module OneLogin module RubySaml # SAML2 Auxiliary class # class Utils DSIG = "" XENC = "" # Return a properly formatted x509 certificate # # @param cert [String] The original certificate # @return [String] The formatted certificate # def self.format_cert(cert) # don't try to format an encoded certificate or if is empty or nil return cert if cert.nil? || cert.empty? || cert.match(/\x0d/) cert = cert.gsub(/\-{5}\s?(BEGIN|END) CERTIFICATE\s?\-{5}/, "") cert = cert.gsub(/[\n\r\s]/, "") cert = cert.scan(/.{1,64}/) cert = cert.join("\n") "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n#{cert}\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----" end # Return a properly formatted private key # # @param key [String] The original private key # @return [String] The formatted private key # def self.format_private_key(key) # don't try to format an encoded private key or if is empty return key if key.nil? || key.empty? || key.match(/\x0d/) # is this an rsa key? rsa_key = key.match("RSA PRIVATE KEY") key = key.gsub(/\-{5}\s?(BEGIN|END)( RSA)? PRIVATE KEY\s?\-{5}/, "") key = key.gsub(/[\n\r\s]/, "") key = key.scan(/.{1,64}/) key = key.join("\n") key_label = rsa_key ? "RSA PRIVATE KEY" : "PRIVATE KEY" "-----BEGIN #{key_label}-----\n#{key}\n-----END #{key_label}-----" end # Build the Query String signature that will be used in the HTTP-Redirect binding # to generate the Signature # @param params [Hash] Parameters to build the Query String # @option params [String] :type 'SAMLRequest' or 'SAMLResponse' # @option params [String] :data Base64 encoded SAMLRequest or SAMLResponse # @option params [String] :relay_state The RelayState parameter # @option params [String] :sig_alg The SigAlg parameter # @return [String] The Query String # def self.build_query(params) type, data, relay_state, sig_alg = [:type, :data, :relay_state, :sig_alg].map { |k| params[k]} url_string = "#{type}=#{CGI.escape(data)}" url_string << "&RelayState=#{CGI.escape(relay_state)}" if relay_state url_string << "&SigAlg=#{CGI.escape(sig_alg)}" end # Validate the Signature parameter sent on the HTTP-Redirect binding # @param params [Hash] Parameters to be used in the validation process # @option params [OpenSSL::X509::Certificate] cert The Identity provider public certtificate # @option params [String] sig_alg The SigAlg parameter # @option params [String] signature The Signature parameter (base64 encoded) # @option params [String] query_string The full GET Query String to be compared # @return [Boolean] True if the Signature is valid, False otherwise # def self.verify_signature(params) cert, sig_alg, signature, query_string = [:cert, :sig_alg, :signature, :query_string].map { |k| params[k]} signature_algorithm = return cert.public_key.verify(, Base64.decode64(signature), query_string) end # Build the status error message # @param status_code [String] StatusCode value # @param status_message [Strig] StatusMessage value # @return [String] The status error message def self.status_error_msg(error_msg, status_code = nil, status_message = nil) unless status_code.nil? printable_code = status_code.split(':').last error_msg << ', was ' + printable_code end unless status_message.nil? error_msg << ' -> ' + status_message end error_msg end # Obtains the decrypted string from an Encrypted node element in XML # @param encrypted_node [REXML::Element] The Encrypted element # @param private_key [OpenSSL::PKey::RSA] The Service provider private key # @return [String] The decrypted data def self.decrypt_data(encrypted_node, private_key) encrypt_data = REXML::XPath.first( encrypted_node, "./xenc:EncryptedData", { 'xenc' => XENC } ) symmetric_key = retrieve_symmetric_key(encrypt_data, private_key) cipher_value = REXML::XPath.first( encrypt_data, "//xenc:EncryptedData/xenc:CipherData/xenc:CipherValue", { 'xenc' => XENC } ) node = Base64.decode64(cipher_value.text) encrypt_method = REXML::XPath.first( encrypt_data, "//xenc:EncryptedData/xenc:EncryptionMethod", { 'xenc' => XENC } ) algorithm = encrypt_method.attributes['Algorithm'] retrieve_plaintext(node, symmetric_key, algorithm) end # Obtains the symmetric key from the EncryptedData element # @param encrypt_data [REXML::Element] The EncryptedData element # @param private_key [OpenSSL::PKey::RSA] The Service provider private key # @return [String] The symmetric key def self.retrieve_symmetric_key(encrypt_data, private_key) encrypted_symmetric_key_element = REXML::XPath.first( encrypt_data, "//xenc:EncryptedData/ds:KeyInfo/xenc:EncryptedKey/xenc:CipherData/xenc:CipherValue", { "ds" => DSIG, "xenc" => XENC } ) cipher_text = Base64.decode64(encrypted_symmetric_key_element.text) encrypt_method = REXML::XPath.first( encrypt_data, "//xenc:EncryptedData/ds:KeyInfo/xenc:EncryptedKey/xenc:EncryptionMethod", {"ds" => DSIG, "xenc" => XENC } ) algorithm = encrypt_method.attributes['Algorithm'] retrieve_plaintext(cipher_text, private_key, algorithm) end # Obtains the deciphered text # @param cipher_text [String] The ciphered text # @param symmetric_key [String] The symetric key used to encrypt the text # @param algorithm [String] The encrypted algorithm # @return [String] The deciphered text def self.retrieve_plaintext(cipher_text, symmetric_key, algorithm) case algorithm when '' then cipher ='DES-EDE3-CBC').decrypt when '' then cipher ='AES-128-CBC').decrypt when '' then cipher ='AES-192-CBC').decrypt when '' then cipher ='AES-256-CBC').decrypt when '' then rsa = symmetric_key when '' then oaep = symmetric_key end if cipher iv_len = cipher.iv_len data = cipher_text[iv_len..-1] cipher.padding, cipher.key, cipher.iv = 0, symmetric_key, cipher_text[0..iv_len-1] assertion_plaintext = cipher.update(data) assertion_plaintext << elsif rsa rsa.private_decrypt(cipher_text) elsif oaep oaep.private_decrypt(cipher_text, OpenSSL::PKey::RSA::PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING) else cipher_text end end end end end