// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licened under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== sc_require('views/split_divider'); SC.RESIZE_BOTH = 'resize-both' ; SC.RESIZE_TOP_LEFT = 'resize-top-left' ; SC.RESIZE_BOTTOM_RIGHT = 'resize-bottom-right' ; /** @class A split view is used to show views that the user can resize or collapse. To use a split view you need to set a topLeftView, a bottomRightView and, optionally, a splitDividerView. You can also set various other properties to control the minimum and maximum thickness allowed for the flexible views. h2. Example {{{ SC.SplitView.design({ // the left view... topLeftView: SC.View.design({ // view contents }), // the right view bottomRightView: SC.View.design({ // view contents }) }) }}} When the user clicks and drags on a split divider view, it will automatically resize the views immediately before and after the split divider view. You can constrain the resizing allowed by the split view either by setting a minThickness and maxThickness property on the views themselves or by implementing the method splitViewConstrainThickness on a delegate object. In addition to resizing views, users can also collapse views by double clicking on a split divider view. When a view is collapsed, it's isVisible property is set to NO and its space it removed from the view. Double clicking on a divider again will restore a collapsed view. A user can also start to drag the divider to show the collapsed view. You can programmatically control collapsing behavior using various properties on either the split view or its child views, and/or by implementing the method splitViewCanCollapse on a delegate object. Finally, SplitViews can layout their child views either horizontally or vertically. To choose the direction of layout set the layoutDirection property on the view (or the :direction option with the view helper). This property should be set when the view is created. Changing it dynamically will have an unknown effect. @property {Boolean} layoutDirection Either SC.HORIZONTAL or SC.VERTICAL. Defaults to SC.HORIZONTAL. Use the :direction option with the split_view viewhelper. @property {Boolean} canCollapseViews Set to NO when you don't want any of the child views to collapse. Defaults to YES. In addition, the top/left and bottom/right child views can have these properties: @extends SC.View @since SproutCore 1.0 @author Charles Jolley @author Lawrence Pit @author Erich Ocean */ SC.SplitView = SC.View.extend( /** @scope SC.SplitView.prototype */ { classNames: ['sc-split-view'], childLayoutProperties: 'layoutDirection dividerThickness autoresizeBehavior'.w(), displayProperties: ['layoutDirection'], /** delegate for controlling split view behavior. */ delegate: null, /** Direction of layout. Must be SC.LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL or SC.LAYOUT_VERTICAL. @property {String} */ layoutDirection: SC.LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL, /** Set to NO to disable collapsing for all views. */ canCollapseViews: YES, /* Configure which view(s) you want to autoresize when this split view's layout changes. Possible options are: | SC.RESIZE_BOTTOM_RIGHT | (default) resizes bottomRightView | | SC.RESIZE_TOP_LEFT | resized topLeftView | */ autoresizeBehavior: SC.RESIZE_BOTTOM_RIGHT, /** Specifies how much space the fixed view should use when the view is setup. A number less than one will be treated as a percentage, while a number greater than one will be treated as a pixel width. The thickness will be applied to the opposite view defined by autoresizeBehavior. @property {Number} */ defaultThickness: 0.5, /** Yes, we're a split view. */ isSplitView: YES, // add default views topLeftView: SC.View, dividerView: SC.SplitDividerView, bottomRightView: SC.View, /** The current thickness for the topLeftView */ topLeftThickness: function() { var view = this.get('topLeftView'); return view ? this.thicknessForView(view) : 0; }.property('topLeftView').cacheable(), /** The current thickness for the bottomRightView */ bottomRightThickness: function() { var view = this.get('bottomRightView'); return view ? this.thicknessForView(view) : 0; }.property('bottomRightView').cacheable(), /** @property {SC.Cursor} the cursor thumb view should use for themselves */ thumbViewCursor: null, /** Used by split divider to decide if the view can be collapsed. */ canCollapseView: function(view) { // console.log('%@.canCollapseView(%@)'.fmt(this, view)); return this.invokeDelegateMethod(this.delegate, 'splitViewCanCollapse', this, view) ; }, /** Returns the thickness for a given view. @param {SC.View} view the view to get. @returns the view with the width. */ thicknessForView: function(view) { // console.log('%@.thicknessForView(%@)'.fmt(this, view)); var direction = this.get('layoutDirection') ; var ret = view.get('frame') ; return (direction === SC.LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL) ? ret.width : ret.height ; }, createChildViews: function() { // console.log('%@.createChildViews()'.fmt(this)); var childViews = [] ; var viewAry = ['topLeftView', 'dividerView', 'bottomRightView'] ; var view, idx, len ; for (idx=0, len=viewAry.length; idx 0 && desiredThickness < 1)) { desiredThickness = Math.floor((splitViewThickness - (dividerThickness))* (desiredThickness || 0.5)) ; } if (autoResizeBehavior === SC.RESIZE_BOTTOM_RIGHT) { this._desiredTopLeftThickness = desiredThickness ; } else { // (autoResizeBehavior === SC.RESIZE_TOP_LEFT) this._desiredTopLeftThickness = splitViewThickness - dividerThickness - desiredThickness ; } // make sure we don't exceed our min and max values, and that collapse // settings are respected // cached values are required by _updateTopLeftThickness() below... this._topLeftView = this.get('topLeftView') ; this._bottomRightView = this.get('bottomRightView') ; this._topLeftViewThickness = this.thicknessForView(this.get('topLeftView')); this._bottomRightThickness = this.thicknessForView(this.get('bottomRightView')); this._dividerThickness = this.get('dividerThickness') ; this._layoutDirection = this.get('layoutDirection') ; // this handles min-max settings and collapse parameters this._updateTopLeftThickness(0) ; // update the cursor used by thumb views this._setCursorStyle() ; // actually set layout for our child views this.updateChildLayout() ; } sc_super() ; }, /** @private */ render: function(context, firstTime) { // console.log('%@.render(%@, %@)'.fmt(this, context, firstTime)); // console.log('%@.frame = %@'.fmt(this, SC.inspect(this.get('frame')))); sc_super() ; if (this._inLiveResize) this._setCursorStyle() ; if (firstTime) { var dir = this.get('layoutDirection') ; if (dir===SC.LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL) context.addClass('sc-horizontal') ; else context.addClass('sc-vertical') ; } }, // layoutDidChangeFor: function(childView) { // // console.log('%@.layoutChildViews(%@)'.fmt(this, childView)); // sc_super() ; // }, // // layoutChildViews: function() { // // console.log('%@.layoutChildViews()'.fmt(this)); // sc_super() ; // }, /** Update the split view's layout based on mouse movement. Call this method in the mouseDown: method of your thumb view. The split view will begin tracking the mouse and will update its own layout to reflect the movement of the mouse. As a result, the position of your thumb view will also be updated. @returns {Boolean} */ mouseDownInThumbView: function(evt, thumbView) { // console.log('%@.mouseDownInThumbView(%@, %@)'.fmt(this, evt, thumbView)); // console.log(evt.originalEvent); var responder = this.getPath('pane.rootResponder') ; if (!responder) return NO ; // nothing to do // we're not the source view of the mouseDown:, so we need to capture events manually to receive them responder.dragDidStart(this) ; // cache for later this._mouseDownX = evt.pageX ; this._mouseDownY = evt.pageY ; this._thumbView = thumbView ; this._topLeftView = this.get('topLeftView') ; this._bottomRightView = this.get('bottomRightView') ; this._topLeftViewThickness = this.thicknessForView(this.get('topLeftView')); this._bottomRightThickness = this.thicknessForView(this.get('bottomRightView')); this._dividerThickness = this.get('dividerThickness') ; this._layoutDirection = this.get('layoutDirection') ; this.beginLiveResize() ; this._inLiveResize = YES ; return YES ; }, mouseDragged: function(evt) { // console.log('%@.mouseDragged(%@)'.fmt(this, evt)); // console.log(evt.originalEvent); var offset = (this._layoutDirection == SC.LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL) ? evt.pageX - this._mouseDownX : evt.pageY - this._mouseDownY ; this._updateTopLeftThickness(offset) ; return YES; }, mouseUp: function(evt) { // console.log('%@.mouseUp(%@, %@)'.fmt(this, evt)); // console.log(evt.originalEvent); if (this._inLiveResize === YES) { this._thumbView = null ; // avoid memory leaks this._inLiveResize = NO ; this.endLiveResize() ; return YES ; } return NO ; }, doubleClickInThumbView: function(evt, thumbView) { // console.log('%@.mouseDragged(%@, %@)'.fmt(this, evt, thumbView)); // console.log(evt.originalEvent); var view = this._topLeftView ; var isCollapsed = view.get('isCollapsed') || NO ; if (!isCollapsed && !this.canCollapseView(view)) { view = this._bottomRightView ; isCollapsed = view.get('isCollapsed') || NO ; if (!isCollapsed && !this.canCollapseView(view)) return NO; } if (!isCollapsed) { // remember thickness in it's uncollapsed state this._uncollapsedThickness = this.getThicknessForView(view) ; // and collapse // this.setThicknessForView(view, 0) ; if (view === this._topLeftView) { this._topLeftViewThickness = 0 ; } else { this._bottomRightViewThickness = 0 ; } // if however the splitview decided not to collapse, clear: if (!view.get("isCollapsed")) { this._uncollapsedThickness = null; } } else { // uncollapse to the last thickness in it's uncollapsed state if (view === this._topLeftView) { this._topLeftViewThickness = this._uncollapsedThickness ; } else { this._bottomRightViewThickness = this._uncollapsedThickness ; } view._uncollapsedThickness = null ; } this._setCursorStyle() ; return true ; }, /** @private */ _updateTopLeftThickness: function(offset) { // console.log('%@._updateTopLeftThickness(%@)'.fmt(this, offset)); // console.log('%@.frame = %@'.fmt(this, SC.inspect(this.get('frame')))); var topLeftView = this._topLeftView ; var bottomRightView = this._bottomRightView ; var topLeftViewThickness = this.thicknessForView(topLeftView); // the current thickness, not the original thickness var bottomRightViewThickness = this.thicknessForView(bottomRightView); var minAvailable = this._dividerThickness ; var maxAvailable = 0; if (!topLeftView.get("isCollapsed")) maxAvailable += topLeftViewThickness ; if (!bottomRightView.get("isCollapsed")) maxAvailable += bottomRightViewThickness ; var proposedThickness = this._topLeftViewThickness + offset; var direction = this._layoutDirection ; var bottomRightCanCollapse = this.canCollapseView(bottomRightView); var thickness = proposedThickness; // constrain to thickness set on top/left var max = this.get('topLeftMaxThickness') ; var min = this.get('topLeftMinThickness') ; if (!SC.none(max)) thickness = Math.min(max, thickness) ; if (!SC.none(min)) thickness = Math.max(min, thickness) ; // constrain to thickness set on bottom/right max = this.get('bottomRightMaxThickness') ; min = this.get('bottomRightMinThickness') ; var bottomRightThickness = maxAvailable - thickness ; if (!SC.none(max)) bottomRightThickness = Math.min(max, bottomRightThickness) ; if (!SC.none(min)) bottomRightThickness = Math.max(min, bottomRightThickness) ; thickness = maxAvailable - bottomRightThickness ; // constrain to thickness determined by delegate. thickness = this.invokeDelegateMethod(this.delegate, 'splitViewConstrainThickness', this, topLeftView, thickness) ; // cannot be more than what's available thickness = Math.min(thickness, maxAvailable) ; // cannot be less than zero thickness = Math.max(0, thickness) ; var tlCollapseAtThickness = topLeftView.get('collapseAtThickness') ; if (!tlCollapseAtThickness) tlCollapseAtThickness = 0 ; var brCollapseAtThickness = bottomRightView.get('collapseAtThickness') ; brCollapseAtThickness = SC.none(brCollapseAtThickness) ? maxAvailable : (maxAvailable - brCollapseAtThickness); if ((proposedThickness <= tlCollapseAtThickness) && this.canCollapseView(topLeftView)) { // want to collapse top/left, check if this doesn't violate the max thickness of bottom/right max = bottomRightView.get('maxThickness'); if (!max || (minAvailable + maxAvailable) <= max) { // collapse top/left view, even if it has a minThickness thickness = 0 ; } } else if (proposedThickness >= brCollapseAtThickness && this.canCollapseView(bottomRightView)) { // want to collapse bottom/right, check if this doesn't violate the max thickness of top/left max = topLeftView.get('maxThickness'); if (!max || (minAvailable + maxAvailable) <= max) { // collapse bottom/right view, even if it has a minThickness thickness = maxAvailable; } } // now apply constrained value if (thickness != this.thicknessForView(topLeftView)) { this._desiredTopLeftThickness = thickness ; // un-collapse if needed. topLeftView.set('isCollapsed', thickness === 0) ; bottomRightView.set('isCollapsed', thickness >= maxAvailable) ; // this.set('displayNeedsUpdate', YES); // this.adjustLayout(); this.updateChildLayout(); // updates child layouts this.displayDidChange(); // updates cursor } }, /** This observes 'layoutDirection' to update the cursor style immediately after the value of the layoutDirection of Split view is changed @private */ _setCursorStyle: function() { // console.log('%@._setCursorStyle()'.fmt(this)); var topLeftView = this._topLeftView ; var bottomRightView = this._bottomRightView ; var thumbViewCursor = this.get('thumbViewCursor') ; this._layoutDirection = this.get('layoutDirection') ; // updates the cursor of the thumb view that called mouseDownInThumbView() to reflect the status of the drag var tlThickness = this.thicknessForView(topLeftView) ; var brThickness = this.thicknessForView(bottomRightView) ; if (topLeftView.get('isCollapsed') || tlThickness == this.get("topLeftMinThickness") || brThickness == this.get("bottomRightMaxThickness")) { thumbViewCursor.set('cursorStyle', this._layoutDirection == SC.LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL ? "e-resize" : "s-resize") ; } else if (bottomRightView.get('isCollapsed') || tlThickness == this.get("topLeftMaxThickness") || brThickness == this.get("bottomRightMinThickness")) { thumbViewCursor.set('cursorStyle', this._layoutDirection == SC.LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL ? "w-resize" : "n-resize") ; } else { thumbViewCursor.set('cursorStyle', this._layoutDirection == SC.LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL ? "ew-resize" : "ns-resize") ; } }.observes('layoutDirection'), /** (DELEGATE) Control whether a view can be collapsed. The default implemention returns NO if the split view property canCollapseViews is set to NO or when the given view has property canCollapse set to NO, otherwise it returns YES. @param {SC.SplitView} splitView the split view @param {SC.View} view the view we want to collapse. @returns {Boolean} YES to allow collapse. */ splitViewCanCollapse: function(splitView, view) { // console.log('%@.splitViewCanCollapse(%@, %@)'.fmt(this, splitView, view)); if (splitView.get('canCollapseViews') === NO) return NO ; if (view.get('canCollapse') === NO) return NO ; return YES ; }, /** (DELEGATE) Constrain a views allowed thickness. The default implementation allows any thickness. The view will automatically constrain the view to not allow views to overflow the visible area. @param {SC.SplitView} splitView the split view @param {SC.View} view the view in question @param {Number} proposedThickness the proposed thickness. @returns the allowed thickness */ splitViewConstrainThickness: function(splitView, view, proposedThickness) { // console.log('%@.splitViewConstrainThickness(%@, %@, %@)'.fmt(this, splitView, view, proposedThickness)); return proposedThickness; }, /* Force to rendering once the pane is attached */ _forceSplitCalculation: function(){ this.updateLayout(); }.observes('*pane.isPaneAttached') });