require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet_spec/files' require 'puppet/face' describe Puppet::Face[:epp, :current] do include PuppetSpec::Files let(:eppface) { Puppet::Face[:epp, :current] } context "validate" do context "from an interactive terminal" do before :each do from_an_interactive_terminal end it "validates the template referenced as an absolute file" do template_name = 'template1.epp' dir = dir_containing('templates', { template_name => "<%= |$a $b |%>" }) template = File.join(dir, template_name) expect { eppface.validate(template) }.to raise_exception(Puppet::Error, /Errors while validating epp/) end it "runs error free when there are no validation errors from an absolute file" do template_name = 'template1.epp' dir = dir_containing('templates', { template_name => "just text" }) template = File.join(dir, template_name) expect { eppface.validate(template) }.to_not raise_exception() end it "reports missing files" do expect do eppface.validate("missing.epp") raise_error(Puppet::Error, /One or more file\(s\) specified did not exist.*missing\.epp/m) end context "in an environment with templates" do let(:dir) do dir_containing('environments', { 'production' => { 'modules' => { 'm1' => { 'templates' => { 'greetings.epp' => "<% |$subject = world| %>hello <%= $subject -%>", 'broken.epp' => "<% | $a $b | %> I am broken", 'broken2.epp' => "<% | $a $b | %> I am broken too" }}, 'm2' => { 'templates' => { 'goodbye.epp' => "<% | $subject = world |%>goodbye <%= $subject -%>", 'broken3.epp' => "<% | $a $b | %> I am broken too" }} }}}) end around(:each) do |example| Puppet.settings.initialize_global_settings loader =, []) Puppet.override(:environments => loader) do end end it "parses supplied template files in different modules of a directory environment" do expect(eppface.validate('m1/greetings.epp')).to be_nil expect(eppface.validate('m2/goodbye.epp')).to be_nil end it "finds errors in supplied template file in the context of a directory environment" do expect { eppface.validate('m1/broken.epp') }.to raise_exception(Puppet::Error, /Errors while validating epp/) expect(@logs.join).to match(/Syntax error at 'b'/) end it "stops on first error by default" do expect { eppface.validate('m1/broken.epp', 'm1/broken2.epp') }.to raise_exception(Puppet::Error, /Errors while validating epp/) expect(@logs.join).to match(/Syntax error at 'b'.*broken\.epp/) expect(@logs.join).to_not match(/Syntax error at 'b'.*broken2\.epp/) end it "continues after error when --continue_on_error is given" do expect { eppface.validate('m1/broken.epp', 'm1/broken2.epp', :continue_on_error => true) }.to raise_exception(Puppet::Error, /Errors while validating epp/) expect(@logs.join).to match(/Syntax error at 'b'.*broken\.epp/) expect(@logs.join).to match(/Syntax error at 'b'.*broken2\.epp/) end it "validates all templates in the environment" do pending "NOT IMPLEMENTED YET" expect { eppface.validate(:continue_on_error => true) }.to raise_exception(Puppet::Error, /Errors while validating epp/) expect(@logs.join).to match(/Syntax error at 'b'.*broken\.epp/) expect(@logs.join).to match(/Syntax error at 'b'.*broken2\.epp/) expect(@logs.join).to match(/Syntax error at 'b'.