// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== // ======================================================================== // View Animation Unit Tests // ======================================================================== /*globals module test ok same equals */ /* These unit tests verify: animate(). */ var view, pane, originalSupportsTransitions = SC.platform.supportsCSSTransitions; function styleFor(view) { return view.get('layer').style; } function transitionFor(view){ return styleFor(view)[SC.platform.domCSSPrefix+"Transition"]; } var commonSetup = { setup: function() { SC.RunLoop.begin(); pane = SC.Pane.create({ backgroundColor: '#ccc', layout: { top: 0, right: 0, width: 200, height: 200, zIndex: 100 } }); pane.append(); view = SC.View.create({ backgroundColor: '#888', layout: { left: 0, top: 0, height: 100, width: 100 } }); pane.appendChild(view); SC.RunLoop.end(); }, teardown: function(){ pane.remove(); } }; if (SC.platform.supportsCSSTransitions) { module("ANIMATION", commonSetup); test("should work", function(){ SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.animate('left', 100, { duration: 1 }); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(transitionFor(view), 'left 1s linear', 'add transition'); equals(100, view.get('layout').left, 'left is 100'); }); test("should accept shorthand notation", function(){ SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.animate('left', 100, 1); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(transitionFor(view), 'left 1s linear', 'add transition'); }); test("callbacks work in general", function(){ stop(2000); SC.RunLoop.begin(); // We shouldn't have to use invokeLater, but it's the only way to get this to work! view.invokeLater('animate', 1, 'left', 100, 0.500, function() { start(); ok(true, "Callback was called."); }); SC.RunLoop.end(); }); test("callbacks should have appropriate data", function(){ stop(2000); SC.RunLoop.begin(); // We shouldn't have to use invokeLater, but it's the only way to get this to work! view.invokeLater('animate', 1, 'left', 100, 0.500, function(data) { start(); // TODO: Test this better ok(data.event, "has event"); equals(data.propertyName, 'left', "propertyName is 'left'"); equals(data.view, view, "view is correct"); equals(data.isCancelled, false, "animation is not cancelled"); }); SC.RunLoop.end(); }); test("handles timing function string", function(){ SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.animate('left', 100, { duration: 1, timing: 'ease-in' }); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(transitionFor(view), 'left 1s ease-in', 'uses ease-in timing'); }); test("handles timing function array", function(){ SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.animate('left', 100, { duration: 1, timing: [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4] }); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(transitionFor(view), 'left 1s cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)', 'uses cubic-bezier timing'); }); test("should allow multiple keys to be set at once", function(){ SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.animate({ top: 100, left: 100 }, 1); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(transitionFor(view), 'top 1s linear, left 1s linear', 'should add transition'); equals(100, view.get('layout').top, 'top is 100'); equals(100, view.get('layout').left, 'left is 100'); }); // Pretty sure this does the job test("callbacks should be called for each property", function(){ stop(2000); var stopped = true; expect(2); var propertyNames = "top left".w(); SC.RunLoop.begin(); // We shouldn't have to use invokeLater, but it's the only way to get this to work! view.invokeLater('animate', 1, { top: 100, left: 100 }, 0.500, function(data) { if (stopped) { start(); stopped = false; } var hasProperty = false; if (propertyNames.contains(data.propertyName)) { propertyNames.removeObject(data.propertyName); hasProperty = true; } ok(hasProperty, "has property: "+data.propertyName); }); SC.RunLoop.end(); }); test("multiple animations should be able to run simultaneously", function(){ stop(2000); expect(2); SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.invokeLater('animate', 1, 'top', 100, 0.250, function(){ ok(true, 'top finished'); }); view.invokeLater('animate', 2, 'left', 100, 0.500, function(){ ok(true, 'left finished'); start(); }); SC.RunLoop.end(); }); test("altering existing animation should call callback as cancelled", function(){ stop(2000); expect(2); SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.invokeLater('animate', 1, 'top', 100, 0.500, function(data){ equals(data.isCancelled, true, 'first cancelled'); }); view.invokeLater('animate', 250, 'top', 0, 0.500, function(data){ equals(data.isCancelled, false, 'second not cancelled'); start(); }); SC.RunLoop.end(); }); test("should not cancel callback when value hasn't changed", function() { var callbacks = 0, wasCancelled = NO, check = 0; stop(2000); SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.invokeLater(function() { // this triggers the initial layoutStyle code view.animate('left', 79, 0.500, function(data) { callbacks++; wasCancelled = data.isCancelled; }); // this triggers a re-render, re-running the layoutStyle code view.displayDidChange(); }, 1); SC.RunLoop.end(); setTimeout(function() { // capture the callbacks value check = callbacks; }, 250); setTimeout(function() { start(); equals(check, 0, "the callback should not have been cancelled initially"); equals(callbacks, 1, "the callback should have been fired"); equals(wasCancelled, NO, "the callback should