# Class methods shared by all models # # Many class methods can be overridden for particular use cases by setting other methods # or instance variables. For example, scaffold_fields is a method that takes an action, # such as :new. scaffold_fields(:new) will first check if scaffold_new_fields is a method, and # will call it if so. If not, it will check if @scaffold_new_fields is defined, and use it if # so. If not, will take the default course of action. # # The first argument to the overridable method is used to search for the override method # or instance variable. If a override method is used, the remaining # arguments to the overridable method will be passed to it. Otherwise, the default method will # be used. # # For example, scaffold_find_object(action, id, options) is an overridable method. # That means if :delete is the action, it will first look for scaffold_delete_find_object, and if it # exists it will call scaffold_delete_find_object(id, options). # # If a method can be overridden by an instance variable, it should have only one argument. # # The methods that are overridable by other methods are (without the "scaffold_" prefix): # add_associated_objects, associated_objects, association_find_object, association_find_objects, # find_object, find_objects, new_associated_object_values, remove_associated_objects, save, # unassociated_objects, and filter_attributes. # # The methods that are overridable by other methods or instance variables are (again, without the # "scaffold_" prefix): associated_human_name, association_use_auto_complete, fields, include, # select_order, attributes, include_association, and select_order_association. # # Most methods that find objects check options[:session][scaffold_session_value] as a # security check if scaffold_session_value is set. # # There are some methods that are so similar that they are dynamically defined using # define_method. They are: # # - scaffold_association_list_class: The html class attribute of the association list # - scaffold_habtm_with_ajax: Whether to use Ajax when scaffolding habtm associations for this model # - scaffold_load_associations_with_ajax: Whether to use Ajax when loading associations on the edit page # - scaffold_browse_records_per_page: The number of records to show on each page when using the browse scaffold # - scaffold_convert_text_to_string: Whether to use input of type text instead of a text area for columns of type :text # - scaffold_search_results_limit: The maximum number of results to show on the scaffolded search results page # # Each of these methods can be set with an instance variable. If the instance variable is # not set, it will use the default value from SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS. module ScaffoldingExtensions::MetaModel # Sets the default options for all models, which can be overriden by class instance # variables (iv): # - :text_to_string: If true, by default, use input type text instead of textarea # for fields of type text (iv: @scaffold_convert_text_to_string) # - :table_classes: Set the default table classes for different scaffolded HTML tables # (iv: @scaffold_table_classes) # - :column_type_options: Override the default options for a given column type # (iv: @scaffold_column_type_options) # - :column_types: Override the default column type for a given attribute # (iv: @scaffold_column_types) # - :column_options: Override the default column options for a given attribute # (iv: @scaffold_column_options_hash) # - :column_names: Override the visible names of columns for each attribute # (iv: @scaffold_column_names) # - :association_list_class: Override the html class for the association list in the edit view # (iv: @scaffold_association_list_class) # - :browse_limit: The default number of records per page to show in the # browse scaffold. If nil, the search results will be displayed on one page instead # of being paginated (iv: @scaffold_browse_records_per_page) # - :search_limit: The default limit on scaffolded search results. If nil, # the search results will be displayed on one page instead of being paginated # (iv: @scaffold_search_results_limit) # - :habtm_ajax: Whether or not to use Ajax (instead of a separate page) for # modifying habtm associations (iv: @scaffold_habtm_with_ajax) # - :load_associations_ajax - Whether or not to use Ajax to load the display of # associations on the edit page, useful if the default display is too slow # (iv: @scaffold_load_associations_with_ajax) # - :auto_complete: Hash containing the default options to use for the scaffold # autocompleter (iv: @scaffold_auto_complete_options) SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS = {:text_to_string=>false, :table_classes=>{:form=>'table formtable', :list=>'table table-condensed table-striped sortable', :show=>'table sortable'}, :column_type_options=>{}, :column_types=>{}, :column_options=>{}, :association_list_class=>''.freeze, :column_names=>{}, :browse_limit=>10, :search_limit=>10, :habtm_ajax=>false, :load_associations_ajax=>false, :auto_complete=>{:enable=>false, :sql_name=>'LOWER(name)', :format_string=>:substring, :search_operator=>'LIKE', :results_limit=>10, :phrase_modifier=>:downcase}, } {:association_list_class=>:scaffold_association_list_class, :habtm_ajax=>:scaffold_habtm_with_ajax, :load_associations_ajax=>:scaffold_load_associations_with_ajax, :browse_limit=>:scaffold_browse_records_per_page, :text_to_string=>:scaffold_convert_text_to_string, :search_limit=>:scaffold_search_results_limit}.each do |default, iv| ivs = "@#{iv}" define_method(iv) do if instance_variable_defined?(ivs) instance_variable_get(ivs) else instance_variable_set(ivs, SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS[default]) end end end # Control access to objects of this model via a session value. For example # if set to :user_id, would only show objects with the same user_id as # session[:user_id], and would not allow access to any objects that didn't # have a matching user_id. attr_reader :scaffold_session_value # Override the typical table-based form display by overriding these wrappers. # Should return a proc that takes an html label and # widget and returns an html fragment. attr_reader :scaffold_field_wrapper # Override the typical table-based form display by overriding these wrappers. # Should return a proc that takes rows returned by # scaffold_field_wrapper and returns an html fragment. attr_reader :scaffold_form_wrapper # Add the objects specified by associated_object_ids to the given object # using the given association. If the object to be associated with the given object is # already associated with it, skip it (don't try to associate it multiple times). # Returns the associated object (if only one id was given), or an array of objects # (if multiple ids were given). def scaffold_add_associated_objects(association, object, options, *associated_object_ids) unless associated_object_ids.empty? scaffold_transaction do associated_objects = associated_object_ids.map{|i| scaffold_association_find_object(association, i.to_i, :session=>options[:session])} associated_objects.each{|o| scaffold_add_associated_object(association, object, o)} associated_object_ids.length == 1 ? associated_objects.first : associated_objects end end end # Return the human name for the given association, defaulting to humanizing the # association name def scaffold_associated_human_name(association) association.to_s.humanize end # The scaffold_name of the associated class. Not overridable, as that allows for the # possibility of broken links. def scaffold_associated_name(association) scaffold_associated_class(association).scaffold_name end # All objects that are currently associated with the given object. This method does not # check that the returned associated objects meet the associated class's scaffold_session_value # constraint, as it is assumed that all objects currently assocated with the given object # have already met the criteria. If that is not the case, you should override this method. def scaffold_associated_objects(association, object, options) object.send(association) end # Finds a given object in the associated class that has the matching id. def scaffold_association_find_object(association, id, options) scaffold_associated_class(association).scaffold_find_object(:associated, id, options) end # Find all objects of the associated class. Does not use any conditions of the association # (they are can't be used reliably, since they require an object to interpolate them), so # if there are special conditions on the association, you'll want to override this method. def scaffold_association_find_objects(association, options) klass = scaffold_associated_class(association) klass.scaffold_get_objects(:order=>scaffold_select_order_association(association), :include=>scaffold_include_association(association), :conditions=>klass.scaffold_session_conditions(options[:session])) end # Whether to use autocompleting for linked associations. Defaults to whether the # associated class uses auto completing. Always false if scaffold_association_find_objects # is overridden for the specific association. def scaffold_association_use_auto_complete(association) scaffold_associated_class(association).scaffold_use_auto_complete && !respond_to?("scaffold_#{association}_association_find_objects") end # Defaults to associations specified by scaffold fields that are autocompleting. Can be set with an instance variable. def scaffold_auto_complete_associations @scaffold_auto_complete_associations ||= scaffold_fields(:edit).reject{|field| !(scaffold_association(field) && scaffold_association_use_auto_complete(field))} end # Return all records that match the given phrase (usually a substring of # the most important column). If options[:association] is present, delegate to the associated # class's scaffold_auto_complete_find. # # Allows method override (options.delete(:association)) def scaffold_auto_complete_find(phrase, options = {}) session = options.delete(:session) if association = options.delete(:association) if meth = scaffold_method_override(:auto_complete_find, association, phrase, options) meth.call else scaffold_associated_class(association).scaffold_auto_complete_find(phrase, :session=>session) end else find_options = { :limit => scaffold_auto_complete_results_limit, :conditions => [scaffold_auto_complete_conditions(phrase), scaffold_session_conditions(session)], :order => scaffold_select_order(:auto_complete), :include => scaffold_include(:auto_complete)}.merge(options) scaffold_get_objects(find_options) end end # Separate method for browsing objects, as it also needs to return whether or not there is another # page of objects. Returns [another_page, objects], where another_page is true or false. def scaffold_browse_find_objects(options) get_options = {:order=>scaffold_select_order(:browse), :include=>scaffold_include(:browse), :conditions=>scaffold_session_conditions(options[:session])} if limit = scaffold_browse_records_per_page get_options[:offset] = (options[:page].to_i-1) * limit get_options[:limit] = limit = limit + 1 end objects = scaffold_get_objects(get_options) if limit && objects.length == limit objects.pop [true, objects] else [false, objects] end end # Returns the human name for a given attribute. Can be set via the instance variable # @scaffold_column_names, a hash with the column name as a symbol key and the human name # string as the value. def scaffold_column_name(column_name) @scaffold_column_names ||= {} @scaffold_column_names[column_name] ||= if n = SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS[:column_names][column_name] n elsif scaffold_association(column_name) scaffold_associated_human_name(column_name) else column_name.to_s.humanize end end # Returns any special options for a given attribute. Can be set via the instance variable # @scaffold_column_options_hash, a hash with the column name as a symbol key and the html # options hash as the value. def scaffold_column_options(column_name) @scaffold_column_options_hash ||= {} @scaffold_column_options ||= {} @scaffold_column_options[column_name] ||= scaffold_merge_hashes(@scaffold_column_options_hash[column_name], SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS[:column_options][column_name], scaffold_column_type_options(scaffold_column_type(column_name))) end # Returns the column type for the given scaffolded column name. Can be set via the instance # variable @scaffold_column_types, a hash with the column name as a symbol key and the html # type symbol as a value. Associations have the :association type, and other types are looked # up via columns_hash[column_name].type. If no type is provided, :string is used by default. def scaffold_column_type(column_name) @scaffold_column_types ||= {} @scaffold_column_types[column_name] ||= if type = SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS[:column_types][column_name] type elsif scaffold_association(column_name) :association elsif type = scaffold_table_column_type(column_name) (scaffold_convert_text_to_string && (type == :text)) ? :string : type else :string end end # The HTML options for a given column type, affecting all columns of that type. # Can be set with the @scaffold_column_type_options instance variable, which should # be a hash with the column type as a symbol key and the html options hash # as the value. def scaffold_column_type_options(type) @scaffold_column_type_options ||= {} @scaffold_column_type_options[type] ||= SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS[:column_type_options][type] || {} end # Returns the foreign key for the field if it is an association, or the field # as a string if it is not. def scaffold_field_id(field) if reflection = scaffold_association(field) scaffold_foreign_key(reflection) else field.to_s end end # Find the object of this model given by the id def scaffold_find_object(action, id, options) object = scaffold_get_object(id) raise scaffold_error_raised unless scaffold_session_value_matches?