module Qcmd module Parser class << self # adapted from # by Aaron Gough def extract_string_literals( string ) string_literal_pattern = /"([^"\\]|\\.)*"/ string_replacement_token = "___+++STRING_LITERAL+++___" # Find and extract all the string literals string_literals = [] string.gsub(string_literal_pattern) {|x| string_literals << x} # Replace all the string literals with our special placeholder token string = string.gsub(string_literal_pattern, string_replacement_token) # Return the modified string and the array of string literals return [string, string_literals] end def tokenize_string( string ) string = string.gsub("(", " ( ") string = string.gsub(")", " ) ") token_array = string.split(" ") return token_array end def restore_string_literals( token_array, string_literals ) return do |x| if(x == '___+++STRING_LITERAL+++___') # Since we've detected that a string literal needs to be # replaced we will grab the first available string from the # string_literals array string_literals.shift else # This is not a string literal so we need to just return the # token as it is x end end end # A helper method to take care of the repetitive stuff for us def is_match?( string, pattern) match = string.match(pattern) return false unless match # Make sure that the matched pattern consumes the entire token match[0].length == string.length end # Detect a symbol def is_symbol?( string ) # Anything other than parentheses, single or double quote and commas return is_match?( string, /[^\"\'\,\(\)]+/ ) end # Detect an integer literal def is_integer_literal?( string ) # Any number of numerals optionally preceded by a plus or minus sign return is_match?( string, /[\-\+]?[0-9]+/ ) end def is_float_literal?( string ) # Any number of numerals optionally preceded by a plus or minus sign return is_match?( string, /[\-\+]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?/ ) end # Detect a string literal def is_string_literal?( string ) # Any characters except double quotes # (except if preceded by a backslash), surrounded by quotes return is_match?( string, /"([^"\\]|\\.)*"/) end def convert_tokens( token_array ) converted_tokens = [] token_array.each do |t| converted_tokens << t.to_i and next if( is_integer_literal?(t) ) converted_tokens << t.to_f and next if( is_float_literal?(t) ) converted_tokens << t.to_s and next if( is_symbol?(t) ) converted_tokens << eval(t) and next if( is_string_literal?(t) ) # If we haven't recognized the token by now we need to raise # an exception as there are no more rules left to check against! raise Exception, "Unrecognized token: #{t}" end return converted_tokens end def parse( string ) string, string_literals = extract_string_literals(string) token_array = tokenize_string(string) token_array = restore_string_literals(token_array, string_literals) token_array = convert_tokens(token_array) return token_array end end end end