# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'helper' require 'msgpack' class IOTest < MiniTest::Test def setup super @i, @o = IO.pipe end def test_that_io_op_yields_to_other_fibers count = 0 msg = nil [ spin do @o.write('hello') @o.close end, spin do while count < 5 sleep 0.01 count += 1 end end, spin { msg = @i.read } ].each(&:await) assert_equal 5, count assert_equal 'hello', msg end def test_write_multiple_arguments i, o = IO.pipe count = o.write('a', 'b', "\n", 'c') assert_equal 4, count o.close assert_equal "ab\nc", i.read end def test_that_double_chevron_method_returns_io assert_equal @o, @o << 'foo' @o << 'bar' << 'baz' @o.close assert_equal 'foobarbaz', @i.read end def test_wait_io results = [] i, o = IO.pipe f = spin do loop do result = i.orig_read_nonblock(8192, exception: false) results << result case result when :wait_readable Thread.current.backend.wait_io(i, false) else break result end end end snooze o.write('foo') o.close result = f.await assert_equal 'foo', f.await assert_equal [:wait_readable, 'foo'], results end def test_read i, o = IO.pipe o << 'hi' assert_equal 'hi', i.read(2) o << 'foobarbaz' assert_equal 'foo', i.read(3) assert_equal 'bar', i.read(3) buf = +'abc' assert_equal 'baz', i.read(3, buf) assert_equal 'baz', buf buf = +'def' o << 'foobar' assert_equal 'deffoobar', i.read(6, buf, -1) assert_equal 'deffoobar', buf end def test_read_zero i, o = IO.pipe o << 'hi' assert_equal '', i.read(0) end def test_readpartial i, o = IO.pipe o << 'hi' assert_equal 'hi', i.readpartial(3) o << 'hi' assert_equal 'h', i.readpartial(1) assert_equal 'i', i.readpartial(1) spin { sleep 0.01 o << 'hi' } assert_equal 'hi', i.readpartial(2) o.close assert_raises(EOFError) { i.readpartial(1) } end def test_gets i, o = IO.pipe buf = [] f = spin do peer = receive while (l = i.gets) buf << l peer << true end end snooze assert_equal [], buf o << 'fab' f << Fiber.current sleep 0.05 assert_equal [], buf o << "ulous\n" receive assert_equal ["fabulous\n"], buf o.close f.await assert_equal ["fabulous\n"], buf end def test_getc i, o = IO.pipe buf = [] f = spin do while (c = i.getc) buf << c end end snooze assert_equal [], buf o << 'f' snooze o << 'g' o.close f.await assert_equal ['f', 'g'], buf end def test_getbyte i, o = IO.pipe buf = [] f = spin do while (b = i.getbyte) buf << b end end snooze assert_equal [], buf o << 'f' snooze o << 'g' o.close f.await assert_equal [102, 103], buf end # see https://github.com/digital-fabric/polyphony/issues/30 def test_reopened_tempfile file = Tempfile.new file << 'hello: world' file.close buf = nil File.open(file, 'r:bom|utf-8') do |f| buf = f.read(16384) end assert_equal 'hello: world', buf end def test_feed_loop_with_block i, o = IO.pipe unpacker = MessagePack::Unpacker.new buffer = [] reader = spin do i.feed_loop(unpacker, :feed_each) { |msg| buffer << msg } end o << 'foo'.to_msgpack sleep 0.01 assert_equal ['foo'], buffer o << 'bar'.to_msgpack sleep 0.01 assert_equal ['foo', 'bar'], buffer o << 'baz'.to_msgpack sleep 0.01 assert_equal ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], buffer end class Receiver1 attr_reader :buffer def initialize @buffer = [] end def recv(obj) @buffer << obj end end def test_feed_loop_without_block i, o = IO.pipe receiver = Receiver1.new reader = spin do i.feed_loop(receiver, :recv) end o << 'foo' sleep 0.01 assert_equal ['foo'], receiver.buffer o << 'bar' sleep 0.01 assert_equal ['foo', 'bar'], receiver.buffer o << 'baz' sleep 0.01 assert_equal ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], receiver.buffer