(object, options[:session]) object end # Find all objects of this model def scaffold_find_objects(action, options) scaffold_get_objects(:order=>scaffold_select_order(action), :include=>scaffold_include(action), :conditions=>scaffold_session_conditions(options[:session])) end # Array of symbols for all habtm associations in this model's scaffold_associations. # Can be set with an instance variable. def scaffold_habtm_associations @scaffold_habtm_associations ||= scaffold_associations.reject{|association| scaffold_association_type(association) != :edit} end # The human name string for this model. Can be set with an instance variable. def scaffold_human_name @scaffold_human_name ||= scaffold_name.humanize end # Which associations to include when querying for multiple objects. # Can be set with an instance variable. def scaffold_include(action = :default) @scaffold_include end # The name string to use in urls, defaults to name.underscore. Can be set with an # instance variable. def scaffold_name @scaffold_name ||= name.underscore.gsub('/', '__') end # Merges the record with id from into the record with id to. Updates all # associated records for the record with id from to be assocatiated with # the record with id to instead, and then deletes the record with id from. # # Returns false if the ids given are the same or the scaffold_session_value # criteria is not met. def scaffold_merge_records(from, to, options) from, to = from.to_i, to.to_i return false if from == to from_object = scaffold_get_object(from) return false unless scaffold_session_value_matches?(from_object, options[:session]) to_object = scaffold_get_object(to) return false unless scaffold_session_value_matches?(to_object, options[:session]) scaffold_transaction do scaffold_all_associations.each{|reflection| scaffold_reflection_merge(reflection, from, to)} scaffold_destroy(from_object) end true end # Creates a new object, setting the attributes if given. def scaffold_new_object(attributes, options) object = new scaffold_set_attributes(object, scaffold_filter_attributes(:new, attributes || {})) object.send("#{scaffold_session_value}=", options[:session][scaffold_session_value]) if scaffold_session_value object end # Removes associated objects with the given ids from the given object's association. # Returns the associated object (if only one id was given), or an array of objects # (if multiple ids were given). def scaffold_remove_associated_objects(association, object, options, *associated_object_ids) unless associated_object_ids.empty? scaffold_transaction do associated_objects = associated_object_ids.collect do |associated_object_id| associated_object = scaffold_association_find_object(association, associated_object_id.to_i, :session=>options[:session]) scaffold_remove_associated_object(association, object, associated_object) associated_object end associated_object_ids.length == 1 ? associated_objects.first : associated_objects end end end # Searches for objects that meet the criteria specified by options: # - :null: fields that must be must be NULL # - :notnull: matching fields must be NOT NULL # - :model: hash with field name strings as keys and strings as values. # uses the value for each field to search. Strings are searched based on # substring, other values have to be an exact match. # - :page: To determine which offset to use # # Returns [form_params, objects], where form_params are a list of parameters # for the results form (for going to the next/previous page), and objects are # all of the objects that matched. def scaffold_search(options) conditions = [] search_model = options[:model] || {} object = scaffold_search_object(search_model) null = options[:null] notnull = options[:notnull] form_params= {:model=>{}, :null=>[], :notnull=>[], :page=>options[:page]} limit, offset = nil, nil if scaffold_search_pagination_enabled? limit = scaffold_search_results_limit + 1 offset = options[:page] > 1 ? (limit-1)*(options[:page] - 1) : nil end if search_model scaffold_attributes(:search).each do |field| fsym = field field = field.to_s next if (null && null.include?(field)) || \ (notnull && notnull.include?(field)) || \ search_model[field].nil? || search_model[field].empty? case scaffold_column_type(fsym) when :string, :text conditions << scaffold_substring_condition(field, object.send(field)) else conditions << scaffold_equal_condition(field, object.send(field)) end form_params[:model][field] = search_model[field] if scaffold_search_pagination_enabled? end end scaffold_attributes(:search).each do |field| field = field.to_s if null && null.include?(field) conditions << scaffold_null_condition(field) form_params[:null] << field if scaffold_search_pagination_enabled? end if notnull && notnull.include?