require "active_support/all" require "static_collection/version" module StaticCollection class Base # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def self.set_source(source, defaults: {}) raise "Source must be an array" unless source.is_a?(Array) defaults = defaults.stringify_keys raise "Source must have at least one value" if source.count <= 0 values = { |s| new(deep_freeze(defaults.merge(s))) } instance_variable_set(:@all, values) all_attribute_names = values.flat_map { |v| v.attributes.keys }.uniq all_attribute_names.each do |attribute_name| # Class methods define_singleton_method(:"find_by_#{attribute_name}") do |value| ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn( "find_by_#{attribute_name} is deprecated for StaticCollection, " \ "use find_by(#{attribute_name}: [value])", ) all.find { |instance| instance.send(attribute_name) == value } end define_singleton_method(:"find_all_by_#{attribute_name}") do |value| ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn( "find_all_by_#{attribute_name} is deprecated for StaticCollection, " \ "use where(#{attribute_name}: [value])", ) { |instance| instance.send(attribute_name) == value } end # Instance methods send(:define_method, attribute_name) { attributes[attribute_name] } send(:define_method, "#{attribute_name}?") { attributes[attribute_name] if attributes.key?(attribute_name) } end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength class << self private def deep_freeze(obj) case obj when Hash obj.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), acc| acc[deep_freeze(key)] = deep_freeze(value) end.freeze when Array do |value| deep_freeze(value) end.freeze when Symbol, Integer, NilClass obj else obj.freeze end end end def self.find_by(opts) all.find { |instance| opts.all? { |k, v| instance.send(k) == v } } end def self.where(opts) { |instance| opts.all? { |k, v| instance.send(k) == v } } end def self.all instance_variable_get(:@all) end def self.count all.size end singleton_class.send(:alias_method, :size, :count) attr_reader :attributes def initialize(attributes = {}) @attributes = attributes end def as_json(options = {}) attributes.as_json(options) end end end