Feature: basic features Background: Given subdirectories "foo", "bar", "baz" And following files: | path | source | | Rakefile | examples/Rakefile.basic | | foo/Rakefile | features/files/Rakefile.one_two_three | | bar/Rakefile | features/files/Rakefile.one_two_three | | baz/Rakefile | features/files/Rakefile.one_two_three | Scenario: a simple run When I run "rake --trace" Then the command succeeds And following files exist: | path | content | | foo/one | ONE | | foo/two | TWO | | foo/three | THREE | | bar/one | ONE | | bar/two | TWO | | bar/three | THREE | | baz/one | ONE | | baz/two | TWO | | baz/three | THREE | | _published/foo/one | ONE | | _published/foo/two | TWO | | _published/foo/three | THREE | | _published/bar/one | ONE | | _published/bar/two | TWO | | _published/bar/three | THREE | | _published/baz/one | ONE | | _published/baz/two | TWO | | _published/baz/three | THREE | Scenario: one of the directories are published Given subdirectory "_published" And following files: | path | content | | _published/baz/one | JEDEN | | _published/baz/two | DWA | | _published/baz/three | TRZY | When I run "rake" Then the command succeeds And following files exist: | path | content | | foo/one | ONE | | foo/two | TWO | | foo/three | THREE | | bar/one | ONE | | bar/two | TWO | | bar/three | THREE | | _published/foo/one | ONE | | _published/foo/two | TWO | | _published/foo/three | THREE | | _published/bar/one | ONE | | _published/bar/two | TWO | | _published/bar/three | THREE | | _published/baz/one | JEDEN | | _published/baz/two | DWA | | _published/baz/three | TRZY | And following files do not exist: | path | | baz/one | | baz/two | | baz/three |