(field) conditions << scaffold_notnull_condition(field) form_params[:notnull] << field if scaffold_search_pagination_enabled? end end conditions << scaffold_session_conditions(options[:session]) objects = scaffold_get_objects(:conditions=>conditions, :include=>scaffold_include(:search), :order=>scaffold_select_order(:search), :limit=>limit, :offset=>offset) if scaffold_search_pagination_enabled? && objects.length == scaffold_search_results_limit+1 form_params[:next_page] = true objects.pop end [form_params, objects] end # List of human visible names and field name symbols to use for NULL/NOT NULL fields on the scaffolded search page. # Can be set with an instance variable. def scaffold_search_null_options @scaffold_search_null_options ||= scaffold_attributes(:search).reject{|f| scaffold_table_column_type(f).nil?}.collect{|f| [scaffold_column_name(f), f]} end # Returns a completely blank object suitable for searching, updated with the given attributes. def scaffold_search_object(attributes = {}) object = new # Blank any fields set by default scaffold_attributes(:search).each{|field| object.send("#{field}=", nil) unless object.send(field) == nil} # Don't set any fields left blank by the user h = {} attributes.each {|k,v| h[k] = v unless v.to_s.strip.empty?} scaffold_set_attributes(object, h) object end # The SQL ORDER BY fragment string. Can be set with an instance variable. def scaffold_select_order(action = :default) @scaffold_select_order end # The conditions array to use if scaffold_session_value is set, nil otherwise def scaffold_session_conditions(session) ["#{scaffold_table_name}.#{scaffold_session_value} = ?", session[scaffold_session_value]] if scaffold_session_value end # True if the given object meets the scaffold_session_value criteria def scaffold_session_value_matches?(object, session) !scaffold_session_value || object.send(scaffold_session_value) == session[scaffold_session_value] end # Whether to show associations links for the given association. Generally true unless # it is an :has_and_belongs_to_many association and scaffold_habtm_with_ajax is true. def scaffold_show_association_links?(association) !(scaffold_habtm_with_ajax && scaffold_association_type(association) == :edit) end # Returns the scaffolded table class for a given scaffold type. Can be set with # the instance variable @scaffold_table_classes, a hash with the type as the symbol key # and the value as the html class string. def scaffold_table_class(type) @scaffold_table_classes ||= {} @scaffold_table_classes[type] ||= SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS[:table_classes][type] end # Run the block inside a database transaction def scaffold_transaction(&block) transaction(&block) end # Returns all objects of the associated class not currently associated with this object. def scaffold_unassociated_objects(association, object, options) scaffold_associated_class(association).scaffold_get_objects(:conditions=>[scaffold_unassociated_condition(association, object), scaffold_associated_class(association).scaffold_session_conditions(options[:session])], :order=>scaffold_select_order_association(association), :include=>scaffold_include_association(association)) end # Updates attributes for the given action, but does not save the record. def scaffold_update_attributes(object, attributes) scaffold_set_attributes(object, scaffold_filter_attributes(:edit, attributes)) end # Whether this class should use an autocompleting text box instead of a select # box for choosing items. Can be set with an instance variable. def scaffold_use_auto_complete @scaffold_use_auto_complete ||= scaffold_auto_complete_options[:enable] end private # scaffold_fields with associations replaced by foreign key fields def scaffold_attributes(action = :default) instance_variable_set("@scaffold_#{action}_attributes", scaffold_fields(action).collect{|field| scaffold_field_id(field).to_sym}) end # The conditions to use for the scaffolded autocomplete find. def scaffold_auto_complete_conditions(phrase) [scaffold_auto_complete_conditions_phrase, (scaffold_auto_complete_search_format_string % phrase.send(scaffold_auto_complete_phrase_modifier))] end # The conditions phrase (the sql code with ? place holders) used in the # scaffolded autocomplete find. def scaffold_auto_complete_conditions_phrase scaffold_auto_complete_options[:conditions_phrase] ||= "#{scaffold_auto_complete_name_sql} #{scaffold_auto_complete_search_operator} ?" end # Search operator for matching scaffold_auto_complete_name_sql to format_string % phrase, # usally 'LIKE', but might be 'ILIKE' on some databases. def scaffold_auto_complete_search_operator