_adtv_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoAverageDailyTradingVolume get_crypto_price_technicals_adtv(opts)
#### Average Daily Trading Volume
Returns the Average Daily Trading Volume values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
period: 22, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate Average Daily Trading Volume.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_adtv(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_adtv: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate Average Daily Trading Volume. | [optional] [default to 22]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_adx)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoAverageDirectionalIndex)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoAverageDirectionalIndex.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_adx_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/adx)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_adx)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_adx**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_adx_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoAverageDirectionalIndex get_crypto_price_technicals_adx(opts)
#### Average Directional Index
Returns the Average Directional Index values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
period: 22, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate Average Directional Index.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_adx(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_adx: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate Average Directional Index. | [optional] [default to 22]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_ao)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoAwesomeOscillator)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoAwesomeOscillator.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_ao_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/ao)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_ao)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_ao**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_ao_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoAwesomeOscillator get_crypto_price_technicals_ao(opts)
#### Awesome Oscillator
Returns the Awesome Oscillator values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
short_period: 5, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate short period Simple Moving Average of the Awesome Oscillator.
long_period: 34, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate long period Simple Moving Average of the Awesome Oscillator.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_ao(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_ao: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**short_period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate short period Simple Moving Average of the Awesome Oscillator. | [optional] [default to 5]
**long_period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate long period Simple Moving Average of the Awesome Oscillator. | [optional] [default to 34]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_atr)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoAverageTrueRange)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoAverageTrueRange.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_atr_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/atr)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_atr)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_atr**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_atr_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoAverageTrueRange get_crypto_price_technicals_atr(opts)
#### Average True Range
Returns the Average True Range values of Crypto Currency Prices for Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
period: 22, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate Average True Range.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_atr(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_atr: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate Average True Range. | [optional] [default to 22]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_bb)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoBollingerBands)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoBollingerBands.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_bb_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/bb)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_bb)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_bb**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_bb_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoBollingerBands get_crypto_price_technicals_bb(opts)
#### Bollinger Bands
Returns the Bollinger Bands values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
period: 20, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate Bollinger Bands.
standard_deviations: 2.0, # Float | The number of standard deviations to calculate the upper and lower bands of the Bollinger Bands.
price_key: "close", # String | The Crypto Currency Price field to use when calculating Bollinger Bands.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_bb(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_bb: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate Bollinger Bands. | [optional] [default to 20]
**standard_deviations** | Float| The number of standard deviations to calculate the upper and lower bands of the Bollinger Bands. | [optional] [default to 2.0]
**price_key** | String| The Crypto Currency Price field to use when calculating Bollinger Bands. | [optional] [default to close]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_cci)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoCommodityChannelIndex)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoCommodityChannelIndex.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_cci_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/cci)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_cci)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_cci**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_cci_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoCommodityChannelIndex get_crypto_price_technicals_cci(opts)
#### Commodity Channel Index
Returns the Commodity Channel Index values of Crypto Currency Prices for Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
period: 20, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate Commodity Channel Index.
constant: 0.015, # Float | The number of observations, per period, to calculate Commodity Channel Index.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_cci(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_cci: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate Commodity Channel Index. | [optional] [default to 20]
**constant** | Float| The number of observations, per period, to calculate Commodity Channel Index. | [optional] [default to 0.015]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_cmf)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoChaikinMoneyFlow)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoChaikinMoneyFlow.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_cmf_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/cmf)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_cmf)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_cmf**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_cmf_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoChaikinMoneyFlow get_crypto_price_technicals_cmf(opts)
#### Chaikin Money Flow
Returns the Chaikin Money Flow values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
period: 20, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate Chaikin Money Flow.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_cmf(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_cmf: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate Chaikin Money Flow. | [optional] [default to 20]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_dc)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoDonchianChannel)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoDonchianChannel.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_dc_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/dc)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_dc)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_dc**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_dc_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoDonchianChannel get_crypto_price_technicals_dc(opts)
#### Donchian Channel
Returns the Donchian Channel values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
period: 20, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate Donchian Channel.
price_key: "close", # String | The Crypto Currency Price field to use when calculating Donchian Channel.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_dc(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_dc: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate Donchian Channel. | [optional] [default to 20]
**price_key** | String| The Crypto Currency Price field to use when calculating Donchian Channel. | [optional] [default to close]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_dpo)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoDetrendedPriceOscillator)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoDetrendedPriceOscillator.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_dpo_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/dpo)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_dpo)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_dpo**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_dpo_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoDetrendedPriceOscillator get_crypto_price_technicals_dpo(opts)
#### Detrended Price Oscillator
Returns the Detrended Price Oscillator values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
period: 20, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate Detrended Price Oscillator.
