ECBA9B36-24E0-4996-84A6-F7E57F138972engutf8datasetdatasetStanford Geospatial CenterMetadata Analyst650-723-2746Branner Earth Sciences LibraryMitchell Bldg. 2nd floor397 Panama MallStanfordCalifornia94305USbrannerlibrary@stanford.edupointOfContact2013-09-17ISO 19139 Geographic Information - Metadata - Implementation Specification2007 Map of District Boundaries of India, 19912013-03-13publicationML InfoMap (Firm)originatorML InfoMap (Firm)91 11 41688592124-A Katwaria SaraiNew Delhi110 016INmanosi@mlinfomap.compublishermapDigitalThis layer is a polygon theme representing district boundaries of India for 1991. Includes district socio-demographic Census attribute data such as total population, population by sex, and rural/urban populations. This layer is part of the India Historical Boundaries dataset showing decadal change in district boundaries of India since 1991. This data layer is sourced from secondary government sources, chiefly Survey of India, Census of India, Election Commission, etc. Includes data for 466 districts, 25 states, and 7 union territories,District level demographic analysis. ML Infomap. (2013) Digital Map of District Boundaries of India, 1991. ML Infomap.completedLahiri,ManosiML Infomap Pvt. Ltd.91 11 41688592124-A,Katwaria SaraiNew Delhi110016INmanosi@mlinfomap.compointOfContactasNeededIndia ( ( ( Nadu ( Pradesh ( Bengal ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ratioLiteracyPopulationStatisticsAdministrative and political divisionsthemelcsh2011-04-26revision DatarestrictedrestrictedData may not be distributed, copied, or made available to users outside of the Stanford University Network. Data may not used for commercial purposes. Users should acknowledge ML Infomap in any derivative works. Please contact for more information.Historical Boundaries of India, 1951-20112013-03-13publicationML InfoMap (Firm)originatorML InfoMap (Firm)91 11 41688592124-A Katwaria SaraiNew Delhi110 016INmanosi@mlinfomap.compublisherlargerWorkCitationvector200000engutf8boundariessocietyMicrosoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS data release 19911991-01-01T00:00:001991-12-31T00:00:00true68.1100997.40916.75569837.0503Census 1991 data includedfalseengtrueFeature Catalog for Digital Map of District Boundaries of India, 19912013-03-13publicationb9d27c87-0d51-4580-b3ff-760088ad2aafML InfoMap (Firm)originatorShapefileStanford Geospatial Center650-723-2746Branner Earth Sciences LibraryMitchell Bldg. 2nd floor397 Panama MallStanfordCalifornia94305USbrannerlibrary@stanford.edudistributorMB22.669 boundary aligned with imagery, no gaps in polygon, no topological errors, aggregate and % figures verifiedCensus 1991 data release attribute30-50 metresCensus operations across India1991-01-01T00:00:00Metadata imported2013-06-12T00:00:00Stanford Geospatial CenterMetadata Analyst650-723-2746Branner Earth Sciences LibraryMitchell Building, 2nd Floor397 Panama MallStanfordCalifornia94305USbrannerlibrary@stanford.eduprocessorFGDC Metadata fileDISTRICT1991.xml2013-03-13publicationDISTRICT1991.xmlDistrict demographic profile of India 1991District demographic profile of India 19911991-01-01publicationRegistrar General and Census Commissioner of IndiaoriginatormapDigitalFeature Catalog for Digital Map of District Boundaries of India, 1991Sex ratio; Literacy; Population; Statistics; Administrative and political divisions2013eng; USML InfoMap (Firm)DISTRICT1991Administrative UnitfalseFIDInternal feature number.EsriEsriOIDShapeFeature geometry.EsriEsriGeometryTOT_POPTotal populationCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_M_STUrban male scheduled tribeCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_M_LITUrban male literatesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_F_MNWPercentage urban female main workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_POP_L6Rural population below 6 yearsCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_LITUrban literatesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_NM_HHUrban number of householdCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_M_STRural male scheduled tribeCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_F_SCRural female scheduled casteCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_NM_HOUSERural number of housesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_F_MRWPercentage rural female Marginal workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_SCPercent rural scheduled casteCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_F_MNWRural female main workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_AREAPercentage rural areaCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_L6Percentage rural below 6 yearsCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleTOT_MNWTotal Main WorkersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleTOT_HOUSETotal umber of housesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_HOUSEPercentage rural housesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_F_STPercentage rural female scheduled tribeCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_MRWRural Marginal workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_M_SCPercent rural male scheduled casteCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_WPercentage urban workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_M_MRWUrban male Marginal workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_F_STRural female scheduled tribeCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_M_LITPercentage rural male literatesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_F_WRural female workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleTOT_LITTotal literatesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_MNWPercentage urban main workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleSTATE_UTName of administrative state or union territoryCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaStringState or Union TerritoryName of administrative state or union territoryCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaU_MRWUrban Marginal workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_M_NNWPercentage rural male Non-workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_NNWPercentage rural Non-workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_TOT_NNWPercentage total Non-workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_F_NNWUrban female Non-workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_HOUSEPercentage urban housesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_F_NNWPercentage rural female Non-workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_NNWRural Non-workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_M_NNWUrban male Non-workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_F_NNWRural female Non-workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_M_NNWRural male Non-workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_M_MRWPercentage urban male Marginal workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_F_MRWUrban female Marginal workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_NM_HHPercentage urban householdCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_AREAUrban area of districtCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_M_STPercentage urban male scheduled tribeCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleTOT_POP_L6Total population below 6 yearsCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleDIST91_IDUnique identification numberML InfomapML InfomapDoubleR_LITRural literatesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_M_L6Urban male population below 6 yearsCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_STPercentage urban scheduled tribeCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_M_LITRural male literatesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_M_SCRural male scheduled casteCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_TOT_MNWPercentage total main workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_F_L6Percentage urban female below 6 yearsCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_F_POPPercentage urban female populationCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_F_MNWUrban female main workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_STRural scheduled tribeCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_F_SCUrban female scheduled casteCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleTOT_MRWTotal Marginal workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleTOT_STTotal scheduled tribeCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_F_L6Urban female population below 6 yearsCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_F_WPercentage rural female workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_M_SCPercent urban male scheduled casteCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleTOT_SCTotal scheduled casteCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleT_NM_HHTotal number of householdCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_WPercentage rural workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleTOT_AREATotal area of districtCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_STUrban scheduled tribeCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_TOT_LITPercentage total literatesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_F_NNWPercentage urban female Non-workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_NNWPercentage urban Non-workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_NNWUrban Non-workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_M_POPRural male populationCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_MNWPercentage rural main workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_POPRural populationCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_F_POPUrban female populationCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_WUrban workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_M_MNWUrban male main workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_AREAPerentage urban areaCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_NM_HHRural number of householdCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_F_L6Percentage rural female below 6 yearsCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_M_POPPercentage urban male populationCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_POPPercentage rural populationCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_M_WRural male workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_M_LITPercentage urban male literatesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_F_POPPercentage rural female populationCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_AREARural area of districtCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_F_STUrban female scheduled tribeCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleNAMEName of districtCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaStringDistrictName of districtCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaP_U_M_MNWPercentage urban male main workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleTOT_WTotal WorkersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_M_L6Percentage urban male below 6 yearsCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_L6Percentage urban below 6 yearsCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_M_NNWPercentage urban male Non-workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_F_MRWPercentage urban female Marginal workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_F_POPRural female populationCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_F_MNWPercentage rural female main workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_F_LITRural female literatesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_M_WPercentage urban male workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_TOT_MRWPercentage total Marginal workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_M_L6Percentage rural male below 6 yearsCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_POP_L6Urban population below 6 yearsCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_SCPercent urban scheduled casteCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_M_POPUrban male populationCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_NM_HHPercentage rural householdCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_SCUrban scheduled casteCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_M_STPercentage rural male scheduled tribeCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_MRWPercentage rural Marginal workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_M_WPercentage rural male workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_F_LITUrban female literatesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_F_SCPercent urban female scheduled casteCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_M_L6Rural male population below 6 yearsCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_M_MRWRural male Marginal workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_TOT_L6Percentage total below 6 yearsCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_POPUrban populationCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_LITPercentage rural literatesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_NM_HOUSEUrban number of housesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_MNWUrban Main WorkersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_F_STPercentage urban female scheduled tribeCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_MRWPercentage urban Marginal workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_MNWRural Main WorkersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_POPPercentage urban populationCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_WRural WorkersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleTOT_NNWTotal Non-workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_STPercentage rural scheduled tribeCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_F_WUrban female workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_TOT_SCPercent total scheduled casteCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleDENSITYpopulation per square kmCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_M_POPPercentage rural male populationCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_F_LITPercentage urban female literatesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_F_LITPercentage rural female literatesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_M_SCUrban male scheduled casteCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_F_L6Rural female population below 6 yearsCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_F_WPercentage urban female workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_TOT_WPercentage total workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_TOT_STPercentage total scheduled tribeCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_U_LITPercentage urban literatesCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_M_MNWPercentage rural male main workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_M_MRWPercentage rural male Marginal workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_M_MNWRural male main workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_SCRural scheduled casteCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleP_R_F_SCPercent rural female scheduled casteCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleU_M_WUrban male workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDoubleR_F_MRWRural female Marginal workersCensus of IndiaCensus of IndiaDouble