# Code coverage analysis. #-- # Copyright 2006 Suraj N. Kurapati # See the file named LICENSE for details. require 'rcov' # satisfy dependencies of 'rcov/report' require 'xx' module XX # :nodoc: all module XMLish include Markup def xmlish_ *a, &b xx_which(XMLish){ xx_with_doc_in_effect(*a, &b)} end end end require 'cgi' require 'rcov/report' module RubyVPI::Coverage #:nodoc: end module RubyVPI module Coverage @@analyzer = Rcov::CodeCoverageAnalyzer.new def Coverage.start @@analyzer.install_hook end def Coverage.stop @@analyzer.remove_hook end @@handlers = [] # Invokes the given block after code coverage analysis has completed. def Coverage.attach &aBlock # :yield: Rcov::CodeCoverageAnalyzer raise ArgumentError unless block_given? @@handlers << aBlock if aBlock end at_exit do Coverage.stop @@handlers.each do |h| h.call @@analyzer end end end end