git-remote-monitor ================== Synopsis -------- git-remote-monitor (grm) is a little daemon that scans your git remotes for changes and then notifies you when it changes. This is useful when you are working on a piece of software together with other developers and you want to merge with their changes often. It will also help you when using graphical tools like gitk, git-gui and GitX since this will make your graphical tree refresh automatically. Current state ------------- In its current state, which is early alpha, grm is not actually a daemon. When it is more ready and stable, the daemon capabilities will be added. Please see TODO for more information about the roadmap. How does it work? ----------------- In the background, grm does a git fetch at a regular interval. It then looks at your commits and how they relate to your remote. If it recognizes that the remote branch has been updated, it will tell you through Growl. In the future, grm will use whichever system available in your OS when notifying you. Dependencies ------------ To use this gem, you need to have the following: * rubygems (Obviously) * meow (Sends messages to Growl) COPYRIGHT ========= Copyright © 2009 Magnus Bergmark. See LICENSE for details.