class Knjappserver def initialize_cleaner if @config[:autorestart] time = 1 else time = 15 end #This should not be runned via _kas.timeout because timeout wont run when @should_restart is true! - knj do loop do sleep time if @config.has_key?(:restart_when_used_memory) and !@should_restart mbs_used = (Knj::Php.memory_get_usage / 1024) / 1024 #STDOUT.print "Used: #{mbs_used}\n" if mbs_used.to_i >= @config[:restart_when_used_memory].to_i STDOUT.print "Memory is over #{@config[:restart_when_used_memory]} - restarting.\n" @should_restart = true end end if @should_restart and !@should_restart_done and !@should_restart_runnning begin @should_restart_runnning = true #When we begin to restart it should go as fast as possible - so start by flushing out any emails waiting... STDOUT.print "Flushing mails.\n" self.mail_flush #Lets try to find a time where no thread is working within the next 30 seconds. If we cant - we interrupt after 10 seconds and restart the server. begin Timeout.timeout(30) do loop do working_count = self.httpserv.working_count working = false if working_count > 0 working = true STDOUT.print "Someone is working - wait two sec and try to restart again!\n" end if !working STDOUT.print "Found window where no sessions were active - restarting!\n" break else sleep 0.2 end STDOUT.print "Trying to find window with no active sessions to restart...\n" end end rescue Timeout::Error STDOUT.print "Could not find a timing window for restarting... Forcing restart!\n" end #Flush emails again if any are pending (while we tried to find a window to restart)... STDOUT.print "Flushing mails.\n" self.mail_flush STDOUT.print "Stopping appserver.\n" self.stop STDOUT.print "Figuring out restart-command.\n" mycmd = @config[:restart_cmd] if !mycmd or mycmd.to_s.strip.length <= 0 fpath = Knj::Php.realpath(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../knjappserver.rb") mycmd = Knj::Os.executed_cmd STDOUT.print "Previous cmd: #{mycmd}\n" mycmd = mycmd.gsub(/\s+knjappserver.rb/, " #{Knj::Strings.unixsafe(fpath)}") end STDOUT.print "Restarting knjAppServer with command: #{mycmd}\n" @should_restart_done = true print exec(mycmd) exit rescue Exception => e STDOUT.puts e.inspect STDOUT.puts e.backtrace end end end end self.timeout(:time => 300) do STDOUT.print "Cleaning sessions on appserver.\n" if @config[:debug] self.paused_exec do time_check = - 300 @sessions.each do |ip, ip_sessions| ip_sessions.each do |session_hash, session_data| if session_data[:time_lastused].to_i <= time_check session_data[:dbobj].flush @ob.unset(session_data[:dbobj]) session_data[:hash].clear ip_sessions.delete(session_hash) session_data.clear end end @sessions.delete(ip) if ip_sessions.empty? end end end end end