require 'util/class_level_inheritable_attributes' require 'active_fedora/model' require 'active_fedora/semantic_node' SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID = "id" unless defined?(SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID) ENABLE_SOLR_UPDATES = true unless defined?(ENABLE_SOLR_UPDATES) module ActiveFedora # This class ties together many of the lower-level modules, and # implements something akin to an ActiveRecord-alike interface to # fedora. If you want to represent a fedora object in the ruby # space, this is the class you want to extend. # # =The Basics # class Oralhistory < ActiveFedora::Base # has_metadata :name => "properties", :type => ActiveFedora::MetadataDatastream do |m| # m.field "narrator", :string # m.field "narrator", :text # end # end # # The above example creates a FedoraObject with a metadata datastream named "properties", which is composed of a # narrator and bio field. # # Datastreams defined with +has_metadata+ are accessed via the +datastreams+ member hash. # # =Implementation # This class is really a facade for a basic Fedora::FedoraObject, which is stored internally. class Base include MediaShelfClassLevelInheritableAttributes ms_inheritable_attributes :ds_specs include Model include SemanticNode include SolrMapper has_relationship "collection_members", :has_collection_member # Has this object been saved? def new_object? @new_object end def new_object=(bool) @new_object = bool inner_object.new_object = bool end # Constructor. If +attrs+ does not comtain +:pid+, we assume we're making a new one, # and call off to the Fedora Rest API for the next available Fedora pid, and mark as new object. # # If there is a pid, we're re-hydrating an existing object, and new object is false. Once the @inner_object is stored, # we configure any defined datastreams. def initialize(attrs = {}) unless attrs[:pid] attrs = attrs.merge!({:pid=>Fedora::Repository.instance.nextid}) @new_object=true else @new_object = attrs[:new_object] == false ? false : true end @inner_object = @datastreams = {} configure_defined_datastreams end #This method is used to specify the details of a datastream. #args must include :name. Note that this method doesn't actually #execute the block, but stores it at the class level, to be executed #by any future instantiations. def self.has_metadata(args, &block) @ds_specs ||= @ds_specs[args[:name]]= [args[:type], block] end #Saves a Base object, and any dirty datastreams, then updates #the Solr index for this object. def save #@metadata_is_dirty = false # If it's a new object, set the conformsTo relationship for Fedora CMA if new_object? result = create else result = update end @new_object = false self.update_index if @metadata_is_dirty == true && ENABLE_SOLR_UPDATES @metadata_is_dirty == false return result end # Refreshes the object's info from Fedora # Note: Currently just registers any new datastreams that have appeared in fedora def refresh inner_object.load_attributes_from_fedora @datastreams = datastreams_in_fedora.merge(datastreams_in_memory) end #Deletes a Base object, also deletes the info indexed in Solr, and #the underlying inner_object. def delete Fedora::Repository.instance.delete(@inner_object) escaped_pid =, '\\:') SolrService.instance.conn.delete(escaped_pid) if ENABLE_SOLR_UPDATES end # # Datastream Management # # Returns all known datastreams for the object. If the object has been # saved to fedora, the persisted datastreams will be included. # Datastreams that have been modified in memory are given preference over # the copy in Fedora. def datastreams if @new_object @datastreams = datastreams_in_memory else @datastreams = (@datastreams == {}) ? datastreams_in_fedora : datastreams_in_memory #@datastreams = datastreams_in_fedora.merge(datastreams_in_memory) end end def datastreams_in_fedora #:nodoc: mds = {} self.datastreams_xml['datastream'].each do |ds| ds.merge!({:pid =>, :dsID => ds["dsid"], :dsLabel => ds["label"]}) if ds["dsid"] == "RELS-EXT" mds.merge!({ds["dsid"] =>}) else mds.merge!({ds["dsid"] =>}) end mds[ds["dsid"]].new_object = false end mds end def datastreams_in_memory #:ndoc: @datastreams ||= end #return the datastream xml representation direclty from Fedora def datastreams_xml datastreams_xml = XmlSimple.xml_in(Fedora::Repository.instance.fetch_custom(, :datastreams)) end # Adds datastream to the object. Saves the datastream to fedora upon adding. # If datastream does not have a DSID, a unique DSID is generated # :prefix option will set the prefix on auto-generated DSID # @returns DSID of the added datastream def add_datastream(datastream, opts={}) = if datastream.dsid == nil || datastream.dsid.empty? prefix = opts.has_key?(:prefix) ? opts[:prefix] : "DS" datastream.dsid = generate_dsid(prefix) end datastreams[datastream.dsid] = datastream return datastream.dsid end def add(datastream) # :nodoc: warn "Warning: ActiveFedora::Base.add has been deprected. Use add_datastream" add_datastream(datastream) end #return all datastreams of type ActiveFedora::MetadataDatastream def metadata_streams results = [] datastreams.each_value do |ds| if ds.kind_of?(ActiveFedora::MetadataDatastream) results< label, :controlGroup => 'M', :blob => file) opts.has_key?(:dsid) ? ds.dsid=(opts[:dsid]) : nil add_datastream(ds) end def file_objects collection_members end def file_objects_append(obj) collection_members_append(obj) end def collection_members_append(obj) add_relationship(:has_collection_member, obj) end def collection_members_remove() # will rely on SemanticNode.remove_relationship once it is implemented end # # Relationships Management # # @returns Hash of relationships, as defined by SemanticNode # Rely on rels_ext datastream to track relationships array # Overrides accessor for relationships array used by SemanticNode. def relationships return rels_ext.relationships end # Add a Rels-Ext relationship to the Object. # @param predicate # @param object Either a string URI or an object that responds to .pid def add_relationship(predicate, obj) #predicate = ActiveFedora::RelsExtDatastream.predicate_lookup(predicate) r =>:self, :predicate=>predicate, :object=>obj) rels_ext.add_relationship(r) rels_ext.dirty = true end def inner_object # :nodoc @inner_object end #return the pid of the Fedora Object def pid end #For Rails compatibility with url generators. def to_param end #return the internal fedora URI def internal_uri "info:fedora/#{pid}" end #return the state of the inner object def state @inner_object.state end #return the owner id def owner_id @inner_object.owner_id end def owner_id=(owner_id) @inner_object.owner_id=(owner_id) end #return the create_date of the inner object (unless it's a new object) def create_date @inner_object.create_date unless new_object? end #return the modification date of the inner object (unless it's a new object) def modified_date @inner_object.modified_date unless new_object? end #return the error list of the inner object (unless it's a new object) def errors @inner_object.errors end #return the label of the inner object (unless it's a new object) def label @inner_object.label end def label=(new_label) @inner_object.label = new_label end def self.deserialize(doc) #:nodoc: pid = doc.elements['/foxml:digitalObject'].attributes['PID'] proto =>pid, :new_object=>false) proto.datastreams.each do |name,ds| doc.elements.each("//foxml:datastream[@ID='#{name}']") do |el| # datastreams remain marked as new if the foxml doesn't have an entry for that datastream ds.new_object = false proto.datastreams[name]=ds.class.from_xml(ds, el) end end proto.inner_object.new_object = false return proto end #Return a hash of all available metadata fields for all #ActiveFedora::MetadataDatastream datastreams, as well as #system_create_date, system_modified_date, active_fedora_model_field, #and the object id. def fields fields = {:id => {:values => [pid]}, :system_create_date => {:values => [self.create_date], :type=>:date}, :system_modified_date => {:values => [self.modified_date], :type=>:date}, :active_fedora_model => {:values => [self.class.inspect], :type=>:symbol}} datastreams.values.each do |ds| fields.merge!(ds.fields) if ds.kind_of?