require 'date' module BackupPlugins module Remove def remove paths,test_run = false puts "\n\tbackup.remove(#{paths},#{test_run})\n\n" paths = [paths] unless paths.is_a? Array raise "We are missing a block here!" unless block_given? paths.each do |path| backups = run_cmd("ls #{path}").strip.split("\n").map do |file_name| time_data = DateTime.strptime(file_name,'%Y%m%d_%H%M.%S').to_time.utc Time.utc(time_data.year,time_data.month,,time_data.hour,time_data.min,time_data.sec,time_data.usec) end to_keep = (yield(backups) || []).uniq to_remove = backups.delete_if {|v| to_keep.include?(v) } to_remove.each do |backup_to_remove| cmd = "rm -rf #{path}/#{backup_to_remove.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M.%S")}*" if test_run puts cmd else run_cmd(cmd) end end end end def remove_old_backups remove(backup.run_cmd('ls -m ~/backups/').strip.split(/,\s/).map{|path| "~/backups/#{path}" }) do |backups| # First backup of each month 1 years back months = keep_first_each_month(backups,1.years.ago) # First backup of each week 2 months back weeks = keep_first_each_week(backups,1.months.ago) # First backup of each day 1 week back days = keep_first_each_day(backups,7.days.ago) # All backups during the last 24 hours all = keep_all(backups, all + days + weeks + months end end def keep_first_each_month backups,time_back = 1.year.ago months = {} backups.sort.each do |time| if time > time_back months[time.strftime('%Y%m')] = time unless months[time.strftime('%Y%m')] end end months.values end def keep_first_each_week backups,time_back = 2.months.ago weeks = {} backups.sort.each do |time| if time > time_back string = time.strftime('%Y%m') + time.to_date.cweek.to_s weeks[string] = time unless weeks[string] end end weeks.values end def keep_first_each_day backups,time_back = 7.days.ago days = {} backups.sort.each do |time| if time > time_back string = time.strftime('%Y%m%d') days[string] = time unless days[string] end end days.values end def keep_all backups,time_back = hours = [] backups.sort.each do |time| if time > 1.days.ago hours << time end end hours end end end