require 'rspec/core' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' require 'thor/core_ext/file_binary_read' namespace :hyhead do desc "Execute Continuous Integration build (docs, tests with coverage)" task :ci => :setup_test_app do Rake::Task["hydra:jetty:config"].invoke require 'jettywrapper' jetty_params = Jettywrapper.load_config.merge({:jetty_home => File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../jetty')}) error = nil error = Jettywrapper.wrap(jetty_params) do Rake::Task['hyhead:coverage'].invoke end raise "test failures: #{error}" if error Rake::Task["hyhead:doc"].invoke end desc "Easiest way to run rspec tests. Copies code to host plugins dir, loads fixtures, then runs specs - need to have jetty running." task :spec => "rspec:setup_and_run" namespace :rspec do desc "Run the hydra-head specs - need to have jetty running, test host set up and fixtures loaded." ENV['RAILS_ROOT'] = File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)),'..','tmp','test_app')>"hyhead:test:prepare") do |t| t.rspec_opts = "--colour" # pattern directory name defaults to ./**/*_spec.rb, but has a more concise command line echo t.pattern = File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)),'..','test_support','spec') end desc "Sets up test host, loads fixtures, then runs specs - need to have jetty running." task :setup_and_run => :test_app_exists do puts "Reloading fixtures" puts %x[rake hyhead:fixtures:refresh RAILS_ENV=test] Rake::Task["hyhead:rspec:run"].invoke end end desc "Execute specs with coverage" task :coverage do # Put spec opts in a file named .rspec in root ruby_engine = defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) ? RUBY_ENGINE : "ruby" ENV['COVERAGE'] = 'true' unless ruby_engine == 'jruby' Rake::Task['hyhead:test'].invoke end begin require 'yard' require 'yard/rake/yardoc_task' project_root = File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../") doc_destination = File.join(project_root, 'doc') if !File.exists?(doc_destination) FileUtils.mkdir_p(doc_destination) end do |yt| yt.files = ['lib/**/*.rb', project_root+"*", 'app/**/*.rb'] yt.options << "-m" << "textile" yt.options << "--protected" yt.options << "--no-private" yt.options << "-r" << "README.textile" yt.options << "-o" << "doc" yt.options << "--files" << "*.textile" end rescue LoadError desc "Generate YARD Documentation" task :doc do abort "Please install the YARD gem to generate rdoc." end end # # Cucumber # desc "Run cucumber tests for hyhead - need to have jetty running, test host set up and fixtures loaded." task :cucumber => ['test:prepare'] do puts "Running cucumber features in test host app #{Dir.pwd}" within_test_app do Rake::Task["hyhead:cucumber:cmd"].invoke end end namespace :cucumber do require 'cucumber/rake/task' ### Don't call this directly, use hyhead:cucumber do |t| t.cucumber_opts = "../../test_support/features --format progress" end end # # Misc Tasks # desc "Creates a new test app" task :setup_test_app => [:set_test_host_path] do path = TEST_HOST_PATH errors = [] puts "Cleaning out test app path" %x[rm -fr #{path}] errors << 'Error removing test app' unless $?.success? FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) puts "Installing rails, bundler and devise" %x[gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri 'rails' -v "<4"] %x[gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri 'bundler']'tmp') puts "Generating new rails app" %x[rails new test_app] errors << 'Error generating new rails test app' unless $?.success?'test_app') FileUtils.rm('public/index.html') puts "Copying Gemfile from test_support/etc" FileUtils.cp('../../test_support/etc/Gemfile','./Gemfile') puts "Copying fixtures into test app spec/fixtures directory" FileUtils.mkdir_p( File.join('.','spec') ) FileUtils.cp_r(File.join('..','..','test_support','fixtures'), File.join('.','spec','fixtures')) puts "Executing bundle install in the test app" #puts %x[bundle install --local] puts %x[bundle install] errors << 'Error running bundle install in test app' unless $?.success? puts "Installing cucumber in test app" puts %x[rails g cucumber:install] errors << 'Error installing cucumber in test app' unless $?.success? puts "generating default blacklight install" puts %x[rails generate blacklight --devise] errors << 'Error generating default blacklight install' unless $?.success? puts "generating default hydra-head install" puts %x[rails generate hydra:head -f] # using -f to force overwriting of solr.yml errors << 'Error generating default hydra-head install' unless $?.success? # set log_level to :warn in the test app's test environment. (:debug is too verbose) after = 'TestApp::Application.configure do' replace!( "#{path}/config/environments/test.rb", /#{after}/, "#{after}\n config.log_level = :warn\n") puts "Running rake db:migrate" %x[rake db:migrate] raise "Errors: #{errors.join("; ")}" unless errors.empty?'../../') end task :set_test_host_path do TEST_HOST_PATH = File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)),'..','tmp','test_app') end # # Test # desc "Run tests against test app" task :test => [:spec, :cucumber] do end namespace :test do desc "run db:test:prepare in the test app" task :prepare => :test_app_exists do within_test_app do %x[rake db:test:prepare] end end end desc "Make sure the test app is installed" task :test_app_exists => [:set_test_host_path] do Rake::Task['hyhead:setup_test_app'].invoke unless File.exist?(TEST_HOST_PATH) end end # Adds the content to the file. # def replace!(destination, regexp, string) content = File.binread(destination) content.gsub!(regexp, string), 'wb') { |file| file.write(content) } end def within_test_app yield'../../') end