Feature: Grouping slides
As a presentator
I want to group slides
In order to use vertical slides feature
Given a mocked home directory
And git is configured with username "User" and email-address "email@example.com"
And I successfully run `middleman-presentation create presentation presentation1 --title "My Presentation"`
And I cd to "presentation1"
Scenario: Create slides in subfolder
When I successfully run `middleman slide 01namespace:01`
Then the following files should exist:
| source/slides/01namespace/01.html.md |
Scenario: Read slides from filesystem
Given a slide named "01namespace/01.html.erb" with:
And the Server is running
When I go to "/"
Then I should see:
Scenario: Read multiple slides from filesystem
Given a slide named "01namespace/01.html.erb" with:
And a slide named "01namespace/02.html.erb" with:
And the Server is running
And I go to "/"
Then I should see:
Scenario: Read multiple slides within multiple groups from filesystem
Given a slide named "01.html.md" with:
And a slide named "01namespace/01.html.erb" with:
And a slide named "01namespace/02.html.md" with:
And a slide named "02namespace/01.html.erb" with:
And a slide named "02namespace/02.html.erb" with:
And the Server is running
And I go to "/"
Then I should see: