# Wx::SF - Sample4 # Copyright (c) M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands require 'wx/shapes' class TestPanel < Wx::Panel ID_RESIZE = Wx::ID_HIGHEST+1 def initialize(parent) super(parent, size: [150, 100]) @big = false btn_resize = Wx::Button.new(self, ID_RESIZE, 'Resize me!!!', [10, 10]) evt_button ID_RESIZE, :on_btn_resize set_background_colour(Wx::Colour.new(100, 100, 200)) end protected def on_btn_resize(event) if !@big set_client_size(get_client_size + Wx::Size.new(50, 50)) else set_client_size(get_client_size - Wx::Size.new(50, 50)) end @big = !@big end end class SFSample4Frame < Wx::Frame module ID MenuQuit = 1000 MenuAbout = 1001 end def initialize(title) super(nil, Wx::StandardID::ID_ANY, title, size: [800,600]) self.icon = Wx::Icon(:logo) if Wx.has_feature?(:USE_MENUS) # create a menu bar mbar = Wx::MenuBar.new file_menu = Wx::Menu.new file_menu.append(ID::MenuQuit, "&Quit\tAlt-F4", "Quit the application") mbar.append(file_menu, "&File") help_menu = Wx::Menu.new help_menu.append(ID::MenuAbout, "&About\tF1", "Show info about this application") mbar.append(help_menu, "&Help") self.menu_bar = mbar evt_menu(ID::MenuQuit, :on_quit) evt_menu(ID::MenuAbout, :on_about) end # wxUSE_MENUS @control_type = 0 @diagram = Wx::SF::Diagram.new # set some diagram manager properties if necessary... # set accepted shapes (accept only Wx::SF::RectShape) @diagram.clear_accepted_shapes @diagram.accept_shape(Wx::SF::ControlShape) # create shape canvas and associate it with shape manager @canvas = Wx::SF::ShapeCanvas.new(@diagram, self) # set some shape canvas properties if necessary... @canvas.add_style(Wx::SF::ShapeCanvas::STYLE::GRID_USE) evt_close :on_close # connect (some) shape canvas events @canvas.evt_left_down { |evt| self.on_left_click_canvas(evt) } @canvas.evt_right_down { |evt| self.on_right_click_canvas(evt) } if Wx.has_feature?(:USE_STATUSBAR) # create a status bar with some information about the used wxWidgets version create_status_bar(2) set_status_text('Hello wxRuby ShapeFramework user!',0) set_status_text("wxRuby #{Wx::WXRUBY_VERSION} #{Wx::PLATFORM} (wxWidgets #{Wx::WXWIDGETS_VERSION})", 1) end # wxUSE_STATUSBAR center end def create_gui_control @control_type = (@control_type + 1 ) % 5 case @control_type when 0 Wx::Button.new(@canvas, label: 'Hello World!', size: [100, 50]) when 1 Wx::TextCtrl.new(@canvas, value: 'Hello World!', size: [150, 100], style: Wx::TE_MULTILINE) when 2 Wx::Slider.new(@canvas, value: 50, min_value: 0, max_value: 100, size: [150, -1]) when 3 ctrl = Wx::Gauge.new(@canvas, range: 50, size: [100, -1]) ctrl.set_value(25) ctrl when 4 TestPanel.new(@canvas) else nil end end # Window event handlers def on_close(_event) destroy end def on_quit(_event) destroy end def on_about(_event) msg = "wxRuby ShapeFramework #{Wx::SF::VERSION}\n(wxRuby #{Wx::WXRUBY_VERSION} #{Wx::PLATFORM}; #{Wx::WXWIDGETS_VERSION})\n\n" msg += "Welcome to wxRuby ShapeFramework Sample3 (c) Martin Corino, 2023\n" msg += "(ported from wxSFShapeFramework original (c) Michal Bliznak, 2007 - 2013)\n\n" msg += "Sample demonstrates possibility to manage GUI controls (widgets) by the wxSFControlShape.\n" msg += "Usage:\n" msg += " - Left mouse click operates with inserted GUI controls\n" msg += " - Right mouse click inserts a GUI control to the canvas\n" msg += " - DEL key removes selected shape\n" Wx.message_box(msg, "wxRuby ShapeFramework Sample 4") end # event handlers for shape canvas def on_left_click_canvas(event) # HINT: perform your user actions here... # ... and then process standard canvas operations event.skip end def on_right_click_canvas(event) # add new rectangular shape to the diagram ... _, shape = @diagram.create_shape(Wx::SF::ControlShape, event.get_position) # set some shape's properties... if shape # set accepted child shapes for the new shape shape.clear_accepted_childs # Some visual aspects can be set here: shape.set_control_offset(5) #shape.set_mod_border(Wx::TRANSPARENT_PEN) #shape.set_mod_fill(Wx::Brush(Wx::RED, Wx::CROSSDIAG_HATCH)) # Assign managed GUI control to the canvas. Remember the control shape now owns the GUI control and it is # deleted by the shape control in its destructor. If you want to remove the GUI control from the parent shape # just assign a new control or nil value to it. You can also specify whether managed GUI control # is resized in accordance to dimensions of its parent control shape or vice versa. shape.set_control(create_gui_control, Wx::SF::FIT_SHAPE_TO_CONTROL) # You can specify whether events generated by the managed control are processed by the shape canvas # or/and the widget as well. Note that GUI controls differ in a way how they process events # so the behaviour can be different for various widgets. shape.set_event_processing(Wx::SF::ControlShape::EVTPROCESSING::MOUSE2CANVAS | Wx::SF::ControlShape::EVTPROCESSING::KEY2CANVAS) shape.set_event_processing(Wx::SF::ControlShape::EVTPROCESSING::MOUSE2GUI | Wx::SF::ControlShape::EVTPROCESSING::KEY2GUI) end # ... and process standard canvas operations event.skip end end Wx::App.run do SFSample4Frame.new('wxShapeFramework Sample 4').show end