# encoding: utf-8 require 'fileutils' require 'bundler/gem_tasks' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:spec) do |spec| spec.pattern = FileList['spec/**/*_spec.rb'] end def version ENV.fetch('VERSION') end HEADER = "## next" def changelog_tail changelog = File.read("CHANGELOG.md") if changelog.start_with?(HEADER) changelog[HEADER.length + 2..-1] else "\n" + changelog end end def compare_url(from, to) "https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/compare/#{from}...#{to}" end def previous_version match = File.read("CHANGELOG.md").scan(/- update UglifyJS to \[(.*)\]\(/) match ? match[0][0].chomp : nil end def git_commit(files, message) `git add #{files.join(' ')}` `git commit -S -m "#{message.gsub('"', "\\\"")}"` end # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength namespace :uglifyjs do desc "Update UglifyJS source to version specified in VERSION environment variable" task :update do cd 'vendor/uglifyjs' do `git fetch && git checkout v#{version}` end cd 'vendor/uglifyjs-harmony' do `git fetch && git checkout harmony-v#{version}` end end desc "Rebuild lib/uglify*.js" task :build do cd 'vendor/source-map/' do `npm install --no-package-lock --no-save` end cd 'vendor/uglifyjs/' do # required to run ./uglifyjs2 --self; not bundled. `npm install --no-package-lock --no-save` end cd 'vendor/uglifyjs-harmony' do # required to run ./uglifyjs2 --self; not bundled. `npm install --no-package-lock --no-save` end FileUtils.cp("vendor/source-map/dist/source-map.js", "lib/source-map.js") source = `./vendor/uglifyjs/bin/uglifyjs --self --comments /Copyright/` File.write("lib/uglify.js", source) harmony_source = `./vendor/uglifyjs-harmony/bin/uglifyjs --self --comments /Copyright/` File.write("lib/uglify-harmony.js", harmony_source) FileUtils.cp("vendor/split/split.js", "lib/split.js") `patch -p1 -i patches/es5-string-split.patch` end desc "Add UglifyJS version bump to changelog" task :changelog do url = compare_url("v#{previous_version}", "v#{version}") es_url = compare_url("harmony-v#{previous_version}", "harmony-v#{version}") item = "- update UglifyJS to [#{version}](#{url})" \ "\n- update uglify-es to [#{version}](#{es_url})" changelog = "#{HEADER}\n\n#{item}\n#{changelog_tail}" File.write("CHANGELOG.md", changelog) end desc "Commit changes from UglifyJS version bump" task :commit do files = [ 'CHANGELOG.md', 'lib/uglify.js', 'lib/uglify-harmony.js', 'vendor/uglifyjs', 'vendor/uglifyjs-harmony' ] git_commit(files, "Update UglifyJS to #{version}") end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/BlockLength desc "Update UglifyJS to version specified in VERSION environment variable" task :uglifyjs => ['uglifyjs:update', 'uglifyjs:build', 'uglifyjs:changelog', 'uglifyjs:commit'] namespace :version do desc "Write version to CHANGELOG.md" task :changelog do content = File.read("CHANGELOG.md") date = Time.now.strftime("%d %B %Y") File.write("CHANGELOG.md", content.gsub("## next", "## #{version} (#{date})")) end desc "Write version to uglifier.rb" task :ruby do file = "lib/uglifier/version.rb" content = File.read("lib/uglifier/version.rb") File.write(file, content.gsub(/VERSION = "(.*)"/, "VERSION = \"#{version}\"")) end desc "Commit changes from Uglifier version bump" task :commit do files = ["CHANGELOG.md", "lib/uglifier/version.rb"] git_commit(files, "Bump version to #{version}") end desc "Create git tag for version" task :tag do `git tag -s -m "Version #{version}" v#{version}` end end desc "Update Uglifier to version specified in VERSION environment variable" task :version => ['version:changelog', 'version:ruby', 'version:commit', 'version:tag'] begin require 'rubocop/rake_task' RuboCop::RakeTask.new(:rubocop) task :default => [:rubocop, :spec] rescue LoadError task :default => [:spec] end