require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) describe "Bignum#[]" do before(:each) do @bignum = bignum_value(4996) end it "returns the nth bit in the binary representation of self" do @bignum[2].should == 1 @bignum[9.2].should == 1 @bignum[21].should == 0 @bignum[0xffffffff].should == 0 @bignum[-0xffffffff].should == 0 end it "tries to convert the given argument to an Integer using #to_int" do @bignum[1.3].should == @bignum[1] (obj = mock('2')).should_receive(:to_int).at_least(1).and_return(2) @bignum[obj].should == 1 end it "raises a TypeError when the given argument can't be converted to Integer" do obj = mock('asdf') lambda { @bignum[obj] }.should raise_error(TypeError) obj.should_receive(:to_int).and_return("asdf") lambda { @bignum[obj] }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end