(ActiveFedora::MetadataDatastream) end return fields end #Returns the xml version of this object as a string. def to_xml("")) fields_xml = xml.root.elements['fields'] {:id => pid, :system_create_date => self.create_date, :system_modified_date => self.modified_date, :active_fedora_model => self.class.inspect}.each_pair do |attribute_name, value| el = el.text = value fields_xml << el end datastreams.each_value do |ds| ds.to_xml(fields_xml) if ds.kind_of?(ActiveFedora::MetadataDatastream) || ds.kind_of?(ActiveFedora::RelsExtDatastream) end return xml.to_s end #Return a Solr::Document version of this object. def to_solr(solr_doc = solr_doc << {SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID.to_sym => pid, solr_name(:system_create, :date) => self.create_date, solr_name(:system_modified, :date) => self.modified_date, solr_name(:active_fedora_model, :symbol) => self.class.inspect} datastreams.each_value do |ds| solr_doc = ds.to_solr(solr_doc) if ds.kind_of?(ActiveFedora::MetadataDatastream) || ds.kind_of?(ActiveFedora::RelsExtDatastream) end return solr_doc end # Updates Solr index with self. def update_index SolrService.instance.conn.update(self.to_solr) end # An ActiveRecord-ism to udpate metadata values. # # Example Usage: # # m.update_attributes(:fubar=>'baz') # # This will attempt to set the values for any fields named fubar in any of # the object's datastreams. This means DS1.fubar_values and DS2.fubar_values # are _both_ overwritten. # # If you want to specify which datastream(s) to update, # use the :datastreams argument like so: # m.update_attributes({:fubar=>'baz'}, :datastreams=>"my_ds") # or # m.update_attributes({:fubar=>'baz'}, :datastreams=>["my_ds", "my_other_ds"]) def update_attributes(params={}, opts={}) params.each do |k,v| if v == :delete || v == "" || v == nil v = [] end if opts[:datastreams] ds_array = [] opts[:datastreams].each do |dsname| ds_array << datastreams[dsname] end else ds_array = datastreams.values end ds_array.each do |d| if d.fields[k.to_sym] d.send("#{k}_values=", v) end end end end # A convenience method for updating indexed attributes. The passed in hash # must look like this : # {{:name=>{"0"=>"a","1"=>"b"}} # # This will result in any datastream field of name :name having the value [a,b] # # An index of -1 will insert a new value. any existing value at the relevant index # will be overwritten. # # As in update_attributes, this overwrites _all_ available fields by default. # # If you want to specify which datastream(s) to update, # use the :datastreams argument like so: # m.update_attributes({"fubar"=>{"-1"=>"mork", "0"=>"york", "1"=>"mangle"}}, :datastreams=>"my_ds") # or # m.update_attributes({"fubar"=>{"-1"=>"mork", "0"=>"york", "1"=>"mangle"}}, :datastreams=>["my_ds", "my_other_ds"]) # def update_indexed_attributes(params={}, opts={}) if opts[:datastreams] ds_array = [] opts[:datastreams].each do |dsname| ds_array << datastreams[dsname] end else ds_array = datastreams.values end result = params.dup params.each do |key,value| result[key] = value.dup ds_array.each do |dstream| if dstream.fields[key.to_sym] aname="#{key}_values" curval = dstream.send("#{aname}") cpv=value.dup#copy this, we'll need the original for the next ds cpv.delete_if do |y,z| if curval[y.to_i] and y.to_i > -1 curval[y.to_i]=z true else false end end cpv.each do |y,z| curval<""} end ds =>name) ds.attributes = attributes.merge(ds.attributes) self.add_datastream(ds) end end end # Deals with preparing new object to be saved to Fedora, then pushes it and its datastreams into Fedora. def create add_relationship(:has_model, ActiveFedora::ContentModel.pid_from_ruby_class(self.class)) @metadata_is_dirty = true update #@datastreams = datastreams_in_fedora end # Pushes the object and all of its new or dirty datastreams into Fedora def update result = datastreams_in_memory.each do |k,ds| if ds.dirty? || ds.new_object? if ds.kind_of?(ActiveFedora::MetadataDatastream) || ds.instance_of?(ActiveFedora::RelsExtDatastream) @metadata_is_dirty = true end result = end end refresh return result end end end