require 'rexml/document' require 'amrita2' #require 'amrita2/macro' require 'amrita2/testsupport' context "Minimum Template" do setup do @t ='<span am:src="aaa" />') end specify "delete span without attributes" do result = "Amrita2" #@t.render_with(:aaa=>'Amrita2').should_be_samexml_as(result) @t.render_with(:aaa=>'Amrita2').should_be_samexml_as 'Amrita2' end end context "single tag" do setup do @t ='<p>aa<br />cc </p>') end specify "delete span without attributes" do result = "Amrita2" #@t.render_with(:aaa=>'Amrita2').should_be_samexml_as(result) @t.render_with(binding).should_be_samexml_as '<p>aa<br />cc</p>' end end context "Compiletime Binding" do setup do @t ='<<:aaa|MyFilter|Repeat[3]>>') end module CompiletimeBindingTest include Amrita2::CompileTimeContext class MyFilter < Amrita2::Filters::Base def value_filter_code(de, cg, value) cg.code("$_ = $_ + '_myfilter'") super end end Binding = binding end specify "not setting binding " do proc { @t.render_with(:aaa=>'test')}.should raise_error end specify "setting binding " do @t.compiletime_binding = CompiletimeBindingTest::Binding @t.test_with(:aaa=>'test') do |r| r.should_be_samexml_as("test_myfilter" * 3) end end end context "change command attributes" do specify "test:src" do t ='<div><span test:src="aaa" /></div>') t.amrita_prefix = "test:" expected = "<div>Amrita2</div>" t.test_with(:aaa=>'Amrita2') do |result| result.should_be_samexml_as(expected) end end specify "test:src with option for constructor" do t ='<div><span test:src="aaa" /></div>', :amrita_prefix => 'test:') expected = "<div>Amrita2</div>" t.test_with(:aaa=>'Amrita2') do |result| result.should_be_samexml_as(expected) end end specify "use amrita_id and filter" do t =[<div><span amrita_id="aaa" filter="Default['Amrita2']" /></div>]) t.amrita_src = "amrita_id" t.amrita_filter = "filter" t.test_with(:aaa=>nil) do |result| expected = "<div>Amrita2</div>" result.should_be_samexml_as(expected) end end end context "xhtml" do specify "doc type" do t = <<END, :process_xhtml=>true <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <!-- ! comment --> <<html xmlns="" lang="en"< <<head< <<title:title>> <<body:body>> END t.test_with(:title=>'Amrita2', :body=>'Amrita2 can process XHTML') do |result| result.should match(/<\!DOCTYPE/) result.should_be_samexml_as <<-END <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <!-- ! comment --> <html xmlns="" lang="en"> <head> <title>Amrita2</title> </head> <body>Amrita2 can process XHTML</body> </html> END end end specify "all" do t = <<END <%(BeforeCompile) self.opt[:process_xhtml]=true %> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" lang="en"> <head> <title am:src="title" /> </head> <body am:src="body"/> </html> END t.test_with(:title=>'Amrita2', :body=>'Amrita2 can process XHTML') do |result| result.should match(/<\?xml/) result.should match(/<\!DOCTYPE/) result.should_be_samexml_as <<-END <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" lang="en"> <head> <title>Amrita2</title> </head> <body>Amrita2 can process XHTML</body> </html> END end end end context "Comment" do setup do @t ='<!--aaa--><span am:src="aaa" /><!--bbb-->') end specify "delete span without attributes" do result = "Amrita2" #@t.render_with(:aaa=>'Amrita2').should_be_samexml_as(result) @t.render_with(:aaa=>'Amrita2').should_be_samexml_as '<!--aaa-->Amrita2<!--bbb-->' end end context "nbsp;" do include Amrita2::Runtime specify "keep " do t ='<a>A B</a>') t.render_with(binding).should == '<a>A B</a>' end specify "keep multi line" do t = <<-END <<div< A | B END t.render_with(binding).should == <<-END.strip <div> A | B </div> END end specify "keep in data" do t ='<<:xyz>>') t.render_with(:xyz=>'A B').should == 'A B' end end