end class Receiver2 attr_reader :buffer def initialize @buffer = [] end def call(obj) @buffer << obj end end def test_feed_loop_without_method i, o = IO.pipe receiver = Receiver2.new reader = spin do i.feed_loop(receiver) end o << 'foo' sleep 0.01 assert_equal ['foo'], receiver.buffer o << 'bar' sleep 0.01 assert_equal ['foo', 'bar'], receiver.buffer o << 'baz' sleep 0.01 assert_equal ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], receiver.buffer end def test_splice_from i1, o1 = IO.pipe i2, o2 = IO.pipe len = nil spin { len = o2.splice_from(i1, 1000) o2.close } o1.write('foobar') result = i2.read assert_equal 'foobar', result assert_equal 6, len end def test_splice_class_method i1, o1 = IO.pipe i2, o2 = IO.pipe len = nil spin { len = IO.splice(i1, o2, 1000) o2.close } o1.write('foobar') result = i2.read assert_equal 'foobar', result assert_equal 6, len end def test_splice_from_to_eof i1, o1 = IO.pipe i2, o2 = IO.pipe len = nil f = spin { len = o2.splice_from(i1, -1000) o2.close } o1.write('foo') result = i2.readpartial(1000) assert_equal 'foo', result o1.write('bar') result = i2.readpartial(1000) assert_equal 'bar', result o1.close f.await assert_equal 6, len ensure if f.alive? f.interrupt f.await end end def test_splice_class_method_to_eof i1, o1 = IO.pipe i2, o2 = IO.pipe len = nil f = spin { len = IO.splice(i1, o2, -1000) o2.close } o1.write('foo') result = i2.readpartial(1000) assert_equal 'foo', result o1.write('bar') result = i2.readpartial(1000) assert_equal 'bar', result o1.close f.await assert_equal 6, len ensure if f.alive? f.interrupt f.await end end def test_double_splice if Thread.current.backend.kind != :io_uring skip "IO.double_splice available only on io_uring backend" end src = Polyphony.pipe dest = Polyphony.pipe ret = nil data = 'foobar' * 10 f1 = spin { ret = IO.double_splice(src, dest) dest.close } src << data src.close f1.await spliced = dest.read assert_equal data, spliced assert_equal data.bytesize, ret end def test_tee_from skip "tested only on Linux" unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux/ src = Polyphony.pipe dest1 = Polyphony.pipe dest2 = Polyphony.pipe len1 = len2 = nil spin { len1 = dest1.tee_from(src, 1000) dest1.close len2 = IO.splice(src, dest2, 1000) dest2.close } src << 'foobar' src.close result1 = dest1.read result2 = dest2.read assert_equal 'foobar', result1 assert_equal 6, len1 assert_equal 'foobar', result2 assert_equal 6, len2 end def test_tee_class_method skip "tested only on Linux" unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux/ src = Polyphony.pipe dest1 = Polyphony.pipe dest2 = Polyphony.pipe len1 = len2 = nil spin { len1 = IO.tee(src, dest1, 1000) dest1.close len2 = IO.splice(src, dest2, 1000) dest2.close } src << 'foobar' src.close result1 = dest1.read result2 = dest2.read assert_equal 'foobar', result1 assert_equal 6, len1 assert_equal 'foobar', result2 assert_equal 6, len2 end end class IOWithRawBufferTest < MiniTest::Test def setup super @i, @o = IO.pipe end def test_write_with_raw_buffer Polyphony.__with_raw_buffer__(64) do |b| Polyphony.__raw_buffer_set__(b, 'foobar') @o << b @o.close end str = @i.read assert_equal 'foobar', str end def test_read_with_raw_buffer @o << '*' * 65 @o.close chunks = [] Polyphony.__with_raw_buffer__(64) do |b| res = @i.read(64, b) assert_equal 64, res chunks << Polyphony.__raw_buffer_get__(b, res) res = @i.read(64, b) assert_equal 1, res assert_equal 64, Polyphony.__raw_buffer_size__(b) chunks << Polyphony.