scaffold_auto_complete_options[:search_operator] end # SQL fragment (usually column name) that is used when scaffold autocompleting is turned on. def scaffold_auto_complete_name_sql scaffold_auto_complete_options[:sql_name] end # If the auto complete options have been setup, return them. Otherwise, # create the auto complete options using the defaults and the existing # class instance variable. Can be set as an instance variable. def scaffold_auto_complete_options return @scaffold_auto_complete_options if @scaffold_auto_complete_options && @scaffold_auto_complete_options[:setup] @scaffold_auto_complete_options = @scaffold_auto_complete_options.nil? ? {} : {:enable=>true}.merge(@scaffold_auto_complete_options) @scaffold_auto_complete_options = SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS[:auto_complete].merge(@scaffold_auto_complete_options) @scaffold_auto_complete_options[:setup] = true @scaffold_auto_complete_options end # A symbol for a string method to send to the submitted phrase. Usually # :downcase to preform a case insensitive search, but may be :to_s for # a case sensitive search. def scaffold_auto_complete_phrase_modifier scaffold_auto_complete_options[:phrase_modifier] end # The number of results to return for the scaffolded autocomplete text box. def scaffold_auto_complete_results_limit scaffold_auto_complete_options[:results_limit] end # Format string used with the phrase to choose the type of search. Can be # a user defined format string or one of these special symbols: # - :substring - Phase matches any substring of scaffold_auto_complete_name_sql # - :starting - Phrase matches the start of scaffold_auto_complete_name_sql # - :ending - Phrase matches the end of scaffold_auto_complete_name_sql # - :exact - Phrase matches scaffold_auto_complete_name_sql exactly def scaffold_auto_complete_search_format_string {:substring=>'%%%s%%', :starting=>'%s%%', :ending=>'%%%s', :exact=>'%s'}[scaffold_auto_complete_options[:format_string]] || scaffold_auto_complete_options[:format_string] end # Condition to ensure field equals value def scaffold_equal_condition(field, value) ["#{scaffold_table_name}.#{field} = ?", value] end # Filters the provided attributes to just the ones given by scaffold_attributes for # the given action, and converts foreign key fields to integers so that autocompleting # works correctly. def scaffold_filter_attributes(action, attributes) convert_attributes, allowed_attributes = scaffold_fields(action).partition{|x| scaffold_association(x)}.map{|x| x.map{|y| scaffold_field_id(y).to_s}} h = {} attributes.each do |k,v| if allowed_attributes.include?(k) h[k] = v elsif convert_attributes.include?(k) h[k] = v.to_s.strip.empty? ? '' : v.to_i.to_s end end h end # The associations to include when loading the association def scaffold_include_association(association) scaffold_associated_class(association).scaffold_include(:association) end # Merge all given hashes in order of preference, so earlier hashes are considered more important. # A nil value is treated the same as the empty hash. def scaffold_merge_hashes(*hashes) h = {} hashes.reverse.each{|hash| h.merge!(hash) if hash} h end # Condition to ensure field is not NULL def scaffold_notnull_condition(field) ["#{scaffold_table_name}.#{field} IS NOT NULL"] end # Condition to ensure field is NULL def scaffold_null_condition(field) ["#{scaffold_table_name}.#{field} IS NULL"] end # If search pagination is enabled (by default it is if # scaffold_search_results_limit is not nil) def scaffold_search_pagination_enabled? !scaffold_search_results_limit.nil? end # The SQL ORDER BY fragment string when ordering the association. # Defaults to the scaffold_select_order for the associated class. def scaffold_select_order_association(association) scaffold_associated_class(association).scaffold_select_order(:association) end # Set the object's attributes with the given attributes def scaffold_set_attributes(object, attributes) attributes.each do |k,v| v = nil if v.empty? and scaffold_table_column_type(k) == :boolean object.send("#{k}=", v) end end # Condition to ensure value is a substring of field def scaffold_substring_condition(field, value) ["#{scaffold_table_name}.#{field} #{scaffold_auto_complete_search_operator} ?", "%#{value}%"] end # Condition to ensure that objects from the associated class are not currently associated with object def scaffold_unassociated_condition(association, object) klass, left_key, right_key, join_table = scaffold_habtm_reflection_options(association) ["#{klass.scaffold_table_name}.#{klass.scaffold_primary_key} NOT IN (SELECT #{join_table}.#{right_key} FROM #{join_table} WHERE #{join_table}.#{left_key} = ?)", object.scaffold_id] end end