*broken3\.epp/) end end end it "validates the contents of STDIN when no files given and STDIN is not a tty" do from_a_piped_input_of("<% | $a $oh_no | %> I am broken") expect { eppface.validate() }.to raise_exception(Puppet::Error, /Errors while validating epp/) expect(@logs.join).to match(/Syntax error at 'oh_no'/) end it "validates error free contents of STDIN when no files given and STDIN is not a tty" do from_a_piped_input_of("look, just text") expect(eppface.validate()).to be_nil end end context "dump" do it "prints the AST of a template given with the -e option" do expect(eppface.dump({ :e => 'hello world' })).to eq("(lambda (epp (block\n (render-s 'hello world')\n)))\n") end it "prints the AST of a template given as an absolute file" do template_name = 'template1.epp' dir = dir_containing('templates', { template_name => "hello world" }) template = File.join(dir, template_name) expect(eppface.dump(template)).to eq("(lambda (epp (block\n (render-s 'hello world')\n)))\n") end it "adds a header between dumps by default" do template_name1 = 'template1.epp' template_name2 = 'template2.epp' dir = dir_containing('templates', { template_name1 => "hello world", template_name2 => "hello again"} ) template1 = File.join(dir, template_name1) template2 = File.join(dir, template_name2) # Do not move the text block, the left margin and indentation matters expect(eppface.dump(template1, template2)).to eq( <<-"EOT" ) --- #{template1} (lambda (epp (block (render-s 'hello world') ))) --- #{template2} (lambda (epp (block (render-s 'hello again') ))) EOT end it "dumps non validated content when given --no-validate" do template_name = 'template1.epp' dir = dir_containing('templates', { template_name => "<% 1 2 3 %>" }) template = File.join(dir, template_name) expect(eppface.dump(template, :validate => false)).to eq("(lambda (epp (block\n 1\n 2\n 3\n)))\n") end it "validated content when given --validate" do template_name = 'template1.epp' dir = dir_containing('templates', { template_name => "<% 1 2 3 %>" }) template = File.join(dir, template_name) expect(eppface.dump(template, :validate => true)).to eq("") expect(@logs.join).to match(/This Literal Integer has no effect.*\/template1.epp:1:4/) end it "validated content by default" do template_name = 'template1.epp' dir = dir_containing('templates', { template_name => "<% 1 2 3 %>" }) template = File.join(dir, template_name) expect(eppface.dump(template)).to eq("") expect(@logs.join).to match(/This Literal Integer has no effect.*\/template1.epp:1:4/) end it "informs the user of files that don't exist" do expected_message = /One or more file\(s\) specified did not exist:\n\s*does_not_exist_here\.epp/m expect { eppface.dump('does_not_exist_here.epp') }.to raise_exception(Puppet::Error, expected_message) end it "dumps the AST of STDIN when no files given and STDIN is not a tty" do from_a_piped_input_of("hello world") expect(eppface.dump()).to eq("(lambda (epp (block\n (render-s 'hello world')\n)))\n") end it "logs an error if the input cannot be parsed even if validation is off" do from_a_piped_input_of("<% |$a $b| %> oh no") expect(eppface.dump(:validate => false)).to eq("") expect(@logs[0].message).to match(/Syntax error at 'b'/) expect(@logs[0].level).to eq(:err) end end context "render" do it "renders input from stdin" do from_a_piped_input_of("hello world") expect(eppface.render()).to eq("hello world") end it "renders input from command line" do expect(eppface.render(:e => 'hello world')).to eq("hello world") end it "renders input from an absolute file" do template_name = 'template1.epp' dir = dir_containing('templates', { template_name => "absolute world" }) template = File.join(dir, template_name) expect(eppface.render(template)).to eq("absolute world") end it "renders expressions" do expect(eppface.render(:e => '<% $x = "mr X"%>hello <%= $x %>')).to eq("hello mr X") end it "adds values given in a puppet hash given on command line with --values" do expect(eppface.render(:e => 'hello <%= $x %>', :values => '{x => "mr X"}')).to eq("hello mr X") end it "adds values given in a puppet hash given on command line with --values" do expect(eppface.render(:e => 'hello <%= $x %>', :values => '{x => "mr X"}')).to eq("hello mr X") end it "adds values given in a puppet hash produced by a .pp file given with --values_file" do