require 'set' require 'yaml' require_relative '../helper' require_relative 'human_typo' # statistical tests on tree_spell algorithms class ExploreTest < Test::Unit::TestCase MINI_DIRECTORIES = YAML.load_file(File.expand_path('../fixtures/mini_dir.yml', __dir__)) RSPEC_DIRECTORIES = YAML.load_file(File.expand_path('../fixtures/rspec_dir.yml', __dir__)) def test_checkers_with_many_typos_on_mini n_repeat = 10_000 many_typos n_repeat, MINI_DIRECTORIES, 'Minitest' end def test_checkers_with_many_typos_on_rspec n_repeat = 10_000 many_typos n_repeat, RSPEC_DIRECTORIES, 'Rspec' end def test_human_typo n_repeat = 10_000 total_changes = 0 word = 'any_string_that_is_40_characters_long_sp' n_repeat.times do word_error = total_changes += DidYouMean::Levenshtein.distance(word, word_error) end mean_changes = (total_changes.to_f / n_repeat).round(2) puts '' puts "HumanTypo mean_changes: #{mean_changes} with n_repeat: #{n_repeat}" puts 'Expected mean_changes: 2.1 with n_repeat: 10000, plus/minus 0.03' puts '' end def test_execution_speed n_repeat = 1_000 puts '' puts 'Testing execution time of Standard' measure_execution_speed(n_repeat) do |files, error| files).correct error end puts '' puts 'Testing execution time of Tree' measure_execution_speed(n_repeat) do |files, error| files).correct error end puts '' puts 'Testing execution time of Augmented Tree' measure_execution_speed(n_repeat) do |files, error| files, augment: true).correct error end end private def measure_execution_speed(n_repeat, &block) len = RSPEC_DIRECTORIES.length start_time = n_repeat.times do word = RSPEC_DIRECTORIES[rand len] word_error =, word_error) end time_ms = ( - start_time).to_f * 1000 / n_repeat puts "Average time (ms): #{time_ms.round(1)}" end def many_typos(n_repeat, files, title) first_times = [0, 0, 0] total_suggestions = [0, 0, 0] total_failures = [0, 0, 0] len = files.length n_repeat.times do word = files[rand len] word_error = suggestions_a = group_suggestions word_error, files check_first_is_right word, suggestions_a, first_times check_no_suggestions suggestions_a, total_suggestions check_for_failure word, suggestions_a, total_failures end print_results first_times, total_suggestions, total_failures, n_repeat, title end def group_suggestions(word_error, files) a0 = files).correct word_error a1 = files).correct word_error a2 = a0.empty? ? a1 : a0 [a0, a1, a2] end def check_for_failure(word, suggestions_a, total_failures) do |a, i| total_failures[i] += 1 unless a.include? word end end def check_first_is_right(word, suggestions_a, first_times) do |a, i| first_times[i] += 1 if word == a.first end end def check_no_suggestions(suggestions_a, total_suggestions) do |a, i| total_suggestions[i] += a.length end end def print_results(first_times, total_suggestions, total_failures, n_repeat, title) algorithms = ['Tree ', 'Standard ', 'Augmented'] print_header title (0..2).each do |i| ft = (first_times[i].to_f / n_repeat * 100).round(1) mns = (total_suggestions[i].to_f / (n_repeat - total_failures[i])).round(1) f = (total_failures[i].to_f / n_repeat * 100).round(1) puts " #{algorithms[i]} #{' ' * 7} #{ft} #{' ' * 14} #{mns} #{' ' * 15} #{f} #{' ' * 16}" end end def print_header(title) puts "#{' ' * 30} #{title} Summary #{' ' * 31}" puts '-' * 80 puts " Method | First Time (\%) Mean Suggestions Failures (\%) #{' ' * 13}" puts '-' * 80 end end