require "uri" require "csv" require "colorize" require "gemoji" class EligibilityCheck def initialize(name) @name = name @no_arr = [] end def start_process instruction owner_of_the_property received_solar_rebate_before existed_solar_panel combined_houshold_income property_value eligibility_response end private def instruction puts "Hello, this is a solar panel rebate eligibility check process, please follow the questions and them with a valid input 1 is yes and 2 is no. Simply type 1 or 2 will be sufficient. Although you respond with any other inputs, this program will guide you through the whole process. if you wish to leave the process type 3 as your response.".colorize(:blue) puts "---" * 20 end def owner_of_the_property puts "Are you the property owner and the current occupier?".colorize(:light_blue) user_input_options answer = gets.chomp.to_i return owner_of_the_property unless answer_check(answer) end def received_solar_rebate_before puts "Is this your first apply for solar panel rebate?".colorize(:light_blue) user_input_options answer = gets.chomp.to_i return received_solar_rebate_before unless answer_check(answer) end def existed_solar_panel puts "Is this your first solar panel installation?".colorize(:light_blue) user_input_options answer = gets.chomp.to_i return existed_solar_panel unless answer_check(answer) end def combined_houshold_income puts "Is your household income below $180,000aud?".colorize(:light_blue) user_input_options answer = gets.chomp.to_i return combined_houshold_income unless answer_check(answer) end def property_value puts "Is your property value less than $3 millions?".colorize(:light_blue) user_input_options answer = gets.chomp.to_i return property_value unless answer_check(answer) end def eligibility_response if @no_arr.size == 0 clap = Emoji.find_by_alias("clap").raw + " " puts "Congrats! You are eligible for solar panel rebate #{clap * 3}".colorize(:red) else puts "Sorry, you are not eligible for solar panel rebate program." end end def answer_check(answer) if answer == 1 puts "Please read the next line #{Emoji.find_by_alias("point_right").raw}.".colorize(:light_yellow) puts " " return true elsif answer == 2 puts "Please read the next line #{Emoji.find_by_alias("point_right").raw}.".colorize(:light_yellow) puts " " @no_arr << answer return true elsif answer == 3 exit else puts "It is no a valid input. Please type 1. yes or 2. no." puts " " return false end end def user_input_options puts "1. Yes 2. No ".colorize(:light_blue) puts "if you wish to leave this eligibility check process, type 3".colorize(:green) end end