module Elasticsearch
module API
module Indices
module Actions
# Return the result of the analysis process (tokens)
# Allows to "test-drive" the Elasticsearch analysis process by performing the analysis on the
# same text with different analyzers. An ad-hoc analysis chain can be built from specific
# _tokenizer_ and _filters_.
# @example Analyze text "Quick Brown Jumping Fox" with the _snowball_ analyzer
# client.indices.analyze text: 'The Quick Brown Jumping Fox', analyzer: 'snowball'
# @example Analyze text "Quick Brown Jumping Fox" with a custom tokenizer and filter chain
# client.indices.analyze body: { text: 'The Quick Brown Jumping Fox',
# tokenizer: 'whitespace',
# filter: ['lowercase','stop'] }
# @note If your text for analysis is longer than 4096 bytes then you should use the :body argument, rather than :text, to avoid HTTP transport errors
# @example Analyze text "Quick Brown Jumping Fox" with custom tokenizer, token and character filters
# client.indices.analyze body: { text: 'The Quick Brown Jumping Fox',
# tokenizer: 'standard',
# char_filter: ['html_strip'] }
# @option arguments [String] :index The name of the index to scope the operation
# @option arguments [Hash] :body Define analyzer/tokenizer parameters and the text on which the analysis should be performed
# @see
def analyze(arguments={})
method = HTTP_GET
path = Utils.__pathify Utils.__listify(arguments[:index]), '_analyze'
params = Utils.__validate_and_extract_params arguments, ParamsRegistry.get(__method__)
params[:filters] = Utils.__listify(params[:filters]) if params[:filters]
body = arguments[:body]
perform_request(method, path, params, body).body
# Register this action with its valid params when the module is loaded.
# Register this action with its valid params when the module is loaded.
# @since 6.2.0
ParamsRegistry.register(:analyze, [
:index ].freeze)