price_key: "close", # String | The Crypto Currency Price field to use when calculating Detrended Price Oscillator.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_dpo(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_dpo: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate Detrended Price Oscillator. | [optional] [default to 20]
**price_key** | String| The Crypto Currency Price field to use when calculating Detrended Price Oscillator. | [optional] [default to close]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_eom)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoEaseOfMovement)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoEaseOfMovement.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_eom_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/eom)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_eom)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_eom**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_eom_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoEaseOfMovement get_crypto_price_technicals_eom(opts)
#### Ease of Movement
Returns the Ease of Movement values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
period: 20, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate Ease of Movement.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_eom(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_eom: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate Ease of Movement. | [optional] [default to 20]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_fi)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoForceIndex)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoForceIndex.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_fi_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/fi)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_fi)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_fi**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_fi_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoForceIndex get_crypto_price_technicals_fi(opts)
#### Force Index
Returns the Force Index values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_fi(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_fi: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_ichimoku)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoIchimokuKinkoHyo)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoIchimokuKinkoHyo.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_ichimoku_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/ichimoku)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_ichimoku)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_ichimoku**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_ichimoku_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoIchimokuKinkoHyo get_crypto_price_technicals_ichimoku(opts)
#### Ichimoku Kinko Hyo
Returns the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
low_period: 9, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate Tenkan Sen (Conversion Line) of Ichimoku Kinko Hyo.
medium_period: 26, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate Kijun Sen (Base Line), Senkou Span A (Leading Span A), and Chikou Span (Lagging Span) of Ichimoku Kinko Hyo.
high_period: 52, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate Senkou Span B (Leading Span B) of Ichimoku Kinko Hyo.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_ichimoku(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_ichimoku: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**low_period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate Tenkan Sen (Conversion Line) of Ichimoku Kinko Hyo. | [optional] [default to 9]
**medium_period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate Kijun Sen (Base Line), Senkou Span A (Leading Span A), and Chikou Span (Lagging Span) of Ichimoku Kinko Hyo. | [optional] [default to 26]
**high_period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate Senkou Span B (Leading Span B) of Ichimoku Kinko Hyo. | [optional] [default to 52]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_kc)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoKeltnerChannel)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoKeltnerChannel.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_kc_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/kc)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_kc)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_kc**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_kc_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoKeltnerChannel get_crypto_price_technicals_kc(opts)
#### Keltner Channel
Returns the Keltner Channel values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
period: 10, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate Kelter Channel.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_kc(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_kc: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate Kelter Channel. | [optional] [default to 10]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_kst)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoKnowSureThing)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoKnowSureThing.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_kst_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/kst)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_kst)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_kst**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_kst_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoKnowSureThing get_crypto_price_technicals_kst(opts)
#### Know Sure Thing
Returns the Know Sure Thing values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
roc1: 10, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate the rate-of-change for RCMA1.
roc2: 15, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate the rate-of-change for RCMA2.
roc3: 20, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate the rate-of-change for RCMA3.
roc4: 30, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate the rate-of-change for RCMA4.
sma1: 10, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate the Simple Moving Average of the rate-of-change for RCMA1.
sma2: 10, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate the Simple Moving Average of the rate-of-change for RCMA2.
sma3: 10, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate the Simple Moving Average of the rate-of-change for RCMA3.
sma4: 15, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate the Simple Moving Average of the rate-of-change for RCMA4.
price_key: "close", # String | The Crypto Currency Price field to use when calculating Know Sure Thing.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_kst(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_kst: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**roc1** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate the rate-of-change for RCMA1. | [optional] [default to 10]
**roc2** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate the rate-of-change for RCMA2. | [optional] [default to 15]
**roc3** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate the rate-of-change for RCMA3. | [optional] [default to 20]
**roc4** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate the rate-of-change for RCMA4. | [optional] [default to 30]
**sma1** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate the Simple Moving Average of the rate-of-change for RCMA1. | [optional] [default to 10]
**sma2** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate the Simple Moving Average of the rate-of-change for RCMA2. | [optional] [default to 10]
**sma3** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate the Simple Moving Average of the rate-of-change for RCMA3. | [optional] [default to 10]
**sma4** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate the Simple Moving Average of the rate-of-change for RCMA4. | [optional] [default to 15]
**price_key** | String| The Crypto Currency Price field to use when calculating Know Sure Thing. | [optional] [default to close]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_macd)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoMovingAverageConvergenceDivergence)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoMovingAverageConvergenceDivergence.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_macd_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/macd)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_macd)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_macd**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_macd_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoMovingAverageConvergenceDivergence get_crypto_price_technicals_macd(opts)
#### Moving Average Convergence Divergence
Returns the Moving Average Convergence Divergence values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
fast_period: 12, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate the fast moving Exponential Moving Average for Moving Average Convergence Divergence.
