# Copyright (c) 2020 Contrast Security, Inc. See https://www.contrastsecurity.com/enduser-terms-0317a for more details.
# frozen_string_literal: true

module Contrast
  module Framework
    # The API for all subclasses to implement to correctly support a given framework
    class BaseSupport
      class << self
        # The top level module name used by the framework
        def detection_class
          raise NoMethodError('Subclasses of BaseSupport should implement this method')

        def version
          raise NoMethodError('Subclasses of BaseSupport should implement this method')

        def application_name
          raise NoMethodError, 'Subclasses of BaseSupport should implement this method'

        def server_type
          raise NoMethodError, 'Subclasses of BaseSupport should implement this method'

        # Find all the predefined routes for this application and append them to the
        # provided inventory message
        # msg should be a Contrast::Api::Dtm::ApplicationUpdate or some other msg
        # that has a routes array consisting of Contrast::Api::Dtm::RouteCoverage
        def collect_routes
          raise NoMethodError, 'Subclasses of BaseSupport should implement this method'

        def current_route
          raise NoMethodError, 'Subclasses of BaseSupport should implement this method'

        def retrieve_request _env
          raise NoMethodError, 'Subclasses of BaseSupport should implement this method'

        # Some Frameworks require specific patching for their classes to handle
        # functionality like configuration scanning. To accommodate this, this
        # method provides a place to register those patches for invocation on
        # Agent load.
        # By default, and hopefully in all cases, we won't need these patches,
        # so we're allowing nil here rather than raising an exception.
        def before_load_patches; end

        # Some Frameworks require specific patching for their classes to handle
        # functionality like routing. To accommodate this, this method provides
        # a place to register those patches for invocation in our
        # AfterLoadPatcher flow.
        # By default, and hopefully in all cases, we won't need these patches,
        # so we're allowing nil here rather than raising an exception.
        # @return [Set<Contrast::Agent::Patching::Policy::AfterLoadPatch>,nil]
        #   those patches required for a Framework which can only be installed
        #   once a specific module has been loaded.
        def after_load_patches; end

        # We only support websockets in rails right now, so we won't detect streaming in
        # any other framework
        def streaming? _env