Feature: Managing users As a admin user In order to use the site with others I want to be able to invite users, edit them and their permissions Background: Given an account exists with a name of "Test" And I am signed in as an admin of the "Test" account And I am on the memberships page for the "Test" account Scenario: Invite new users When I follow "Invite user" And I fill in "Email" with "invitee@example.com" And I press "Invite User" Then I should see "invited" When I sign out And I follow the link sent to "invitee@example.com" And I fill in the following new user: | Name | Billy | | Password | secret | | Confirm password | secret | And I press "Accept Invitation" Then I should be signed in And "invitee@example.com" should be a member of the "Test" account When I go to the settings page Then the "Name" field should contain "Billy" Scenario: Invite existing users Given the following email confirmed user exists: | email | password | password confirmation | | invitee@example.com | secret | secret | When I follow "Invite user" And I fill in "Email" with "invitee@example.com" And I press "Invite User" Then I should see "invited" When I sign out And I follow the link sent to "invitee@example.com" And I fill in the following existing user: | Password | secret | And I press "Accept Invitation" Then I should be signed in And "invitee@example.com" should be a member of the "Test" account Scenario: Fail to accept an invitation Given the following invitation exists: | email | | invitee@example.com | When I follow the link sent to "invitee@example.com" And I press "Accept Invitation" Then the form should have inline error messages Scenario: Invite admin users Given the following email confirmed user exists: | email | password | password confirmation | | invitee@example.com | secret | secret | When I follow "Invite user" And I fill in "Email" with "invitee@example.com" And I check "Grant administrator privileges" And I press "Invite User" And I sign out And I follow the link sent to "invitee@example.com" And I fill in the following existing user: | Password | secret | And I press "Accept Invitation" Then I should be signed in And "invitee@example.com" should be an admin member of the "Test" account Scenario: invalid invitation When I follow "Invite user" And I press "Invite User" Then the form should have inline error messages Scenario: view account members Given the following email confirmed users exist: | name | | Bill | | John | | Frank | And the following memberships exist: | account | user | | name: Test | name: Bill | | name: Test | name: Frank | When I go to the memberships page for the "Test" account Then I should see "Bill" And I should see "Frank" And I should not see "John" Scenario: remove a user from an account Given an email confirmed user exists with a name of "Frank" And the following memberships exist: | account | user | | name: Test | name: Frank | When I go to the memberships page for the "Test" account And I follow "Frank" And I follow "Remove from account" Then I should see "User removed" When I go to the memberships page for the "Test" account Then I should not see "Frank"