# -*- ruby -*- #encoding: utf-8 require 'strscan' require 'loggability' require 'schedulability' unless defined?( Schedulability ) require 'schedulability/exceptions' # A schedule object representing one or more abstract ranges of times. class Schedulability::Schedule extend Loggability # Schedulability API -- Log to the Schedulability logger log_to :schedulability ### Parse one or more periods from the specified +expression+ and return a Schedule ### created with them. def self::parse( expression ) positive, negative = Schedulability::Parser.extract_periods( expression ) return new( positive, negative ) end ### Create a new Schedule using the specified +periods+. def initialize( positive_periods=[], negative_periods=[] ) positive_periods ||= [] negative_periods ||= [] @positive_periods = positive_periods.flatten.uniq @positive_periods.freeze @negative_periods = negative_periods.flatten.uniq @negative_periods.freeze end # The periods that express which times are in the schedule attr_reader :positive_periods # The periods that express which times are *not* in the schedule attr_reader :negative_periods ### Returns +true+ if the schedule doesn't have any time periods. def empty? return self.positive_periods.empty? end ### Returns +true+ if the current time is within one of the Schedule's periods. def now? return self.include?( Time.now ) end ### Returns +true+ if the specified +time+ is in the schedule. def include?( time ) time_obj = if time.respond_to?( :to_time ) time.to_time else time_obj = Time.parse( time.to_s ) self.log.debug "Parsed %p to time %p" % [ time, time_obj ] time_obj end return ! self.negative_periods_include?( time_obj ) && self.positive_periods_include?( time_obj ) end ### Returns +true+ if any of the schedule's positive periods include the ### specified +time+. def positive_periods_include?( time ) return self.positive_periods.empty? || find_matching_period_for( time, self.positive_periods ) end ### Returns +true+ if any of the schedule's negative periods include the ### specified +time+. def negative_periods_include?( time ) return find_matching_period_for( time, self.negative_periods ) end ### Returns +true+ if the time periods for +other_schedule+ are the same as those for the ### receiver. def ==( other_schedule ) other_schedule.is_a?( self.class ) && self.positive_periods.all? {|period| other_schedule.positive_periods.include?(period) } && other_schedule.positive_periods.all? {|period| self.positive_periods.include?(period) } && self.negative_periods.all? {|period| other_schedule.negative_periods.include?(period) } && other_schedule.negative_periods.all? {|period| self.negative_periods.include?(period) } end ### Return a new Schedulability::Schedule object that is the union of the receiver and ### +other_schedule+. def |( other_schedule ) positive = self.positive_periods + other_schedule.positive_periods negative = intersect_periods( self.negative_periods, other_schedule.negative_periods ) return self.class.new( positive, negative ) end alias_method :+, :| ### Return a new Schedulability::Schedule object that is the intersection of the receiver and ### +other_schedule+. def &( other_schedule ) positive = intersect_periods( self.positive_periods, other_schedule.positive_periods ) negative = self.negative_periods + other_schedule.negative_periods return self.class.new( positive, negative ) end ### Return a new Schedulability::Schedule object that inverts the positive and negative ### period criteria. def ~@ return self.class.new( self.negative_periods, self.positive_periods ) end ####### private ####### ### Returns true if any of the specified +periods+ contains the specified +time+. def find_matching_period_for( time, periods ) periods.any? do |period| period.all? do |scale, ranges| val = value_for_scale( time, scale ) ranges.any? {|rng| rng.cover?(val) } end end end ### Return the appropriate numeric value for the specified +scale+ from the ### given +time+. def value_for_scale( time, scale ) case scale when :mo return time.mon when :md return time.day when :wd return time.wday when :hr return time.hour when :min return time.min when :sec return time.sec when :yd return time.yday when :wk return ( time.day / 7.0 ).ceil when :yr self.log.debug "Year match: %p" % [ time.year ] return time.year else # If this happens, it's likely a bug in the parser. raise ScriptError, "unknown scale %p" % [ scale ] end end ### Return the specified +periods+ exploded into integer arrays instead of Ranges. def explode( periods ) return periods.map do |per| per.each_with_object({}) do |(scale,ranges), hash| hash[ scale ] = ranges.flat_map( &:to_a ) end end end ### Return the intelligent merge of the +left+ and +right+ period hashes, only retaining ### values that exist on both sides. def intersect_periods( left, right ) new_periods = [] explode( left ).product( explode(right) ) do |p1, p2| new_period = {} common_scales = p1.keys & p2.keys # Keys exist on both sides, diff+merge identical values common_scales.each do |scale| vals = p1[ scale ] & p2[ scale ] new_period[ scale ] = Schedulability::Parser.coalesce_ranges( vals, scale ) end next if new_period.values.any?( &:empty? ) # Keys exist only on one side, sync between sides because # the other side is implicitly infinite. (p1.keys - common_scales).each do |scale| new_period[ scale ] = Schedulability::Parser.coalesce_ranges( p1[scale], scale ) end (p2.keys - common_scales).each do |scale| new_period[ scale ] = Schedulability::Parser.coalesce_ranges( p2[scale], scale ) end new_periods << new_period end return new_periods end end # class Schedulability::Schedule