# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'al-test-utils' class TestDN < Test::Unit::TestCase include AlTestUtils def setup end def teardown end priority :must priority :normal def test_case_insensitive_dn_minus assert_dn_minus("dc=xxx", "dc=xxx,dc=LoCaL,dc=net", "dc=LOCAL,dc=net") end def test_dn_hash dn1 = ActiveLdap::DN.parse("o=xxx,dc=local,dc=net") dn2 = ActiveLdap::DN.parse("O = xxx , DC = local , DC = net") assert_equal(dn1.hash, dn2.hash) hash = {dn1 => :dn} assert_equal(:dn, hash[dn2]) end def test_dn_to_s assert_dn_to_s("dc=xxx,dc=local,dc=net", "dc = xxx, dc = \"local\",dc=net") assert_dn_to_s("dc=l\\,o\\=c\\+a\\,dc=\\#n\\;e\\\\t", "dc = \"l,o=c+a\" , dc=\"#n;e\\\\t\"") assert_dn_to_s("dc=\" l\\\"o c\\\\a l \",dc=\" n e t \"", "dc = \" l\\\"o c\\\\a l \" , dc= \\20n\\20e\\20t\\20") end def test_dn_minus assert_dn_minus("dc=xxx", "dc=xxx,dc=local,dc=net", "dc=local,dc=net") assert_dn_minus_raise("dc=xxx,dc=net", "dc=local,dc=net") end def test_parse_good_manner_dn assert_dn([["dc", "local"], ["dc", "net"]], "dc=local,dc=net") assert_dn([["dc", "net"]], "dc=net") assert_dn([], "") end def test_parse_dn_with_space assert_dn([["dc", "net"]], "dc =net") assert_dn([["dc", "net"]], "dc = net") assert_dn([["dc", "local"], ["dc", "net"]], "dc = local , dc = net") assert_dn([["dc", "local"], ["dc", "net "]], "dc = local , dc = net ") end def test_parse_dn_with_hex_pairs assert_dn([["dc", "local"], ["dc", "net"]], "dc = #6C6f63616C , dc = net") assert_dn([["dc", "lo cal "], ["dc", "net"]], "dc = #6C6f2063616C20 ,dc=net") end def test_parse_dn_with_quoted_attribute_value assert_dn([["dc", " l o c a l "], ["dc", "+n,\"e\";t"]], "dc = \" l o c a l \" , dc = \"+n,\\\"e\\\";t\"") end def test_parse_dn_in_rfc2253 assert_dn([ {"cn" => "Steve Kille"}, {"o" => "Isode Limited"}, {"c" => "GB"} ], "CN=Steve Kille,O=Isode Limited,C=GB") assert_dn([ {"ou" => "Sales", "cn" => "J. Smith"}, {"o" => "Widget Inc."}, {"c" => "US"}, ], "OU=Sales+CN=J. Smith,O=Widget Inc.,C=US") assert_dn([ {"cn" => "L. Eagle"}, {"o" => "Sue, Grabbit and Runn"}, {"c" => "GB"}, ], "CN=L. Eagle,O=Sue\\, Grabbit and Runn,C=GB") assert_dn([ {"cn" => "Before\rAfter"}, {"o" => "Test"}, {"c" => "GB"} ], "CN=Before\\0DAfter,O=Test,C=GB") assert_dn([ {"" => [0x04, 0x02, 0x48, 0x69].pack("C*")}, {"o" => "Test"}, {"c" => "GB"} ], ",O=Test,C=GB") assert_dn([{"sn" => "Lučić"}], "SN=Lu\\C4\\8Di\\C4\\87") end def test_parse_invalid_dn assert_invalid_dn("attribute value is missing", "net") assert_invalid_dn("attribute value is missing", "local,dc=net") assert_invalid_dn("attribute value is missing", "dc=,dc=net") assert_invalid_dn("attribute type is missing", "=local,dc=net") assert_invalid_dn("name component is missing", ",dc=net") assert_invalid_dn("name component is missing", "dc=local,") assert_invalid_dn("found unmatched quotation", "dc=\"local") assert_invalid_dn("found unmatched quotation", "dc=\"loc\\al\"") end def test_parse_quoted_comma_dn assert_dn([["dc", "local,"]], "dc=local\\,") end def test_parser_collect_pairs assert_dn_parser_collect_pairs(",", "\\,") end private def assert_dn(expected, dn) assert_equal(ActiveLdap::DN.new(*expected), ActiveLdap::DN.parse(dn)) end def assert_invalid_dn(reason, dn) exception = nil assert_raise(ActiveLdap::DistinguishedNameInvalid) do begin ActiveLdap::DN.parse(dn) rescue Exception exception = $! raise end end assert_not_nil(exception) assert_equal(dn, exception.dn) assert_equal(_(reason), exception.reason) end def assert_dn_parser_collect_pairs(expected, source) parser = ActiveLdap::DN::Parser.new(source) assert_equal(expected, parser.send(:collect_pairs, StringScanner.new(source))) end def assert_dn_minus(expected, subtrahend, minuend) result = ActiveLdap::DN.parse(subtrahend) - ActiveLdap::DN.parse(minuend) assert_equal(ActiveLdap::DN.parse(expected), result) end def assert_dn_minus_raise(subtrahend, minuend) assert_raise(ArgumentError) do ActiveLdap::DN.parse(subtrahend) - ActiveLdap::DN.parse(minuend) end end def assert_dn_to_s(expected, dn) assert_equal(expected, ActiveLdap::DN.parse(dn).to_s) end end