(function(d){ const l = d['fr'] = d['fr'] || {}; l.dictionary=Object.assign( l.dictionary||{}, {"%0 of %1":"%0 sur %1","Align cell text to the bottom":"Aligner le texte en bas","Align cell text to the center":"Aligner la cellule au centre","Align cell text to the left":"Aligner la cellule à gauche","Align cell text to the middle":"Aligner le texte au milieu","Align cell text to the right":"Aligner la cellule à droite","Align cell text to the top":"Aligner le texte en haut","Align center":"Centrer","Align left":"Aligner à gauche","Align right":"Aligner à droite","Align table to the left":"Aligner le tableau à gauche","Align table to the right":"Aligner le tableau à droite",Alignment:"Alignement","Almost equal to":"Presque égal à",Angle:"Angle","Approximately equal to":"Environ égal à",Aquamarine:"Bleu vert","Asterisk operator":"Astérisque","Austral sign":"Austral","back with leftwards arrow above":"Précédent avec flèche vers la gauche",Background:"Fond",Big:"Grand","Bitcoin sign":"Bitcoin",Black:"Noir","Block quote":"Citation",Blue:"Bleu","Blue marker":"Marqueur bleu",Bold:"Gras",Border:"Bordure",Cancel:"Annuler","Cedi sign":"Cédi","Cell properties":"Propriétés de la cellule","Cent sign":"Centime","Center table":"Centrer le tableau ","Character categories":"Catégories de caractères","Characters: %0":"Caractères : %0","Choose heading":"Choisir l'en-tête",Code:"Code","Colon sign":"Deux points",Color:"Couleur","Color picker":"",Column:"Colonne","Contains as member":"Contient","Copyright sign":"Copyright","Cruzeiro sign":"Cruzeiro","Currency sign":"Symbole monétaire",Dashed:"Tirets","Decrease indent":"Diminuer le retrait",Default:"Par défaut","Degree sign":"Degré","Delete column":"Supprimer la colonne","Delete row":"Supprimer la ligne","Dim grey":"Gris pâle",Dimensions:"Dimensions","Division sign":"Division","Document colors":"Couleurs du document","Dollar sign":"Dollar","Dong sign":"Dong",Dotted:"Pointillés",Double:"Double","Double dagger":"Croix de Lorraine","Double exclamation mark":"Double point d'exclamation","Double low-9 quotation mark":"Guillemet-virgule double inférieur","Double question mark":"Double point d'interrogation",Downloadable:"Fichier téléchargeable","downwards arrow to bar":"Flèche vers le bas avec barre de fin","downwards dashed arrow":"Flèche en pointillés vers le bas","downwards double arrow":"Double flèche vers le bas","Drachma sign":"Drachme","Dropdown toolbar":"Barre d'outils dans un menu déroulant","Edit link":"Modifier le lien","Editor toolbar":"Barre d'outils de l'éditeur","Element of":"Appartient à","Em dash":"Tiret long","Empty set":"Élément vide","En dash":"Tiret","end with leftwards arrow above":"Fin avec flèche vers la gauche","Euro sign":"Euro","Euro-currency sign":"Symbole monétaire de l'euro","Exclamation question mark":"Point exclamation et question","Font Background Color":"Couleur d'arrière-plan","Font Color":"Couleur de police","Font Family":"Police","Font Size":"Taille de police","For all":"Pour tout","Fraction slash":"Fraction","French franc sign":"Franc français","German penny sign":"Pfennig","Greater-than or equal to":"Signe supérieur ou égal","Greater-than sign":"Signe supérieur",Green:"Vert","Green marker":"Marqueur vert","Green pen":"Crayon vert",Grey:"Gris",Groove:"Rainuré","Guarani sign":"Guarani","Header column":"Colonne d'entête","Header row":"Ligne d'entête",Heading:"En-tête","Heading 1":"Titre 1","Heading 2":"Titre 2","Heading 3":"Titre 3","Heading 4":"Titre 4","Heading 5":"Titre 5","Heading 6":"Titre 6",Height:"Hauteur",Highlight:"Surlignage","Horizontal ellipsis":"Trois points","Horizontal line":"Ligne horizontale","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Barre d'outils pour modifier l'alignement horizontal du texte","Hryvnia sign":"Hryvnia",Huge:"Enorme","Identical to":"Identique à","Increase indent":"Augmenter le retrait","Indian rupee sign":"Roupie indienne",Infinity:"Infini","Insert code block":"Insérer un bloque de code","Insert column left":"Insérer une colonne à gauche","Insert column right":"Insérer une colonne à droite","Insert paragraph after block":"","Insert paragraph before block":"","Insert row above":"Insérer une ligne au-dessus","Insert row below":"Insérer une ligne en-dessous","Insert table":"Insérer un tableau",Inset:"Relief intérieur",Integral:"Intégrale",Intersection:"Intersection","Inverted exclamation mark":"Point d'exclamation inversé","Inverted question mark":"Point d'interrogation inversé",Italic:"Italique",Justify:"Justifier","Justify cell text":"Justifier le contenu de la cellule","Kip sign":"Kip","Latin capital letter a with breve":"A bref majuscule","Latin capital letter a with