# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative '../middleware' # A Store middleware wraps the Store interface to perform any desired transformations # on the Contentful entries coming back from the store. A Store middleware must # implement the Store interface as well as a `store=` attribute writer, which is # used to inject the next store or middleware in the chain. # # The Store interface can be seen on the WCC::Contentful::Store::Base class. It # consists of the `#find, #find_by, #find_all, #set, #delete,` and `#index` methods. # # Including this concern will define those methods to pass through to the next store. # Any of those methods can be overridden on the implementing middleware. # It will also expose two overridable methods, `#select?` and `#transform`. These # methods are applied when reading values out of the store, and can be used to # apply a filter or transformation to each entry in the store. module WCC::Contentful::Middleware::Store extend ActiveSupport::Concern include WCC::Contentful::Store::Interface attr_accessor :store delegate :index, :index?, to: :store class_methods do def call(store, *content_delivery_params, **_) instance = new(*content_delivery_params) instance.store = store instance end end def find(id, **options) found = store.find(id, **options) return transform(found) if found && (!has_select? || select?(found)) end def find_by(options: nil, **args) result = store.find_by(**args.merge(options: options)) return unless result && (!has_select? || select?(result)) result = resolve_includes(result, options[:include]) if options && options[:include] transform(result) end def find_all(options: nil, **args) DelegatingQuery.new( store.find_all(**args.merge(options: options)), middleware: self, options: options ) end def resolve_includes(entry, depth) return entry unless entry && depth && depth > 0 WCC::Contentful::LinkVisitor.new(entry, :Link, depth: depth).map! do |val| resolve_link(val) end end def resolve_link(val) return val unless resolved_link?(val) if !has_select? || select?(val) transform(val) else # Pretend it's an unresolved link - # matches the behavior of a store when the link cannot be retrieved WCC::Contentful::Link.new(val.dig('sys', 'id'), val.dig('sys', 'type')).to_h end end def resolved_link?(value) value.is_a?(Hash) && value.dig('sys', 'type') == 'Entry' end def has_select? # rubocop:disable Naming/PredicateName respond_to?(:select?) end # The default version of `#transform` just returns the entry. # Override this with your own implementation. def transform(entry) entry end class DelegatingQuery include WCC::Contentful::Store::Query::Interface include Enumerable # by default all enumerable methods delegated to the to_enum method delegate(*(Enumerable.instance_methods - Module.instance_methods), to: :to_enum) def count if middleware.has_select? raise NameError, "Count cannot be determined because the middleware '#{middleware}'" \ " implements the #select? method. Please use '.to_a.count' to count entries that" \ ' pass the #select? method.' end # The wrapped query may get count from the "Total" field in the response, # or apply a "COUNT(*)" to the query. wrapped_query.count end attr_reader :wrapped_query, :middleware, :options def to_enum result = wrapped_query.to_enum result = result.select { |x| middleware.select?(x) } if middleware.has_select? if options && options[:include] result = result.map { |x| middleware.resolve_includes(x, options[:include]) } end result.map { |x| middleware.transform(x) } end def apply(filter, context = nil) self.class.new( wrapped_query.apply(filter, context), middleware: middleware, options: options, **@extra ) end def apply_operator(operator, field, expected, context = nil) self.class.new( wrapped_query.apply_operator(operator, field, expected, context), middleware: middleware, options: options, **@extra ) end WCC::Contentful::Store::Query::Interface::OPERATORS.each do |op| # @see #apply_operator define_method(op) do |field, expected, context = nil| self.class.new( wrapped_query.public_send(op, field, expected, context), middleware: middleware, options: options, **@extra ) end end def initialize(wrapped_query, middleware:, options: nil, **extra) @wrapped_query = wrapped_query @middleware = middleware @options = options @extra = extra end end end