This mod lets you run card events after sending an act response by using DelayedJobs. Any card event defined in the `integrate_with_delay` stage will be handled after an act is completed. For example, suppose you define a `notify` event in `integrate_with_delay` that's intended to notify you when someone edits a card. With this mod, the email will be sent _after_ the card is edited and the editor has received his web response. At present you will need to add the following configuration to application.rb or an environments.rb file: config.active_job.queue_adapter = :delayed_job config.delaying = true You will then need to run a separate background process to process these events, eg: script/delayed_job start See for more info. To have access to a web interface to inspect the jobs, add something like this to `config/routes.rb`: require 'decko/engine' require 'delayed_job_web' Rails.application.routes.draw do mount DelayedJobWeb => "/*admin/delayed_job" mount Decko::Engine => '/' end ...and then it will show up at `/*admin/delayed_job`.