not have been cancelled"); }, 1000); }); test("should handle transform attributes", function(){ SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.animate('rotateX', 45, { duration: 1 }); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(transitionFor(view), '-'+SC.platform.cssPrefix+'-transform 1s linear', 'add transition'); equals(styleFor(view)[SC.platform.domCSSPrefix+'Transform'], 'rotateX(45deg)', 'has both transforms'); equals(45, view.get('layout').rotateX, 'rotateX is 45deg'); }); test("should handle conflicting transform animations", function(){ expect(5); var originalConsoleWarn = console.warn; console.warn = function(warning){ equals(warning, "Can't animate transforms with different durations! Using first duration specified.", "proper warning"); }; SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.animate('rotateX', 45, 1).animate('scale', 2, 2); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(transitionFor(view), '-'+SC.platform.cssPrefix+'-transform 1s linear', 'use duration of first'); equals(styleFor(view)[SC.platform.domCSSPrefix+'Transform'], 'rotateX(45deg) scale(2)'); equals(45, view.get('layout').rotateX, 'rotateX is 45deg'); equals(2, view.get('layout').scale, 'scale is 2'); console.warn = originalConsoleWarn; }); test("should properly handle callbacks from conflicting transforms"); test("removes animation property when done", function(){ stop(2000); SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.invokeLater('animate', 1000, { top: 100, scale: 2 }, 0.500); SC.RunLoop.end(); setTimeout(function(){ start(); equals(view.get('layout').animateTop, undefined, "animateTop is undefined"); equals(view.get('layout').animateScale, undefined, "animateScale is undefined"); }, 1000); }); module("ANIMATION WITH ACCELERATED LAYER", { setup: function(){ commonSetup.setup(); view.wantsAcceleratedLayer = YES; }, teardown: commonSetup.teardown }); test("handles acceleration when appropriate", function(){ SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.animate('top', 100, 1); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(transitionFor(view), '-'+SC.platform.cssPrefix+'-transform 1s linear', 'transition is on transform'); }); test("doesn't use acceleration when not appropriate", function(){ SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.adjust({ height: null, bottom: 0 }); view.animate('top', 100, 1); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(transitionFor(view), 'top 1s linear', 'transition is not on transform'); }); test("combines accelerated layer animation with compatible transform animations", function(){ SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.animate('top', 100, 1).animate('rotateX', 45, 1); SC.RunLoop.end(); var transform = styleFor(view)[SC.platform.domCSSPrefix+'Transform']; // We need to check these separately because in some cases we'll also have translateZ, this way we don't have to worry about it ok(transform.match(/translateX\(0px\) translateY\(100px\)/), 'has translate'); ok(transform.match(/rotateX\(45deg\)/), 'has rotateX'); }); test("should not use accelerated layer if other transforms are being animated at different speeds", function(){ SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.animate('rotateX', 45, 2).animate('top', 100, 1); SC.RunLoop.end(); var style = styleFor(view); equals(style[SC.platform.domCSSPrefix+'Transform'], 'rotateX(45deg)', 'transform should only have rotateX'); equals(style['top'], '100px', 'should not accelerate top'); }); test("callbacks should work properly with acceleration", function(){ stop(2000); var stopped = true; expect(3); var propertyNames = "top left scale".w(); SC.RunLoop.begin(); // We shouldn't have to use invokeLater, but it's the only way to get this to work! view.invokeLater('animate', 1, { top: 100, left: 100, scale: 2 }, 0.500, function(data) { if (stopped) { start(); stopped = false; } var hasProperty = false; if (propertyNames.contains(data.propertyName)) { propertyNames.removeObject(data.propertyName); hasProperty = true; } ok(hasProperty, "has property: "+data.propertyName); }); SC.RunLoop.end(); }); test("should not add animation for properties that have the same value as existing layout", function() { var callbacks = 0; SC.RunLoop.begin(); // we set width to the same value, but we change height view.invokeLater('animate', 1, {width: 100, height: 50}, 0.5, function() { callbacks++; }); SC.RunLoop.end(); ok(callbacks === 0, "precond - callback should not have been run yet"); stop(2000); // we need to test changing the width at a later time setTimeout(function() { start(); equals(callbacks, 1, "callback should have been run once, for height change"); SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.animate('width', 50, 0.5); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(callbacks, 1, "callback should still have only been called once, even though width has now been animated"); }, 1000); }); test("should warn if multiple callbacks for transitions"); } module("ANIMATION WITHOUT TRANSITIONS", { setup: function(){ commonSetup.setup(); SC.platform.supportsCSSTransitions = NO; }, teardown: function(){ commonSetup.teardown(); SC.platform.supportsCSSTransitions = originalSupportsTransitions; } }); test("should update layout", function(){ view.animate('left', 100, 1); equals(100, view.get('layout').left, 'left is 100'); }); test("should still run callback", function(){ var ranCallback = false; SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.animate('left', 100, 1, function() { ranCallback = true; }); SC.RunLoop.end(); ok(ranCallback, "should run callback"); });