require 'mkmf' require_relative '../../lib/ruby2d/cli/colorize' $errors = [] # Holds errors # Set the OS platform case RUBY_PLATFORM when /darwin/ $platform = :macos when /linux/ $platform = :linux if `cat /etc/os-release` =~ /raspbian/ $platform = :linux_rpi end when /bsd/ $platform = :bsd when /mingw/ $platform = :windows else $platform = nil end # Helper functions ############################################################# # Print installation errors def print_errors puts " #{"== #{"Ruby 2D Installation Errors".error} =======================================\n"} #{$errors.join("\n ")}\n #{"======================================================================"}" end # Add compiler and linker flags def add_flags(type, flags) case type when :c $CFLAGS << " #{flags} " when :ld $LDFLAGS << " #{flags} " end end # Check for SDL libraries def check_sdl unless have_library('SDL2') && have_library('SDL2_image') && have_library('SDL2_mixer') && have_library('SDL2_ttf') $errors << "Couldn't find packages needed by Ruby 2D." case $platform when :linux, :linux_rpi # Fedora and CentOS if system('which yum') $errors << "Install the following packages using `yum` (or `dnf`) and try again:\n" << " SDL2-devel SDL2_image-devel SDL2_mixer-devel SDL2_ttf-devel".bold # Arch elsif system('which pacman') $errors << "Install the following packages using `pacman` and try again:\n" << " sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_ttf".bold # openSUSE elsif system('which zypper') $errors << "Install the following packages using `zypper` and try again:\n" << " libSDL2-devel libSDL2_image-devel libSDL2_mixer-devel libSDL2_ttf-devel".bold # Ubuntu, Debian, and Mint # `apt` must be last because openSUSE has it aliased to `zypper` elsif system('which apt') $errors << "Install the following packages using `apt` and try again:\n" << " libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev".bold end when :bsd $errors << "Install the following packages using `pkg` and try again:\n" << " sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_ttf".bold end $errors << "" << "See #{"".bold} for additional help." print_errors; exit end end # Set Raspberry Pi flags def set_rpi_flags if $platform == :linux_rpi add_flags(:c, '-I/opt/vc/include') add_flags(:ld, '-L/opt/vc/lib -lbrcmGLESv2') end end # Use SDL and other libraries installed by the user (not those bundled with the gem) def use_usr_libs # Add flags set_rpi_flags add_flags(:c, '-I/usr/local/include') end # Configure native extension ################################################### # Build Ruby 2D native extention using libraries installed by user # To use install flag: `gem install ruby2d -- libs` if ARGV.include? 'libs' use_usr_libs # Use libraries provided by the gem (default) else add_flags(:c, '-std=c11') case $platform when :macos add_flags(:c, '-I../../assets/include') ldir = "#{Dir.pwd}/../../assets/macos/lib" add_flags(:ld, "#{ldir}/libSDL2.a #{ldir}/libSDL2_image.a #{ldir}/libSDL2_mixer.a #{ldir}/libSDL2_ttf.a") add_flags(:ld, "#{ldir}/libjpeg.a #{ldir}/libpng16.a #{ldir}/libtiff.a #{ldir}/libwebp.a") add_flags(:ld, "#{ldir}/libmpg123.a #{ldir}/libogg.a #{ldir}/libFLAC.a #{ldir}/libvorbis.a #{ldir}/libvorbisfile.a") add_flags(:ld, "#{ldir}/libfreetype.a #{ldir}/libmodplug.a") add_flags(:ld, "-Wl,-framework,Cocoa -Wl,-framework,GameController -Wl,-framework,ForceFeedback") when :linux, :linux_rpi, :bsd check_sdl set_rpi_flags add_flags(:ld, "-lSDL2 -lSDL2_image -lSDL2_mixer -lSDL2_ttf -lm") if $platform == :linux then add_flags(:ld, '-lGL') end when :windows add_flags(:c, '-I../../assets/include') add_flags(:ld, '-L../../assets/mingw/lib -lSDL2 -lSDL2_image -lSDL2_mixer -lSDL2_ttf') add_flags(:ld, '-lmingw32 -lopengl32 -lglew32') # If can't detect the platform, use libraries installed by the user else use_usr_libs end end $LDFLAGS.gsub!(/\n/, ' ') # remove newlines in flags, they can cause problems # Create Makefile create_makefile('ruby2d/ruby2d')