module WLang class RuleSet # # Imperative ruleset, providing special tags to iterate and instantiate # conditionaly. # # For an overview of this ruleset, see the wlang {specification file}[link://files/specification.html]. # module Imperative U=WLang::RuleSet::Utils # Regular expression for #1 in *{wlang/hosted}{...} EACH_REGEXP = /^([^\s]+)((\s+(using\s+([_a-z]+)))?(\s+(as\s+([a-z]+(,\s+[a-z]+)*)))?)?$/ # 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 # 1 2 3 4 5 # Default mapping between tag symbols and methods DEFAULT_RULESET = {'?' => :conditional, '*' => :enumeration} # # Conditional as ?{wlang/hosted}{...}{...} # # (third block is optional) Instantiates #1, looking for an expression in the # hosting language. Evaluates it, looking for a boolean value (according to # boolean semantics of the hosting language). If true, instantiates #2, # otherwise instantiates #3 if present. # def self.conditional(parser, offset) expression, reached = parser.parse(offset, "wlang/hosted") value = parser.evaluate(expression) if value then_block, reached = parser.parse_block(reached) if parser.has_block?(reached) else_block, reached = parser.parse_block(reached, "wlang/dummy") end [then_block, reached] else then_block, reached = parser.parse_block(reached, "wlang/dummy") else_block = "" if parser.has_block?(reached) else_block, reached = parser.parse_block(reached) end [else_block, reached] end end # Install args on the parser def self.merge_each_args(names, args) hash = {} size = names.length>args.length ? args.length : names.length 0.upto(size-1) do |i| hash[names[i]] = args[i] end hash end # # Enumeration as *{wlang/hosted using each as x}{...}{...} # # (third block is optional) Instantiates #1, looking for an expression in the # hosting language. Evaluates it, looking for an enumerable. Iterates all its # elements, instanciating #2 for each of them (the iterated value is set under # name x in the scope). If #3 is present, it is instantiated between elements. # def self.enumeration(parser, offset) expression, reached = parser.parse(offset, "wlang/hosted") # decode 'wlang/hosted using each as x' expression hash = U.expr(:expr, ["using", :var, false], ["as", :multi_as, false]).decode(expression, parser) hash[:using] = "each" unless hash[:using] hash[:as] = [] unless hash[:as] parser.syntax_error(offset, "invalid loop expression '#{expression}'") if hash.nil? # evaluate 'wlang/hosted' sub-expression value = hash[:expr] if value.nil? expression, reached = parser.parse_block(reached, "wlang/dummy") expression, reached = parser.parse_block(reached, "wlang/dummy") if parser.has_block?(reached) ["",reached] else raise "Enumerated value #{value} does not respond to #{hash[:using]}"\ unless value.respond_to?(hash[:using]) # some variables iterator, names = hash[:using].to_sym, hash[:as] buffer = parser.factor_buffer # wlang start index of each block block2, block3, theend = reached, nil, nil # *{}{block2}{block3}theend first = true # iterate now value.send iterator do |*args| if not(first) and parser.has_block?(block3) # parse #3, positioned at reached after that parsed, theend = parser.parse_block(block3) parser.append_buffer(buffer, parsed, true) end # install arguments and parse block2, positioned at block3 parser.branch_scope(merge_each_args(names, args)) { parsed, block3 = parser.parse_block(block2) parser.append_buffer(buffer, parsed, true) } first = false end # Empty array special case unless block3 parsed, block3 = parser.parse_block(block2, "wlang/dummy") end # Singleton array special case unless theend if parser.has_block?(block3) parsed, theend = parser.parse_block(block3, "wlang/dummy") else theend = block3 end end [buffer, theend] end end end # module Imperative end end