slow_period: 26, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate the slow moving Exponential Moving Average for Moving Average Convergence Divergence.
signal_period: 9, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate the signal line for Moving Average Convergence Divergence.
price_key: "close", # String | The Crypto Currency Price field to use when calculating Moving Average Convergence Divergence.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_macd(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_macd: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**fast_period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate the fast moving Exponential Moving Average for Moving Average Convergence Divergence. | [optional] [default to 12]
**slow_period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate the slow moving Exponential Moving Average for Moving Average Convergence Divergence. | [optional] [default to 26]
**signal_period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate the signal line for Moving Average Convergence Divergence. | [optional] [default to 9]
**price_key** | String| The Crypto Currency Price field to use when calculating Moving Average Convergence Divergence. | [optional] [default to close]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_mfi)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoMoneyFlowIndex)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoMoneyFlowIndex.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_mfi_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/mfi)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_mfi)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_mfi**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_mfi_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoMoneyFlowIndex get_crypto_price_technicals_mfi(opts)
#### Money Flow Index
Returns the Money Flow Index values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
period: 14, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate Money Flow Index.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_mfi(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_mfi: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate Money Flow Index. | [optional] [default to 14]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_mi)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoMassIndex)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoMassIndex.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_mi_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/mi)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_mi)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_mi**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_mi_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoMassIndex get_crypto_price_technicals_mi(opts)
#### Mass Index
Returns the Mass Index values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
ema_period: 9, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate the single Exponential Moving Average and the Double Exponential Moving Average for Mass Index.
sum_period: 25, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate the sum of the Exponetinal Moving Average Ratios for Mass Index.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_mi(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_mi: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**ema_period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate the single Exponential Moving Average and the Double Exponential Moving Average for Mass Index. | [optional] [default to 9]
**sum_period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate the sum of the Exponetinal Moving Average Ratios for Mass Index. | [optional] [default to 25]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_nvi)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoNegativeVolumeIndex)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoNegativeVolumeIndex.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_nvi_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/nvi)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_nvi)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_nvi**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_nvi_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoNegativeVolumeIndex get_crypto_price_technicals_nvi(opts)
#### Negative Volume Index
Returns the Negative Volume Index values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_nvi(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_nvi: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_obv)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoOnBalanceVolume)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoOnBalanceVolume.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_obv_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/obv)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_obv)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_obv**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_obv_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoOnBalanceVolume get_crypto_price_technicals_obv(opts)
#### On-balance Volume
Returns the On-balance Volume values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_obv(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_obv: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_obv_mean)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoOnBalanceVolumeMean)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoOnBalanceVolumeMean.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_obv_mean_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/obv_mean)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_obv_mean)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_obv_mean**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_obv_mean_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoOnBalanceVolumeMean get_crypto_price_technicals_obv_mean(opts)
#### On-balance Volume Mean
Returns the On-balance Volume Mean values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
period: 10, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate On-balance Volume Mean.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_obv_mean(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_obv_mean: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate On-balance Volume Mean. | [optional] [default to 10]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_rsi)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoRelativeStrengthIndex)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoRelativeStrengthIndex.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_rsi_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/rsi)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_rsi)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_rsi**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_rsi_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoRelativeStrengthIndex get_crypto_price_technicals_rsi(opts)
#### Relative Strength Index
Returns the Relative Strength Index values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
period: 14, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate Relative Strength Index.
price_key: "close", # String | The Crypto Currency Price field to use when calculating Relative Strength Index.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_rsi(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_rsi: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate Relative Strength Index. | [optional] [default to 14]
**price_key** | String| The Crypto Currency Price field to use when calculating Relative Strength Index. | [optional] [default to close]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_sma)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoSimpleMovingAverage)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoSimpleMovingAverage.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_sma_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/sma)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_sma)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_sma**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_sma_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoSimpleMovingAverage get_crypto_price_technicals_sma(opts)
#### Simple Moving Average
Returns the Simple Moving Average values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
period: 20, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate Simple Moving Average.
