module Xampl class RedisPersister < Persister attr_reader :repo_name, :instance_options, :client, # currently it's an instance of ::Redis from the redis-rb library :suggested_repo_properties, :repo_properties @@default_redis_options = { :repo_properties => { # DB Properties, maybe only set when the DB is created for the first time. :mentions => true, }, # Connect Properties :thread_safe => true, # redis connections will be thread safe :redis_server => "redis://", #This is the format expected by redis-rb, just use it :clobbering_allowed => false, :allow_connections => true, :connect_to_known => true, # will connect to repos already in the redis db :connect_to_unknown => true, # will connect to repose not in the redis db :testing => false } REPOSITORIES_KEY = "XAMPL::REPOSITORIES" def initialize(name=nil, format=nil, options={}) super(name, format) @repo_name = name # puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__} [#{ __method__ }] @@default_redis_options: #{ @@default_redis_options.inspect }" # puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__} [#{ __method__ }] Xampl.raw_persister_options: #{ Xampl.raw_persister_options.inspect }" # puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__} [#{ __method__ }] options: #{ options.inspect }" @instance_options = {} @instance_options = @instance_options.merge(@@default_redis_options) @instance_options = @instance_options.merge(Xampl.raw_persister_options) @instance_options = @instance_options.merge(options) if options @suggested_repo_properties = @instance_options.delete(:repo_properties) clear_cache ensure_connected end def RedisPersister.kind :redis end def kind RedisPersister.kind end def ensure_connected return if @client return unless instance_options[:allow_connections] server = @instance_options[:redis_server] thread_safe = @instance_options[:thread_safe] @client = Redis.connect(:url => server, :thread_safe => thread_safe) # This check is necessary to make sure that the connection is made, otherwise the exception will be sometime in the future # the redis exceptions are good enough, so don't bother trapping right here # check to see if the repository with this name is known (in redis) already load_repo_properties if @repo_properties && !@instance_options[:connect_to_known] then ensure_disconnected raise'redis', "prevent connections to existing repos named: '#{ repo_name }' in #{ server }") end if @repo_properties.nil? && !@instance_options[:connect_to_unknown] then ensure_disconnected raise'redis', "prevent connections to unknown repos named: '#{ repo_name }' in #{ server }") end return if @repo_properties # if it is unknown, then set it up @repo_properties = {} suggested_repo_properties.each do |k, v| @repo_properties[k] = v end @repo_properties['name'] = repo_name @repo_properties['created_at'] = @client.multi do @client.mapped_hmset(repo_properties_key, @repo_properties) @client.sadd(REPOSITORIES_KEY, repo_name) end load_repo_properties end def ensure_disconnected return unless client return unless instance_options[:allow_connections] @client.quit ensure @repo_properties = nil @client = nil end def clobber # TODO -- this is a BAD idea if there are any other connections to this repo (i.e. in different processes) unless @instance_options[:clobbering_allowed] then raise'redis', "clobbering is not enabled for this connection to repo: '#{ repo_name }' in #{ @instance_options[:redis_server] }") end #TODO -- getting the keys outside the multi might allow some new key to sneak in there keys = @client.keys("#{ common_key_prefix }*") @client.multi do @client.del(repo_properties_key) @client.srem(REPOSITORIES_KEY, repo_name) keys.each do |key| @client.del(key) end end ensure_disconnected end def repo_properties_key key = "XAMPL::PROPERTIES::#{ @repo_name }" return key end def load_repo_properties key = repo_properties_key() @repo_properties = @client.hgetall(key) @repo_properties = nil if @repo_properties.empty? end def clear_cache @cache_hits = 0 @cache = {} @new_cache = {} end alias fresh_cache clear_cache def close ensure_disconnected clear_cache end def common_key_prefix "XAMPL::#{ @repo_name }::" end def key_for_class(klass, index) #NOTE -- the XAMPL::#{ @repo_name }:: is a prefix common to all keys specific to this repository "#{ common_key_prefix }#{ }[#{ index }]" end def key_for_xampl(xampl) key_for_class(xampl.class, xampl.get_the_index) end def known_repos return @client.smembers(REPOSITORIES_KEY) end def perm_cache(xampl) raise unless xampl.kind_of?(XamplPersistedObject) key = key_for_xampl(xampl) existing = @cache[key] begin # raise, xampl, self) if existing && (existing.weakref_alive?) && (existing.