macron":"A barre majuscule","Latin capital letter a with ogonek":"A ogonek majuscule","Latin capital letter c with acute":"C accent aigu majuscule","Latin capital letter c with caron":"C caron majuscule","Latin capital letter c with circumflex":"C circonflexe majuscule","Latin capital letter c with dot above":"C point suscrit majuscule","Latin capital letter d with caron":"D caron majuscule","Latin capital letter d with stroke":"D barré majuscule","Latin capital letter e with breve":"E bref majuscule","Latin capital letter e with caron":"E caron majuscule","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"E point suscrit majuscule","Latin capital letter e with macron":"E macron majuscule","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"E ogonek majuscule","Latin capital letter eng":"Eng majuscule","Latin capital letter g with breve":"G bref majuscule","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"G cédille majuscule","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"G accent circonflexe majuscule","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"G point suscrit majuscule","Latin capital letter h with circumflex":"H accent circonflexe majuscule","Latin capital letter h with stroke":"H barré majuscule","Latin capital letter i with breve":"I bref majuscule","Latin capital letter i with dot above":"I point suscrit majuscule","Latin capital letter i with macron":"I macron majuscule","Latin capital letter i with ogonek":"I ogonek majuscule","Latin capital letter i with tilde":"I tilde majuscule","Latin capital letter j with circumflex":"J accent circonflexe majuscule","Latin capital letter k with cedilla":"K cédille majuscule","Latin capital letter l with acute":"L accent aigu majuscule","Latin capital letter l with caron":"L caron majuscule","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"L cédille majuscule","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"L point médian majuscule","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"L barré majuscule","Latin capital letter n with acute":"N accent aigu majuscule","Latin capital letter n with caron":"N caron majuscule","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"N cédille majuscule","Latin capital letter o with breve":"O bref majuscule","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"O double accent aigu majuscule","Latin capital letter o with macron":"O macron majuscule","Latin capital letter r with acute":"R accent aigu majuscule","Latin capital letter r with caron":"R caron majuscule","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"R cédille majuscule","Latin capital letter s with acute":"S accent aigu majuscule","Latin capital letter s with caron":"S caron majuscule","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"S cédille majuscule","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"S circonflexe majuscule","Latin capital letter t with caron":"T caron majuscule","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"T cédille majuscule","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"T barré majuscule","Latin capital letter u with breve":"U bref majuscule","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"U double accent aigu majuscule","Latin capital letter u with macron":"U macron majuscule","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"U ogonek majuscule","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"U rond en chef majuscule","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"U tilde majuscule","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"W circonflexe majuscule","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Y circonflexe majuscule","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Y tréma majuscule","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Z accent circonflexe majuscule","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Z caron majuscule","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Z point suscrit majuscule","Latin capital ligature ij":"Digramme soudé IJ majuscule","Latin capital ligature oe":"O-E entrelacé majuscule","Latin small letter a with breve":"A bref minuscule","Latin small letter a with macron":"A barre minuscule","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"A ogonek minuscule","Latin small letter c with acute":"C accent aigu minuscule","Latin small letter c with caron":"C caron minuscule","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"C circonflexe minuscule","Latin small letter c with dot above":"C point suscrit minuscule","Latin small letter d with caron":"C caron minuscule","Latin small letter d with stroke":"D barré