price_key: "close", # String | The Crypto Currency Price field to use when calculating Simple Moving Average.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_sma(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_sma: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate Simple Moving Average. | [optional] [default to 20]
**price_key** | String| The Crypto Currency Price field to use when calculating Simple Moving Average. | [optional] [default to close]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_sr)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoStochasticOscillator)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoStochasticOscillator.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_sr_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/sr)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_sr)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_sr**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_sr_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoStochasticOscillator get_crypto_price_technicals_sr(opts)
#### Stochastic Oscillator
Returns the Stochastic Oscillator values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
period: 14, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate %K of Stochastic Oscillator.
signal_period: 3, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate the %D (the Simple Moving Average of %K) as a signal line for Stochastic Oscillator.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_sr(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_sr: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate %K of Stochastic Oscillator. | [optional] [default to 14]
**signal_period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate the %D (the Simple Moving Average of %K) as a signal line for Stochastic Oscillator. | [optional] [default to 3]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_trix)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoTripleExponentialAverage)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoTripleExponentialAverage.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_trix_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/trix)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_trix)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_trix**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_trix_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoTripleExponentialAverage get_crypto_price_technicals_trix(opts)
#### Triple Exponential Average
Returns the Simple Moving Average values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
period: 15, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate Exponential Moving Average for Triple Exponential Average.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_trix(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_trix: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate Exponential Moving Average for Triple Exponential Average. | [optional] [default to 15]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_tsi)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoTrueStrengthIndex)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoTrueStrengthIndex.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_tsi_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/tsi)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_tsi)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_tsi**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_tsi_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoTrueStrengthIndex get_crypto_price_technicals_tsi(opts)
#### True Strength Index
Returns the True Strength Index values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
low_period: 13, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate low period Exponential Moving Average for smoothing in True Strength Index.
high_period: 25, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate high period Exponential Moving Average for smoothing in True Strength Index.
price_key: "close", # String | The Crypto Currency Price field to use when calculating True Strength Index.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_tsi(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_tsi: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**low_period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate low period Exponential Moving Average for smoothing in True Strength Index. | [optional] [default to 13]
**high_period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate high period Exponential Moving Average for smoothing in True Strength Index. | [optional] [default to 25]
**price_key** | String| The Crypto Currency Price field to use when calculating True Strength Index. | [optional] [default to close]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_uo)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoUltimateOscillator)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoUltimateOscillator.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_uo_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/uo)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_uo)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_uo**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_uo_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoUltimateOscillator get_crypto_price_technicals_uo(opts)
#### Ultimate Oscillator
Returns the Ultimate Oscillator values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
short_period: 7, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate the short period for Ultimate Oscillator.
medium_period: 14, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate the medium period for Ultimate Oscillator.
long_period: 28, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate the long period for Ultimate Oscillator.
short_weight: 4.0, # Float | The weight of short Buying Pressure average for Ultimate Oscillator.
medium_weight: 2.0, # Float | The weight of medium Buying Pressure average for Ultimate Oscillator.
long_weight: 1.0, # Float | The weight of long Buying Pressure average for Ultimate Oscillator.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_uo(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_uo: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**short_period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate the short period for Ultimate Oscillator. | [optional] [default to 7]
**medium_period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate the medium period for Ultimate Oscillator. | [optional] [default to 14]
**long_period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate the long period for Ultimate Oscillator. | [optional] [default to 28]
**short_weight** | Float| The weight of short Buying Pressure average for Ultimate Oscillator. | [optional] [default to 4.0]
**medium_weight** | Float| The weight of medium Buying Pressure average for Ultimate Oscillator. | [optional] [default to 2.0]
**long_weight** | Float| The weight of long Buying Pressure average for Ultimate Oscillator. | [optional] [default to 1.0]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_vi)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoVortexIndicator)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoVortexIndicator.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_vi_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/vi)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_vi)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_vi**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_vi_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoVortexIndicator get_crypto_price_technicals_vi(opts)
#### Vortex Indicator
Returns the Vortex Indicator values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
period: 14, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to calculate Vortex Indicator.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_vi(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_vi: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to calculate Vortex Indicator. | [optional] [default to 14]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_vpt)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoVolumePriceTrend)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoVolumePriceTrend.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_vpt_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/vpt)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_vpt)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_vpt**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_vpt_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoVolumePriceTrend get_crypto_price_technicals_vpt(opts)
#### Volume-price Trend
Returns the Volume-price Trend values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_vpt(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_vpt: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_vwap)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoVolumeWeightedAveragePrice)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoVolumeWeightedAveragePrice.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_vwap_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/vwap)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_vwap)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_vwap**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_vwap_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoVolumeWeightedAveragePrice get_crypto_price_technicals_vwap(opts)
#### Volume Weighted Average Price
Returns the Volume Weighted Average Price values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_vwap(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_vwap: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_price_technicals_wr)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoWilliamsR)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoWilliamsR.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_price_technicals_wr_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices/technicals/wr)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_price_technicals_wr)
## **get_crypto_price_technicals_wr**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_price_technicals_wr_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoWilliamsR get_crypto_price_technicals_wr(opts)
#### Williams %R
Returns the Williams %R values of Crypto Currency Prices for a Crypto Currency Pair
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency.
