require 'singleton' class ToolsConfig include Singleton def initialize(options = {}) end # Create a Config file in work area # # Sample # # ToolsConfig.create_config_file 'sample', '/myhome/tools/sample.log' # log = ToolsUtil.get_variable "sample_config" => Logger Object # # ToolsConfig.create_log_file 'xyko', '/home/francisco/2018/xykotools/tools/xyko.config' # config = ToolsConfig.xyko_load # ToolsConfig.xyko_add {} # # @param config_name # @param config_file # @param config_type # @param data # @return def self.create_config_file config_name, config_file, config_type = :json, data = {} unless File.exists? config_file case config_type when :json config =, 'w') config.write JSON.pretty_generate(data) config.close ToolsLog.tools_info "Json config file '#{config_file}' was created!'" return true when :yaml config =, 'w') config.write data.to_yaml config.close ToolsLog.tools_info "Json config file '#{config_file}' was created!'" return true end else ToolsLog.tools_warn "The file #{config_file} really exist. leaving operation...." end ToolsUtil.set_variable "#{config_name}_config_file", config_file ToolsUtil.set_variable "#{config_name}_config_type", config_type end def self.method_missing(method, *args, &block) #expected call format => STRING_LOGGER_TYPE + '_' + LOGGER_TYPE # Ex.: tools_info config_name = method.to_s.split('_').first config_method = method.to_s.split('_').last config_file = ToolsUtil.get_variable "#{config_name}_config_file" config_type = ToolsUtil.get_variable "#{config_name}_config_type" end # Test and register a config file in work area # @param source # @return boolean def self.test_config_type source file = open(source) content = if ToolsUtil.valid_json? content config_type = :json else if ToolsUtil.valid_yaml? content config_type = :yaml else config_type = :invalid ToolsLog.tools_error "Invalid format in config file in '#{source}'.", :light_red ToolsLog.tools_exit end end ToolsUtil.set_variable 'config_file_type', config_type end # Load a content from a config file in work area # @param source # @return content def self.load_config source test_config_type source case ToolsUtil.get_variable 'config_file_type' when :json file = open(source) json = parsed = JSON.parse(json) ToolsUtil.set_variable 'config_data', parsed return parsed when :yaml file = open(source) parsed = YAML.load( ToolsUtil.set_variable 'config_data', parsed return parsed end end # Merge data in config file in work area # @param source # @return content def self.insert_in_config source, command test_config_type source file = open(source) case ToolsUtil.get_variable 'config_file_type' when :json json = parsed = JSON.parse(json) parsed.rmerge!(command) file.close file = open(source, 'w') file.write JSON.pretty_generate(parsed) file.close when :yaml yaml = parsed = YAML.load(yaml) parsed.rmerge!(command) file.close file = open(source, 'w') file.write parsed.to_yaml file.close end end # Change data in config file in work area # @param args Sequence keys to locate the value in hash def self.change_value_in_config *args source = args.extract_first value = args.extract_first test_config_type source case ToolsUtil.get_variable 'config_file_type' when :json file = open(source) json = parsed = JSON.parse(json) parsed.nested_set(args, value) file.close file = open(source, 'w') file.write JSON.pretty_generate(parsed) file.close when :yaml file = open(source) yaml = parsed = YAML.load(yaml) parsed.nested_set(args, value) file.close file = open(source, 'w') file.write parsed.to_yaml file.close end end def self.validate_config end def self.check_config end def self.purge_backup_config end def self.config_backup end def self.daily_backup_config end end