__raw_buffer_get__(b, res) end assert_equal ['*' * 64, '*'], chunks end end class IOClassMethodsTest < MiniTest::Test def test_binread s = IO.binread(__FILE__) assert_kind_of String, s assert !s.empty? assert_equal IO.orig_binread(__FILE__), s s = IO.binread(__FILE__, 100) assert_equal 100, s.bytesize assert_equal IO.orig_binread(__FILE__, 100), s s = IO.binread(__FILE__, 100, 2) assert_equal 100, s.bytesize assert_equal 'frozen', s[0..5] end BIN_DATA = "\x00\x01\x02\x03" def test_binwrite fn = '/tmp/test_binwrite' FileUtils.rm(fn) rescue nil len = IO.binwrite(fn, BIN_DATA) assert_equal 4, len s = IO.binread(fn) assert_equal BIN_DATA, s end # def test_foreach # skip 'IO.foreach is not yet implemented' # lines = [] # IO.foreach(__FILE__) { |l| lines << l } # assert_equal "# frozen_string_literal: true\n", lines[0] # assert_equal "end\n", lines[-1] # end def test_read_class_method s = IO.read(__FILE__) assert_kind_of String, s assert(!s.empty?) assert_equal IO.orig_read(__FILE__), s s = IO.read(__FILE__, 100) assert_equal 100, s.bytesize assert_equal IO.orig_read(__FILE__, 100), s s = IO.read(__FILE__, 100, 2) assert_equal 100, s.bytesize assert_equal 'frozen', s[0..5] end def test_readlines lines = IO.readlines(__FILE__) assert_equal "# frozen_string_literal: true\n", lines[0] assert_equal "end\n", lines[-1] end WRITE_DATA = "foo\nbar קוקו" def test_write_class_method fn = '/tmp/test_write' FileUtils.rm(fn) rescue nil len = IO.write(fn, WRITE_DATA) assert_equal WRITE_DATA.bytesize, len s = IO.read(fn) assert_equal WRITE_DATA, s end def test_popen skip unless IS_LINUX counter = 0 timer = spin { throttled_loop(20) { counter += 1 } } IO.popen('sleep 0.5') { |io| io.read(8192) } assert(counter >= 5) result = nil IO.popen('echo "foo"') { |io| result = io.read(8192) } assert_equal "foo\n", result ensure timer&.stop end def test_kernel_gets counter = 0 timer = spin { throttled_loop(200) { counter += 1 } } i, o = IO.pipe orig_stdin = $stdin $stdin = i spin do sleep 0.01 o.puts 'foo' o.close end assert(counter >= 0) assert_equal "foo\n", gets ensure $stdin = orig_stdin timer&.stop end def test_kernel_gets_with_argv ARGV << __FILE__ s = StringIO.new(IO.orig_read(__FILE__)) while (l = s.gets) assert_equal l, gets end ensure ARGV.delete __FILE__ end def test_kernel_puts orig_stdout = $stdout o = eg( '@buf': +'', write: ->(*args) { args.each { |a| @buf << a } }, flush: -> {}, buf: -> { @buf } ) $stdout = o puts 'foobar' assert_equal "foobar\n", o.buf ensure $stdout = orig_stdout end def test_read_large_file fn = '/tmp/test.txt' File.open(fn, 'w') { |f| f << ('*' * 1e6) } s = IO.read(fn) assert_equal 1e6, s.bytesize assert s == IO.orig_read(fn) end def pipe_read i, o = IO.pipe yield o o.close i.read ensure i.close end def test_puts assert_equal "foo\n", pipe_read { |f| f.puts 'foo' } assert_equal "foo\n", pipe_read { |f| f.puts "foo\n" } assert_equal "foo\nbar\n", pipe_read { |f| f.puts 'foo', 'bar' } assert_equal "foo\nbar\n", pipe_read { |f| f.puts 'foo', "bar\n" } end def test_read_loop i, o = IO.pipe buf = [] f = spin do buf << :ready i.read_loop { |d| buf << d } buf << :done end # writing always causes snoozing o << 'foo' 3.times { snooze } o << 'bar' o.close f.await assert_equal [:ready, 'foo', 'bar', :done], buf end def test_read_loop_with_max_len r, w = IO.pipe w << 'foobar' w.close buf = [] r.read_loop(3) { |data| buf << data } assert_equal ['foo', 'bar'], buf end end class IOExtensionsTest < MiniTest::Test def test_deflate i, o = IO.pipe r, w = IO.pipe ret = nil f = spin { ret = IO.deflate(i, w) w.close } o << 'foobar' * 20 o.close f.await assert_equal 