# frozen_string_literal: true require "forwardable" require "relaton_iso/hit" module RelatonIso # Page of hit collection. class HitCollection extend Forwardable def_delegators :@array, :<<, :[], :first, :empty?, :any?, :size # @return [String, NilClass] attr_reader :text # @param text [String] reference to search def initialize(text) @array = [] @text = text %r{\s(?\d+)(-(?[\d-]+))?} =~ text http = Net::HTTP.new "www.iso.org", 443 http.use_ssl = true search = ["status=ENT_ACTIVE,ENT_PROGRESS,ENT_INACTIVE,ENT_DELETED"] search << "docNumber=#{num}" search << "docPartNo=#{part}" if part # if year # search << "stageDateStart=#{Date.new(year.to_i).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}" # search << "stageDateEnd=#{Date.new(year.to_i, 12, 31).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}" # end q = search.join "&" resp = http.get("/cms/render/live/en/sites/isoorg.advancedSearch.do?#{q}", "Accept" => "application/json, text/plain, */*") return if resp.body.empty? json = JSON.parse resp.body @array = json["standards"].map { |h| Hit.new h, self }.sort! do |a, b| if a.sort_weight == b.sort_weight (parse_date(b.hit) - parse_date(a.hit)).to_i else a.sort_weight - b.sort_weight end end end def select(&block) me = DeepClone.clone self me.instance_variable_get(:@array).select!(&block) me end def reduce!(sum, &block) @array = @array.reduce sum, &block self end # @param lang [String, NilClass] # @return [RelatonIsoBib::IsoBibliographicItem] def to_all_parts(lang = nil) parts = @array.select { |h| !h.hit["docPart"].empty? } hit = parts.min_by { |h| h.hit["docPart"].to_i } return @array.first.fetch lang unless hit bibitem = hit.fetch lang bibitem.to_all_parts parts.reject { |h| h.hit["docRef"] == hit.hit["docRef"] }.each do |hi| isobib = RelatonIsoBib::IsoBibliographicItem.new( formattedref: RelatonBib::FormattedRef.new(content: hi.hit["docRef"]), ) bibitem.relation << RelatonBib::DocumentRelation.new( type: "instance", bibitem: isobib, ) end bibitem end def to_s inspect end def inspect "<#{self.class}:#{format('%#.14x', object_id << 1)} @ref=#{@text}>" end def to_xml(**opts) builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new(encoding: "UTF-8") do |xml| xml.documents do @array.each do |hit| hit.fetch hit.to_xml xml, **opts end end end builder.to_xml end private def parse_date(hit) if hit["publicationDate"] Date.strptime(hit["publicationDate"], "%Y-%m") elsif %r{:(?\d{4})} =~ hit["docRef"] Date.strptime(year, "%Y") elsif hit["newProjectDate"] Date.parse hit["newProjectDate"] else Date.new 0 end end end end