module BabelBridge class Tools class << self def indent(string, first_indent = " ", rest_indent = first_indent) first_indent + string.gsub("\n", "\n#{rest_indent}") end def uniform_tabs(string) lines = string.split("\n").collect{|line|line.split("\t")} max_fields = lines.collect {|line| line.length}.max max_fields.times do |field| max_field_length = lines.collect {|line| (line[field]||"").length}.max formatter = "%-#{max_field_length}s" lines.each_with_index do |line,i| lines[i][field] = formatter%line[field] if line[field] end end lines.collect {|line|line.join.rstrip}.join("\n") end # return the line and column of a given offset into this string # line and column are 1-based def line_column(string, offset) return 1,1 if string.length==0 || offset==0 lines = (string[0..offset-1] + " ").split("\n") return lines.length, lines[-1].length end def symbols_to_strings(array) array.collect {|op| op.kind_of?(Symbol) ? op.to_s : op} end def regexp_and_strings_to_regexpstrings(array) array.collect {|op| op.kind_of?(Regexp) ? op.source : Regexp.escape(op)} end # sort strings first, regexp second # sort strings by lenght, longest first # will then match first to last def sort_operator_patterns(array) array.sort_by {|a| a.kind_of?(Regexp) ? 0 : -a.length} end # Takes an array of Strings and Regexp and generates a new Regexp # that matches the or ("|") of all strings and Regexp def array_to_or_regexp_string(array) array = symbols_to_strings array.flatten array = sort_operator_patterns array array = regexp_and_strings_to_regexpstrings array array.collect {|op| "(#{op})"}.join('|') end def array_to_anchored_or_regexp(array) "^"+array_to_or_regexp_string(array)+"$" end def array_to_or_regexp(array) array_to_or_regexp_string(array) end end end class BinaryOperatorProcessor attr_accessor :node_class, :exact_operator_precedence, :regexp_operator_precedence, :right_operators def initialize(operator_precedence,node_class,right_operators) @right_operators_regexp= right_operators && Tools::array_to_anchored_or_regexp(right_operators) @node_class=node_class @exact_operator_precedence={} @regexp_operator_precedence=[] operator_precedence.each_with_index do |op_level,i| (op_level.kind_of?(Array) ? op_level : [op_level]).each do |op| precedence = operator_precedence.length - i case op when String, Symbol then @exact_operator_precedence[op.to_s] = precedence when Regexp then @regexp_operator_precedence << [op,precedence] end end end end def operator_precedence(operator_string) p = @exact_operator_precedence[operator_string] return p if p @regexp_operator_precedence.each do |regexp,p| return p if operator_string[regexp] end raise "operator #{operator_string.inspect} didn't match #{@exact_operator_precedence} or #{@regexp_operator_precedence}" end # associativity = # :left => operators of the same precidence execut from left to right # :right => operators of the same precidence execut from right to left def index_of_lowest_precedence(operators,associativity=:left) lowest = lowest_precedence = nil operators.each_with_index do |operator,i| operator_string = operator.to_s precedence = operator_precedence(operator_string) right_associative = @right_operators_regexp && operator_string[@right_operators_regexp] if !lowest || (right_associative ? precedence < lowest_precedence : precedence <= lowest_precedence) lowest = i lowest_precedence = precedence end end lowest end # generates a tree of nodes of the specified node_class # The nodes have access to the following useful methods: # self.left -> return the left operand parse-tree-node # self.right -> return the right operand parse-tree-node # self.operator_node -> return the operator parse-tree-node # self.operator -> return the operator as a ruby symbol def generate_tree(operands, operators, parent_node) return operands[0] if operands.length==1 i = index_of_lowest_precedence(operators) operator = operators[i] new_operand = new_operand.add_match generate_tree(operands[0..i], operators[0..i-1],new_operand), :left new_operand.add_match operators[i], :operator_node new_operand.add_match generate_tree(operands[i+1..-1], operators[i+1..-1],new_operand), :right new_operand end end end