17, ret data = r.read msg = Zlib::Inflate.inflate(data) assert_equal 'foobar' * 20, msg end def test_deflate_to_string i, o = IO.pipe r, w = IO.pipe str = +'' ret = nil f = spin { ret = IO.deflate(i, str) w << str w.close } o << 'foobar' * 20 o.close f.await assert_equal 17, ret data = r.read msg = Zlib::Inflate.inflate(data) assert_equal 'foobar' * 20, msg end def test_deflate_to_frozen_string i, o = IO.pipe str = '' # frozen f = spin { o << 'foobar' * 20 o.close } assert_raises(FrozenError) { IO.deflate(i, str) } end def test_deflate_from_string r, w = IO.pipe str = 'foobar' * 10000 ret = nil f = spin { ret = IO.deflate(str, w) w.close } f.await assert_equal 118, ret data = r.read msg = Zlib::Inflate.inflate(data) assert_equal str, msg end def test_inflate i, o = IO.pipe r, w = IO.pipe spin { data = Zlib::Deflate.deflate('foobar', 9) o << data o.close } ret = IO.inflate(i, w) assert_equal 6, ret w.close msg = r.read assert_equal 'foobar', msg end def test_inflate_to_string i, o = IO.pipe str = +'' spin { data = Zlib::Deflate.deflate('foobar', 9) o << data o.close } ret = IO.inflate(i, str) assert_equal 6, ret assert_equal 6, str.bytesize assert_equal 'foobar', str end def test_inflate_from_string r, w = IO.pipe str = Zlib::Deflate.deflate('foobar', 9) ret = IO.inflate(str, w) assert_equal 6, ret w.close msg = r.read assert_equal 'foobar', msg end def test_gzip src = Polyphony.pipe dest = Polyphony.pipe now = nil f = spin { now = Time.now IO.gzip(src, dest) dest.close } src << IO.read(__FILE__) src.close f.await gz = Zlib::GzipReader.new(dest) data = gz.read assert_equal IO.read(__FILE__), data assert_in_range (now-2)..(now+1), gz.mtime assert_nil gz.orig_name assert_nil gz.comment end def test_gzip_to_string src = Polyphony.pipe dest = Polyphony.pipe str = +'' now = nil f = spin { now = Time.now IO.gzip(src, str) dest << str dest.close } src << IO.read(__FILE__) src.close f.await gz = Zlib::GzipReader.new(dest) data = gz.read assert_equal IO.read(__FILE__), data assert_in_range (now-2)..(now+1), gz.mtime assert_nil gz.orig_name assert_nil gz.comment end def test_gzip_from_string str = IO.read(__FILE__) dest = Polyphony.pipe now = nil IO.gzip(str, dest) dest.close gz = Zlib::GzipReader.new(dest) data = gz.read assert_equal IO.read(__FILE__), data end def test_gzip_return_value src = Polyphony.pipe dest = Polyphony.pipe now = nil ret = nil f = spin { now = Time.now ret = IO.gzip(src, dest) dest.close } src << IO.read(__FILE__) src.close f.await gzipped = dest.read assert_equal gzipped.bytesize, ret end def test_gzip_with_mtime_int src = Polyphony.pipe dest = Polyphony.pipe spin { IO.gzip(src, dest, mtime: 42) dest.close } src << IO.read(__FILE__) src.close gz = Zlib::GzipReader.new(dest) data = gz.read assert_equal IO.read(__FILE__), data assert_equal Time.at(42), gz.mtime end def test_gzip_with_mtime_false src = Polyphony.pipe dest = Polyphony.pipe spin { IO.gzip(src, dest, mtime: false) dest.close } src << IO.read(__FILE__) src.close gz = Zlib::GzipReader.new(dest) data = gz.read assert_equal IO.read(__FILE__), data assert_equal Time.at(0), gz.mtime end def test_gzip_with_mtime_time src = Polyphony.pipe dest = Polyphony.pipe t = Time.at(Time.now.to_i) - rand(300000) spin { IO.gzip(src, dest, mtime: t) dest.close } src << IO.read(__FILE__) src.close gz = Zlib::GzipReader.new(dest) data = gz.read assert_equal IO.read(__FILE__), data assert_equal t, gz.mtime end def test_gzip_with_orig_name src = Polyphony.pipe dest = Polyphony.pipe spin { IO.gzip(src, dest, orig_name: '/foo/bar') dest.close } src << IO.read(__FILE__) src.close gz = Zlib::GzipReader.new(dest) data = gz.read assert_equal IO.read(__FILE__), data assert_equal '/foo/bar', gz.orig_name end def test_gzip_with_comment src = Polyphony.pipe dest = Polyphony.pipe spin { IO.gzip(src, dest, comment: 'hello!') dest.close } src << IO.read(__FILE__) src.close gz = Zlib::GzipReader.new(dest) data = gz.read assert_equal IO.read(__FILE__), data assert_equal 'hello!', gz.comment end def test_gunzip src = Polyphony.pipe dest = Polyphony.pipe ret = nil f = spin { ret = IO.gunzip(src, dest) dest.close } gz = Zlib::GzipWriter.new(src, 9) gz << IO.read(__FILE__) gz.close f.await data = dest.read assert_equal IO.read(__FILE__).bytesize, ret assert_equal IO.read(__FILE__), data end def test_gunzip_to_string src = Polyphony.pipe str = +'' ret = nil f = spin { ret = IO.gunzip(src, str) } gz = Zlib::GzipWriter.new(src, 9) gz << IO.read(__FILE__) gz.close f.await assert_equal IO.read(__FILE__).bytesize, ret assert_equal IO.read(__FILE__), str end def test_gunzip_from_string src_data = 'foobar' * 1000 str = Zlib.gzip(src_data, level: 9) dest = Polyphony.pipe ret = IO.gunzip(str, dest) dest.close dest_data = dest.read assert_equal src_data.bytesize, ret assert_equal src_data, dest_data end def test_gunzip_multi src1 = Polyphony.pipe src2 = Polyphony.pipe dest = Polyphony.pipe spin { IO.gunzip(src1, dest) IO.gunzip(src2, dest) dest.close } gz1 = Zlib::GzipWriter.new(src1) gz1 << 'foobar' gz1.close gz1 = Zlib::GzipWriter.new(src2) gz1 << 'raboof' gz1.close data = dest.read assert_equal 'foobarraboof', data end def test_gzip_gunzip gzipped = Polyphony.pipe gunzipped = Polyphony.pipe spin { File.open(__FILE__, 'r') { |f| IO.gzip(f, gzipped) }; gzipped.close } spin { IO.gunzip(gzipped, gunzipped); gunzipped.close } data = gunzipped.read assert_equal IO.read(__FILE__), data end def test_gunzip_with_empty_info gzipped = Polyphony.pipe gunzipped = Polyphony.pipe info = {} spin { File.open(__FILE__, 'r') { |f| IO.gzip(f, gzipped, mtime: false) } gzipped.close } spin { IO.gunzip(gzipped, gunzipped, info); gunzipped.close } data = gunzipped.read assert_equal IO.read(__FILE__), data assert_equal Time.at(0), info[:mtime] assert_nil info[:orig_name] assert_nil info[:comment] end def test_gunzip_with_info src = Polyphony.pipe gzipped = Polyphony.pipe gunzipped = Polyphony.pipe src_info = { mtime: 42, orig_name: 'foo.bar', comment: 'hello!' } dest_info = {} spin { IO.gzip(src, gzipped, src_info); gzipped.close } spin { IO.gunzip(gzipped, gunzipped, dest_info); gunzipped.close } src << 'foobar' src.close data = gunzipped.read assert_equal 'foobar', data assert_equal Time.at(42), dest_info[:mtime] assert_equal 'foo.bar', dest_info[:orig_name] assert_equal 'hello!', dest_info[:comment] end def test_deflate_inflate_strings src_data = IO.read(__FILE__) deflated = +'' IO.deflate(src_data, deflated) inflated = +'' IO.inflate(deflated, inflated) assert_equal src_data, inflated end def test_gzip_gunzip_strings src_data = IO.read(__FILE__) gzipped = +'' IO.gzip(src_data, gzipped) gunzipped = +'' IO.gunzip(gzipped, gunzipped) assert_equal src_data, gunzipped end end class IOIssuesTest < MiniTest::Test def test_issue_93 # Write a file with 100 lines of 100 000 characters each File.open('/tmp/test.gz', 'w+') do |file| gz = Zlib::GzipWriter.new(file) gz.write("#{'a' * 10_000}\n" * 1000) gz.close end # Read the file gz = Zlib::GzipReader.open('/tmp/test.gz') count = 0 it = gz.each_line loop do it.next count += 1 rescue StopIteration break end assert_equal 1000, count end end