__getobj__ != xampl) raise, xampl, self) if existing && (existing.__getobj__ != xampl) rescue WeakRef::RefError => e # key is there but the original object isn't... end @cache[key] = end def perm_uncache(xampl) raise unless xampl.kind_of?(XamplPersistedObject) key = key_for_xampl(xampl) @cache.delete(key).__getobj__ end def cache(xampl) # this is called by xampl for the temporary new_cache raise unless xampl.kind_of?(XamplPersistedObject) key = key_for_xampl(xampl) existing = @new_cache[key] raise, xampl, self) if existing && (existing != xampl) existing = @cache[key] begin # raise, xampl, self) if existing && (existing.weakref_alive?) && (existing.__getobj__ != xampl) raise, xampl, self) if existing && (existing.__getobj__ != xampl) rescue WeakRef::RefError => e # key is there but the original object isn't... end @new_cache[key] = xampl end def uncache(xampl) # this is called by xampl for the temporary new_cache raise unless xampl.kind_of?(XamplPersistedObject) key = key_for_xampl(xampl) @new_cache.delete(key) end def in_perm_cache?(klass, index) key = key_for_class(klass, index) xampl = @cache[key] (xampl && xampl.weakref_alive?) ? true : false end alias in_cache? in_perm_cache? def in_new_cache?(klass, index) key = key_for_class(klass, index) @new_cache.include?(key) end def in_any_cache?(klass, index) in_new_cache?(klass, index) || in_cache?(klass, index) end def read_from_cache(klass, index, target=nil) key = key_for_class(klass, index) xampl = @cache[key] begin xampl = xampl.__getobj__ if xampl rescue WeakRef::RefError => e #not there xampl = nil end # xampl = (xampl && xampl.weakref_alive?) ? xampl.__getobj__ : nil unless xampl then xampl = @new_cache[key] end return nil, target unless xampl if target and target != xampl then puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__} [#{ __method__ }] TEST ME" target.invalidate raise end unless xampl.load_needed then @cache_hits = @cache_hits + 1 return xampl, target end return xampl, xampl end def sync_done # simply moves the new_cache to the permanent cache (@new_cache || {}).each do |key, xampl| @cache[key] = end @new_cache = {} end def write(xampl) unless xampl.get_the_index puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__} [#{ __method__ }] TEST ME" raise end #TODO -- honour the mentions config information (FROM THE DB not the configuration!!) mentions = [] xml = represent(xampl, mentions) key = key_for_xampl(xampl) #TODO save the modified-time-like value to support multi processing # puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__} [#{ __method__ }] redis #{ self }" # puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__} [#{ __method__ }] write: #{ xampl } --> #{ xml }" # puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__} [#{ __method__ }] key: #{ key }" client.set(key, xml) @write_count = @write_count + 1 xampl.changes_accepted return true rescue NotXamplPersistedObject => nxpo raise nxpo rescue => e puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__} [#{ __method__ }] #{ e }" puts e.backtrace return false end def read(klass, pid, target=nil) xampl, target = read_from_cache(klass, pid, target) return xampl if xampl and !target key = key_for_class(klass, pid) xml = client.get(key) unless xml puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__} [#{ __method__ }] TEST ME" return nil end xampl = realise(xml, target) Xampl.store_in_cache(@cache, xampl, self) { xampl } xampl.introduce_persister(self) @read_count = @read_count + 1 xampl.changes_accepted @changed.delete(xampl) return xampl end def rollback_cleanup @new_cache.each { |name, xampl| if xampl then @changed.delete(xampl) xampl.invalidate # map.each { |name2, map2| # if map2 then # map2.each { |pid, xampl| # @changed.delete(xampl) # xampl.invalidate # } # end # } end } @changed.each { |xampl, ignore| xampl.force_load } @new_cache = {} super end =begin def backup(base_path) #TODO end def do_sync_write #TODO end def done_sync_write #TODO end def expunge(xampl) #TODO end def find_mentions_of(xampl) #TODO end def find_meta(hint=false) #TODO end def find_pids(hint=false) #TODO end def find_xampl(hint=false) #TODO end def how_indexed(xampl) #TODO end def inspect #TODO end def note_errors(msg="TokyoCabinet Error:: %s\n") #TODO end def open_tc_db #TODO end def optimise(opts={}) #TODO end def query(hint=false) #TODO end def query_implemented #TODO end def read_representation(klass, pid) #TODO end def remove_all_mention(root, xampl) #TODO end def setup_db #TODO end def start_sync_write #TODO end def to_s #TODO end =end end Xampl.register_persister_kind(RedisPersister) end