module Veewee module Command class Fusion < Veewee::Command::GroupBase register :command => "fusion", :description => "Subcommand for Vmware fusion", :provider => "vmfusion" desc "build [BOX_NAME]", "Build box" # TODO move common build options into array method_option :force,:type => :boolean , :default => false, :aliases => "-f", :desc => "force the build" method_option :nogui,:type => :boolean , :default => false, :aliases => "-n", :desc => "no gui" method_option :auto,:type => :boolean , :default => false, :aliases => "-a", :desc => "auto answers" method_option :checksum , :type => :boolean , :default => false, :desc => "verify checksum" method_option :postinstall_include, :type => :array, :default => [], :aliases => "-i", :desc => "ruby regexp of postinstall filenames to additionally include" method_option :postinstall_exclude, :type => :array, :default => [], :aliases => "-e", :desc => "ruby regexp of postinstall filenames to exclude" def build(box_name) env.get_box(box_name).build(options) end desc "validate [BOX_NAME]", "Validates a box against vmfusion compliancy rules" method_option :tags, :type => :array , :default => %w{vmfusion puppet chef}, :aliases => "-t", :desc => "tags to validate" def validate(box_name) env.get_box(box_name).validate_vmfusion(options) end desc "export [BOX_NAME]", "Exports the basebox to the vagrant format" method_option :force,:type => :boolean , :default => false, :aliases => "-f", :desc => "overwrite existing file" method_option :export_type, :type => :string, :default => "vagrant", :desc => "export into vmware ova or vagrant box format" def export(box_name) env.get_box(box_name).export_vmfusion(options) end desc "add_share [BOX_NAME] [SHARE_NAME] [SHARE_PATH]", "Adds a share to the guest" def add_share(box_name, share_name, share_path) # command="#{File.dirname().shellescape}/vmware-vdiskmanager -c -s #{definition.disk_size}M -a lsilogic -t #{disk_type} #{name}.vmdk" # shell_results=shell_exec("#{command}",{:mute => true}) env.get_box(box_name).add_share(share_name, share_path) end end end end