file_name = 'values.pp' dir = dir_containing('values', { file_name => '{x => "mr X"}' }) values_file = File.join(dir, file_name) expect(eppface.render(:e => 'hello <%= $x %>', :values_file => values_file)).to eq("hello mr X") end it "adds values given in a yaml hash given with --values_file" do file_name = 'values.yaml' dir = dir_containing('values', { file_name => "---\n x: 'mr X'" }) values_file = File.join(dir, file_name) expect(eppface.render(:e => 'hello <%= $x %>', :values_file => values_file)).to eq("hello mr X") end it "merges values from values file and command line with command line having higher precedence" do file_name = 'values.yaml' dir = dir_containing('values', { file_name => "---\n x: 'mr X'\n word: 'goodbye'" }) values_file = File.join(dir, file_name) expect(eppface.render(:e => '<%= $word %> <%= $x %>', :values_file => values_file, :values => '{x => "mr Y"}') ).to eq("goodbye mr Y") end it "sets $facts" do expect(eppface.render({ :e => 'facts is hash: <%= $facts =~ Hash %>' })).to eql("facts is hash: true") end it "sets $trusted" do expect(eppface.render({ :e => 'trusted is hash: <%= $trusted =~ Hash %>' })).to eql("trusted is hash: true") end it 'initializes the 4x loader' do expect(eppface.render({ :e => <<-EPP.unindent })).to eql("\nString\n\nInteger\n\nBoolean\n") <% $data = [type('a',generalized), type(2,generalized), type(true)] -%> <% $data.each |$value| { %> <%= $value %> <% } -%> EPP end it "facts can be added to" do expect(eppface.render({ :facts => {'the_crux' => 'biscuit'}, :e => '<%= $facts[the_crux] %>', })).to eql("biscuit") end it "facts can be overridden" do expect(eppface.render({ :facts => {'operatingsystem' => 'Merwin'}, :e => '<%= $facts[operatingsystem] %>', })).to eql("Merwin") end context "in an environment with templates" do let(:dir) do dir_containing('environments', { 'production' => { 'modules' => { 'm1' => { 'templates' => { 'greetings.epp' => "<% |$subject = world| %>hello <%= $subject -%>", 'factshash.epp' => "fact = <%= $facts[the_fact] -%>", 'fact.epp' => "fact = <%= $the_fact -%>", }}, 'm2' => { 'templates' => { 'goodbye.epp' => "<% | $subject = world |%>goodbye <%= $subject -%>", }} }, 'extra' => { 'facts.yaml' => "---\n the_fact: 42" } }}) end around(:each) do |example| Puppet.settings.initialize_global_settings loader =, []) Puppet.override(:environments => loader) do end end it "renders supplied template files in different modules of a directory environment" do expect(eppface.render('m1/greetings.epp')).to eq("hello world") expect(eppface.render('m2/goodbye.epp')).to eq("goodbye world") end it "makes facts available in $facts" do facts_file = File.join(dir, 'production', 'extra', 'facts.yaml') expect(eppface.render('m1/factshash.epp', :facts => facts_file)).to eq("fact = 42") end it "makes facts available individually" do facts_file = File.join(dir, 'production', 'extra', 'facts.yaml') expect(eppface.render('m1/fact.epp', :facts => facts_file)).to eq("fact = 42") end it "renders multiple files separated by headers by default" do modules_dir = File.join(dir, 'environments', 'production', 'modules') # chomp the last newline, it is put there by heredoc expect(eppface.render('m1/greetings.epp', 'm2/goodbye.epp')).to eq(<<-EOT.chomp) --- m1/greetings.epp hello world --- m2/goodbye.epp goodbye world EOT end it "outputs multiple files verbatim when --no-headers is given" do modules_dir = File.join(dir, 'environments', 'production', 'modules') expect(eppface.render('m1/greetings.epp', 'm2/goodbye.epp', :header => false)).to eq("hello worldgoodbye world") end end end def from_an_interactive_terminal STDIN.stubs(:tty?).returns(true) end def from_a_piped_input_of(contents) STDIN.stubs(:tty?).returns(false) STDIN.stubs(:read).returns(contents) end end