period: 14, # Integer | The number of observations, per period, to look-back when calculating Williams %R.
timeframe: "d1", # String | The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return technicals on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_price_technicals_wr(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_price_technicals_wr: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return technicals for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return technicals for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**period** | Integer| The number of observations, per period, to look-back when calculating Williams %R. | [optional] [default to 14]
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices when calculating technicals. | [optional] [default to d1]
**timezone** | String| Return technical date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return technicals on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return technicals at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return technicals on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return technicals at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_prices)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoPrices)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoPrices.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_prices_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/prices)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_prices)
## **get_crypto_prices**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_prices_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoPrices get_crypto_prices(timeframe, opts)
#### Crypto Prices
Returns a list of available Crypto Currency Prices.
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
timeframe = "d1" # String | The time interval for the prices.
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return prices for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return prices for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC", # String | Return prices for the given Crypto Currency.
timezone: "UTC", # String | Return price date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone.
start_date: nil, # Date | Return Crypto Prices on or after this date.
start_time: nil, # String | Return Crypto Prices at or after this time (24-hour).
end_date: nil, # Date | Return Crypto Prices on or before this date.
end_time: nil, # String | Return Crypto Prices at or before this time (24-hour).
page_size: 100, # Integer | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page.
next_page: nil # String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_prices(timeframe, opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_prices: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**timeframe** | String| The time interval for the prices. | [default to d1]
**pair** | String| Return prices for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return prices for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return prices for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
**timezone** | String| Return price date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. | [optional] [default to UTC]
**start_date** | Date| Return Crypto Prices on or after this date. | [optional]
**start_time** | String| Return Crypto Prices at or after this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**end_date** | Date| Return Crypto Prices on or before this date. | [optional]
**end_time** | String| Return Crypto Prices at or before this time (24-hour). | [optional]
**page_size** | Integer| An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. | [optional] [default to 100]
**next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_snapshot)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoSnapshot)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoSnapshot.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_snapshot_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/snapshot)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_snapshot)
## **get_crypto_snapshot**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_snapshot_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoSnapshot get_crypto_snapshot(opts)
#### Crypto Snapshot
Returns a market snapshot over that last 24 hours for the given currency pair and exchange.
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
pair: "btcusd", # String | Return the snapshot for the given Crypto Currency Pair.
exchange: "binance", # String | Return the snapshot for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC" # String | Return the snapshot for the given Crypto Currency.
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_snapshot(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_snapshot: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**pair** | String| Return the snapshot for the given Crypto Currency Pair. | [optional]
**exchange** | String| Return the snapshot for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Return the snapshot for the given Crypto Currency. | [optional]
### Return type
[//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::CryptoApi)
[//]: # (METHOD:get_crypto_stats)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseCryptoStats)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object)
[//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseCryptoStats.md)
[//]: # (OPERATION:get_crypto_stats_v2)
[//]: # (ENDPOINT:/crypto/stats)
[//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:CryptoApi.md#get_crypto_stats)
## **get_crypto_stats**
[**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_crypto_stats_v2)
> ApiResponseCryptoStats get_crypto_stats(opts)
#### Crypto Stats
Returns available stats on Crypto Currencies.
[//]: # (END_OVERVIEW)
### Example
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
crypto_api = Intrinio::CryptoApi.new
opts = {
exchange: "binance", # String | Returns stats for Crypto Currencies that trade on the specified Crypto Exchange.
currency: "BTC" # String | Returns stats for the specified Crypto Currency.
result = crypto_api.get_crypto_stats(opts)
pp result
rescue Intrinio::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CryptoApi->get_crypto_stats: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**exchange** | String| Returns stats for Crypto Currencies that trade on the specified Crypto Exchange. | [optional]
**currency** | String| Returns stats for the specified Crypto Currency. | [optional]
### Return type