Feature: Email-spec errors example In order to help alleviate email testing in apps As a email-spec contributor I a newcomer Should be able to easily determine where I have gone wrong These scenarios should fail with helpful messages Scenario: I fail to receive an email Given I am at "/" And no emails have been sent When I fill in "Email" with "quentin@example.com" And I press "Sign up" And I should receive an email When "quentin@example.com" opens the email with subject "no email" Scenario: I fail to receive an email with the expected link Given I am at "/" And no emails have been sent When I fill in "Email" with "quentin@example.com" And I press "Sign up" And I should receive an email When I open the email When I follow "link that doesn't exist" in the email Scenario: I attempt to operate on an email that is not opened Given I am at "/" And no emails have been sent When I fill in "Email" with "quentin@example.com" And I press "Sign up" And I should receive an email When I follow "confirm" in the email Scenario: I attempt to check out an unopened email Given I am at "/" And no emails have been sent When I fill in "Email" with "quentin@example.com" And I press "Sign up" Then I should see "confirm" in the email And I should see "Account confirmation" in the subject