minuscule","Latin small letter dotless i":"I sans point minuscule","Latin small letter e with breve":"E bref minuscule","Latin small letter e with caron":"E caron minuscule","Latin small letter e with dot above":"E point suscrit minuscule","Latin small letter e with macron":"E macron minuscule","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"E ogonek minuscule","Latin small letter eng":"Eng minuscule","Latin small letter f with hook":"Fonction","Latin small letter g with breve":"G bref minuscule","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"G cédille minuscule","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"G accent circonflexe minuscule","Latin small letter g with dot above":"G point suscrit minuscule","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"H accent circonflexe minuscule","Latin small letter h with stroke":"H barré minuscule","Latin small letter i with breve":"I bref minuscule","Latin small letter i with macron":"I macron minuscule","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"I ogonek minuscule","Latin small letter i with tilde":"I tilde minuscule","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"J accent circonflexe minuscule","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"K cédille minuscule","Latin small letter kra":"Kra minuscule","Latin small letter l with acute":"L accent aigu minuscule","Latin small letter l with caron":"L caron minuscule","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"L cédille minuscule","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"L point médian minuscule","Latin small letter l with stroke":"L barré minuscule","Latin small letter long s":"S long minuscule","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Apostrophe N minuscule","Latin small letter n with acute":"N accent aigu minuscule","Latin small letter n with caron":"N caron minuscule","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"N cédille minuscule","Latin small letter o with breve":"O bref minuscule","Latin small letter o with double acute":"O double accent aigu minuscule","Latin small letter o with macron":"O macron minuscule","Latin small letter r with acute":"R accent aigu minuscule","Latin small letter r with caron":"R caron minuscule","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"R cédille minuscule","Latin small letter s with acute":"S accent aigu minuscule","Latin small letter s with caron":"S caron minuscule","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"S cédille minuscule","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"S circonflexe minuscule","Latin small letter t with caron":"T caron minuscule","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"T cédille minuscule","Latin small letter t with stroke":"T barré minuscule","Latin small letter u with breve":"U bref minuscule","Latin small letter u with double acute":"U double accent aigu minuscule","Latin small letter u with macron":"U macron minuscule","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"U ogonek minuscule","Latin small letter u with ring above":"U rond en chef minuscule","Latin small letter u with tilde":"U tilde minuscule","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"W circonflexe minuscule","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Y circonflexe minuscule","Latin small letter z with acute":"Z accent circonflexe minuscule","Latin small letter z with caron":"Z caron minuscule","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Z point suscrit minuscule","Latin small ligature ij":"Digramme soudé IJ minuscule","Latin small ligature oe":"O-E entrelacé minuscule","Left double quotation mark":"Guillemet-apostrophe double culbuté","Left single quotation mark":"Guillemet-apostrophe culbuté","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Guillemet double vers la gauche","leftwards arrow to bar":"Flèche vers la gauche avec barre de fin","leftwards dashed arrow":"Flèche en pointillés vers la gauche","leftwards double arrow":"Double flèche vers la gauche","Less-than or equal to":"Signe inférieur ou égal","Less-than sign":"Signe inférieur","Light blue":"Bleu clair","Light green":"Vert clair","Light grey":"Gris clair",Link:"Lien","Link URL":"URL du lien","Lira sign":"Lire","Livre tournois sign":"Livre tournois","Logical and":"Et logique","Logical or":"Ou logique",Macron:"Macron","Manat sign":"Manat","Merge cell down":"Fusionner la cellule en-dessous","Merge cell left":"Fusionner la cellule à gauche","Merge cell right":"Fusionner la cellule à droite","Merge cell up":"Fusionner la cellule au-dessus","Merge cells":"Fusionner les cellules","Mill sign":"Moulin","Minus