require "spec_helper" require "thumbnailer" describe VTools::Thumbnailer do let(:video) { double (nil) } # hooks before do @thumbnailer = video end # specs context "#run" do before do @output_file = nil @options = {} end def prepare_thumbnailer error_strings = [] # prepare output lines index = 0 # output iterator (raise error once per item) Open3.stub!(:popen3).and_return do |*args, block| (io =[index].to_s)).rewind block.yield(nil, io, nil) index += 1 end @options.stub(:to_s) { "test.options" } video.stub(:thumbs_options) { @options } video.stub(:name) { "" } video.stub(:path) { "video/path" } @converter.instance_variable_set( :@video, video ) VTools::CONFIG[:thumb_binary] = "tested.thumbnailer" @output_file = "/#{}_" VTools.should_receive(:fix_encoding).exactly(@options[:thumb_count].to_i).times.and_return {|str| str} VTools::Hook.should_receive(:exec).with(:before_thumb, video, @options) @thumbnailer.should_receive(:generate_path) end it "creates thumbnails without postfix" do @options = {:thumb_count => 3, :thumb_start_point => 0} prepare_thumbnailer thumbs_array = [ {:path => "#{@output_file}0.jpg", :offset => 0}, {:path => "#{@output_file}1.jpg", :offset => 1}, {:path => "#{@output_file}2.jpg", :offset => 2}, ] thumbs_array.each do |index| VTools::Hook.should_receive(:exec).with(:in_thumb, video, index) end @thumbnailer.should_receive(:set_point).exactly(3).times.and_return { |sec| sec } @thumbnailer.should_receive(:time_offset).exactly(3).times.and_return { |sec| (sec.is_a?(Hash) ? sec[:thumb_start_point] : sec) } VTools::Hook.should_receive(:exec).with(:thumb_success, video, thumbs_array) == thumbs_array end it "creates thumb with postfix and offset" do @options = {:thumb_count => 1, :thumb_start_point => 3, :postfix => "test.postfix"} prepare_thumbnailer thumbs_array = [ {:path => "#{@output_file}test.postfix.jpg", :offset => 3} ] VTools::Hook.should_receive(:exec).with(:in_thumb, video, thumbs_array[0]) @thumbnailer.should_receive(:set_point).once.and_return { |sec| sec } @thumbnailer.should_receive(:time_offset).once.and_return { |sec| sec[:thumb_start_point] } VTools::Hook.should_receive(:exec).with(:thumb_success, video, thumbs_array) == thumbs_array end it "creates thumbs via options[:t]" do @options = {:t => 12, :thumb_count => 1} prepare_thumbnailer thumbs_array = [ {:path => "#{@output_file}12.jpg", :offset => 12} ] VTools::Hook.stub(:exec) @thumbnailer.should_not_receive(:set_point) @thumbnailer.should_receive(:time_offset).with(12).once.and_return { |sec| sec } == thumbs_array end it "creates 2 of 3 thumbs" do @options = {:thumb_count => 3, :thumb_start_point => 0} prepare_thumbnailer ["thumbnailer error"] thumbs_array = [ {:path => "#{@output_file}1.jpg", :offset => 1}, {:path => "#{@output_file}2.jpg", :offset => 2}, ] VTools::Hook.should_receive(:exec).with(:thumb_error, video, " Errors: thumbnailer error (/video.name_0.jpg). ") thumbs_array.each do |index| VTools::Hook.should_receive(:exec).with(:in_thumb, video, index) end @thumbnailer.should_receive(:set_point).exactly(3).times.and_return { |sec| sec } @thumbnailer.should_receive(:time_offset).exactly(2).times.and_return { |sec| (sec.is_a?(Hash) ? sec[:thumb_start_point] : sec) } == thumbs_array end it "completely fails on thumb creation" do @options = {:thumb_count => 2, :thumb_start_point => 0} prepare_thumbnailer ["thumbnailer error", "thumbnailer error 2"] VTools::Hook.should_receive(:exec).with( :thumb_error, video, " Errors: thumbnailer error (/video.name_0.jpg);thumbnailer error 2 (/video.name_1.jpg). " ) @thumbnailer.should_not_receive(:time_offset) @thumbnailer.should_receive(:set_point).exactly(2).times.and_return { |sec| sec } expect { }.to raise_error VTools::ProcessError, /Thumbnailer error:/ end it "processes invalid encoding" do @options = {:thumb_count => 1, :thumb_start_point => 0} prepare_thumbnailer [ File.readlines( "#{File.realpath(File.dirname(__FILE__))}/fixtures/outputs/file_with_iso-8859-1.txt" )[10] ] VTools::Hook.should_receive(:exec).with(:thumb_error, video, / Errors: /) @thumbnailer.should_not_receive(:time_offset) @thumbnailer.should_receive(:set_point).and_return { |sec| sec } expect { }.to raise_error VTools::ProcessError, /Thumbnailer error:/ end end context "#set_point" do context "generates percent point from hash" do it "indicated in percent" do config = {:thumb_start_point => "12.2%"} @thumbnailer.method(:set_point).call(config).should == 12 end it "indicated in seconds" do config = { :thumb_start_point => 122 } @thumbnailer.should_receive(:time_offset).with("122") @thumbnailer.method(:set_point).call(config) end end it "generates percent point from integer" do @thumbnailer.instance_variable_set(:@total, 3) # total count @thumbnailer.method(:set_point).call(1).should == 33 # first pic @thumbnailer.method(:set_point).call(2).should == 66 @thumbnailer.method(:set_point).call(3).should == 100 # last pic end it "returns default" do @thumbnailer.method(:set_point).call("invalid").should == 0 end end context "#time_offset" do let(:video) {v = double nil; v.stub(:duration){120.3}; v} before { @thumbnailer.instance_variable_set(:@video, video) } it "calculates offset from valid shift value" do @thumbnailer.method(:time_offset).call(10).should == "00:00:10" @thumbnailer.method(:time_offset).call(23.2).should == "00:00:23" end it "shift value is invalid returns video duration" do @thumbnailer.method(:time_offset).call(123).should == "00:02:00" @thumbnailer.method(:time_offset).call(130).should == "00:02:00" end end end