# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'chef/search/query' require 'chef/data_bag' require 'chef/data_bag_item' require 'chef/encrypted_data_bag_item' class Chef module Mixin module Language # Implementation class for determining platform dependent values class PlatformDependentValue # Create a platform dependent value object. # === Arguments # platform_hash (Hash) a hash of the same structure as Chef::Platform, # like this: # { # :debian => {:default => 'the value for all debian'} # [:centos, :redhat, :fedora] => {:default => "value for all EL variants"} # :ubuntu => { :default => "default for ubuntu", '10.04' => "value for 10.04 only"}, # :default => "the default when nothing else matches" # } # * platforms can be specified as Symbols or Strings # * multiple platforms can be grouped by using an Array as the key # * values for platforms need to be Hashes of the form: # {platform_version => value_for_that_version} # * the exception to the above is the default value, which is given as # :default => default_value def initialize(platform_hash) @values = {} platform_hash.each { |platforms, value| set(platforms, value)} end def value_for_node(node) platform, version = node[:platform].to_s, node[:platform_version].to_s if @values.key?(platform) && @values[platform].key?(version) @values[platform][version] elsif @values.key?(platform) && @values[platform].key?("default") @values[platform]["default"] elsif @values.key?("default") @values["default"] else nil end end private def set(platforms, value) if platforms.to_s == 'default' @values["default"] = value else assert_valid_platform_values!(platforms, value) Array(platforms).each { |platform| @values[platform.to_s] = format_values(value)} value end end def format_values(hash) formatted_array = flatten_one_level(hash.map { |key, value| [key.to_s, value]}) Hash[*formatted_array] end def flatten_one_level(array) array.inject([]) do |flatter_array, values| Array(values).each {|value| flatter_array << value } flatter_array end end def assert_valid_platform_values!(platforms, value) unless value.kind_of?(Hash) msg = "platform dependent values must be specified in the format :platform => {:version => value} " msg << "you gave a value #{value.inspect} for platform(s) #{platforms}" raise ArgumentError, msg end end end # Given a hash similar to the one we use for Platforms, select a value from the hash. Supports # per platform defaults, along with a single base default. Arrays may be passed as hash keys and # will be expanded. # # === Parameters # platform_hash:: A platform-style hash. # # === Returns # value:: Whatever the most specific value of the hash is. def value_for_platform(platform_hash) PlatformDependentValue.new(platform_hash).value_for_node(node) end # Given a list of platforms, returns true if the current recipe is being run on a node with # that platform, false otherwise. # # === Parameters # args:: A list of platforms # # === Returns # true:: If the current platform is in the list # false:: If the current platform is not in the list def platform?(*args) has_platform = false args.flatten.each do |platform| has_platform = true if platform == node[:platform] end has_platform end def search(*args, &block) # If you pass a block, or have at least the start argument, do raw result parsing # # Otherwise, do the iteration for the end user if Kernel.block_given? || args.length >= 4 Chef::Search::Query.new.search(*args, &block) else results = Array.new Chef::Search::Query.new.search(*args) do |o| results << o end results end end def data_bag(bag) DataBag.validate_name!(bag.to_s) rbag = DataBag.load(bag) rbag.keys rescue Exception Log.error("Failed to list data bag items in data bag: #{bag.inspect}") raise end def data_bag_item(bag, item) DataBag.validate_name!(bag.to_s) DataBagItem.validate_id!(item) DataBagItem.load(bag, item) rescue Exception Log.error("Failed to load data bag item: #{bag.inspect} #{item.inspect}") raise end end end end