sign":"Moins","Multiplication sign":"Multiplication","N-ary product":"Produit","N-ary summation":"Somme",Nabla:"Nabla","Naira sign":"Naira","New sheqel sign":"Shekel",Next:"Suivant",None:"Aucun","Nordic mark sign":"Mark nordique","Not an element of":"N'appartient pas à","Not equal to":"Différent de","Not sign":"Négation logique","on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above":"Allumé avec flèches vers la gauche et la droite","Open in a new tab":"Ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet","Open link in new tab":"Ouvrir le lien dans un nouvel onglet",Orange:"Orange",Outset:"Relief extérieur",Overline:"Macron long",Padding:"Remplissage pour aérer le texte",Paragraph:"Paragraphe","Paragraph sign":"Fin de paragraphe","Partial differential":"Partiellement différent","Per mille sign":"Pour mille","Per ten thousand sign":"Pour dix milles","Peseta sign":"Peseta","Peso sign":"Peso","Pink marker":"Marqueur rose","Plain text":"Texte brute","Plus-minus sign":"Plus ou moins","Pound sign":"Livre sterling",Previous:"Précedent","Proportional to":"Proportionnel à",Purple:"Violet","Question exclamation mark":"Point d'interrogation et exclamation",Red:"Rouge","Red pen":"Crayon rouge",Redo:"Restaurer","Registered sign":"Registered","Remove color":"Enlever la couleur","Remove Format":"Enlever le format","Remove highlight":"Enlever le surlignage","Reversed paragraph sign":"Fin de paragraphe inversé","Rich Text Editor":"Éditeur de texte enrichi","Rich Text Editor, %0":"Éditeur de texte enrichi, %0",Ridge:"Relief","Right double quotation mark":"Guillemet-apostrophe double","Right single quotation mark":"Guillemet-apostrophe","Right-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Guillemet double vers la droite","rightwards arrow to bar":"Flèche vers la droite avec barre de fin","rightwards dashed arrow":"Flèche en pointillés vers la droite","rightwards double arrow":"Double flèche vers la droite",Row:"Ligne","Ruble sign":"Rouble","Rupee sign":"Roupie",Save:"Enregistrer","Section sign":"Paragraphe","Select column":"","Select row":"","Show more items":"Montrer plus d'éléments","Single left-pointing angle quotation mark":"Guillemet simple vers la gauche","Single low-9 quotation mark":"Guillemet-virgule inférieur","Single right-pointing angle quotation mark":"Guillemet simple vers la droite",Small:"Petit",Solid:"Continu","soon with rightwards arrow above":"Bientôt avec flèche vers la droite","Special characters":"Caractères spéciaux","Spesmilo sign":"Spesmilo","Split cell horizontally":"Scinder la cellule horizontalement","Split cell vertically":"Scinder la cellule verticalement","Square root":"Racine carrée",Strikethrough:"Barré",Style:"Style",Subscript:"Indice",Superscript:"Exposant","Table alignment toolbar":"Barre d'outils pour modifier l'alignement du tableau","Table cell text alignment":"Alignement du texte de la cellule","Table properties":"Propriétés du tableau","Table toolbar":"Barre d'outils des tableaux","Tenge sign":"Tenge","Text alignment":"Alignement du texte","Text alignment toolbar":"Barre d'outils d'alignement du texte","Text highlight toolbar":"Barre d'outils du surlignage","The color is invalid. Try \"#FF0000\" or \"rgb(255,0,0)\" or \"red\".":"La couleur est invalide. Essayez \"#FF0000\" ou \"rgb(255,0,0)\" ou \"red\".","The value is invalid. Try \"10px\" or \"2em\" or simply \"2\".":"La valeur est invalide. Essayez \"10px\" ou \"2em\" ou simplement \"2\".","There exists":"Existe","This link has no URL":"Ce lien n'a pas d'URL","Tilde operator":"Tilde",Tiny:"Minuscule","top with upwards arrow above":"Haut avec flèche vers le haut","Trade mark sign":"Marque déposée","Tugrik sign":"Tugrik","Turkish lira sign":"Lire turque",Turquoise:"Turquoise","Two dot leader":"Deux points",Underline:"Souligné",Undo:"Annuler",Union:"Union",Unlink:"Supprimer le lien","up down arrow with base":"Flèche haut et bas avec barre de fin","upwards arrow to bar":"Flèche vers le haut avec barre de fin","upwards dashed arrow":"Flèche en pointillés vers le haut","upwards double arrow":"Double flèche vers le haut","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Barre d'outils pour modifier l'alignement vertical du texte","Vulgar fraction one half":"Un demi","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Un quart","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Trois quarts",White:"Blanc","Widget toolbar":"Barre d'outils du widget",Width:"Largeur","Won sign":"Won","Words: %0":"Mots : %0",Yellow:"Jaune","Yellow marker":"Marqueur jaune","Yen sign":"Yen"} );l.getPluralForm=function(n){return (n > 1);;};})(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));