# encoding: UTF-8 require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__) describe "Change" do before do @now = Time.now @site = setup_site Timecop.freeze(@now) @revision = 1 Content.delete Spontaneous::State.delete class ::Page field :title, :string, :default => "New Page" box :things end class ::Piece box :things end end after do Timecop.return Content.delete_revision(@revision) rescue nil Content.delete_revision(@revision+1) rescue nil Content.delete @site.must_publish_all!(false) teardown_site end def outstanding_changes S::Change.outstanding(@site) end it "flag if the site has never been published" do root = Page.create(:title => "root") 5.times { |i| root.things << Page.create(:title => "Page #{i+1}") } result = outstanding_changes assert result.key?(:published_revision) result[:published_revision].must_equal 0 assert result[:first_publish] end it "honors the site must_publish_all? flag" do @site.must_publish_all! root = Page.create(:title => "root") result = outstanding_changes result[:must_publish_all].must_equal true end it "list all newly created pages" do root = Page.create(:title => "root") root.save Content.publish(@revision) 5.times { |i| root.things << Page.create(:title => "Page #{i+1}") } result = outstanding_changes result.must_be_instance_of(Hash) pages = result[:changes] pages.must_be_instance_of(Array) pages.length.must_equal 5 pages.map(&:class).must_equal [S::Change]*5 Set.new(pages.map(&:page_id)).must_equal Set.new(root.things.map { |p| p.id }) end it "not list new pieces as available for publish" do root = Page.create(:title => "root") Content.publish(@revision) root.things << Piece.new root.save.reload result = outstanding_changes[:changes] result.length.must_equal 1 result.first.page.must_equal root end it "not list pages that have been published" do root = Page.create(:title => "root") Content.publish(@revision) 5.times { |i| root.things << Page.create(:title => "Page #{i+1}") } root.save Content.publish(@revision+1, [root.id, root.things.first.id]) result = outstanding_changes[:changes] result.length.must_equal 4 Set.new(result.map(&:page_id).flatten).must_equal Set.new(root.things[1..-1].map(&:id)) end it "group unpublished parents with their children" do root = Page.create(:title => "root") Content.publish(@revision) root.reload page1 = Page.new(:title => "Page 1") root.things << page1 new_child1 = Page.new(:title => "New Child 1") page1.things << new_child1 new_parent = Page.new(:title => "New Parent") new_child2 = Page.new(:title => "New Child 2") new_child3 = Page.new(:title => "New Child 3") root.things << new_parent new_parent.things << new_child2 new_child2.things << new_child3 pages = [root, page1, new_child1, new_parent, new_child2, new_child3] pages.each(&:save) Content.publish(@revision+1, [root.id]) result = outstanding_changes[:changes] result.length.must_equal 5 id_groups = result.map { |change| [change.page.id, change.dependent.map(&:id)] } Set.new(id_groups).must_equal Set.new([ [page1.id, []], [new_child1.id, [page1.id]], [new_parent.id, []], [new_child2.id, [new_parent.id ]], [new_child3.id, [new_parent.id, new_child2.id]] ]) end it "successfully publish list of dependent pages" do root = Page.create(:title => "root") Content.publish(@revision) root.reload page1 = Page.new(:title => "Page 1") root.things << page1 new_child1 = Page.new(:title => "New Child 1") page1.things << new_child1 new_parent = Page.new(:title => "New Parent") new_child2 = Page.new(:title => "New Child 2") new_child3 = Page.new(:title => "New Child 3") root.things << new_parent new_parent.things << new_child2 new_child2.things << new_child3 pages = [root, page1, new_child1, new_parent, new_child2, new_child3] pages.each(&:save) Content.publish(@revision+1, [root.id]) result = outstanding_changes[:changes] e = nil begin pages = Spontaneous::Change.include_dependencies([new_child3]) Content.publish(@revision+2, pages) Content.delete_revision(@revision + 2) rescue nil rescue => e Content.delete_revision(@revision + 2) rescue nil raise end end it "provide page & dependency information in serializable format" do root = Page.create(:title => "root") Content.publish(@revision) root.reload page1 = Page.new(:title => "Page 1") root.things << page1 new_child1 = Page.new(:title => "New Child 1") page1.things << new_child1 root.save Content.publish(@revision+1, [root.id]) result = outstanding_changes[:changes] change = result.detect { |change| change.page.id == new_child1.id } change.export.must_equal({ :id => new_child1.id, :title => new_child1.title.value, :url => new_child1.path, :published_at => nil, :modified_at => new_child1.modified_at.httpdate, # :editor_login => "someone", :depth => new_child1.depth, :side_effects => {}, :update_locks => [], :dependent => [{ :id => page1.id, :depth => page1.depth, :title => page1.title.value, :url => page1.path, :side_effects => {}, :update_locks => [], :published_at => nil, :modified_at => page1.modified_at.httpdate, }] }) end it "order modified changes in reverse modification date order" do root = Page.create(:title => "root") Content.publish(@revision) root.reload page1 = Page.new(:title => "Page 1") root.things << page1 root.save.reload page1.save.reload last = Time.now + 100 Timecop.travel(last) new_child1 = Page.new(:title => "New Child 1") page1.things << new_child1 page1.save new_child1.save result = outstanding_changes[:changes] assert result.first.modified_at > result.last.modified_at, "Change list in incorrect order" end it "provide information on side effects of publishing page with path changes" do root = Page.create(:title => "root") root.reload page1 = Page.new(:title => "Page 1") root.things << page1 new_child1 = Page.new(:title => "New Child 1") page1.things << new_child1 root.save new_child1.save Content.publish(@revision) page1.reload later = @now + 10 Timecop.travel(later) old_slug = page1.slug page1.slug = "changed" page1.save.reload result = outstanding_changes[:changes] change = result.detect { |change| change.page.id == page1.id } refute change.nil? change.export[:side_effects].must_equal({ :slug => [{ :count => 1, :created_at => later.httpdate, :old_value => old_slug, :new_value => "changed"}] }) end it "provide information on side effects of publishing page with visibility changes" do root = Page.create(:title => "root") root.reload page1 = Page.new(:title => "Page 1") root.things << page1 new_child1 = Page.new(:title => "New Child 1") page1.things << new_child1 root.save Content.publish(@revision) page1.reload later = @now + 10 Timecop.travel(later) page1.hide! result = outstanding_changes[:changes] change = result.detect { |change| change.page.id == page1.id } refute change.nil? change.export[:side_effects].must_equal({ :visibility => [{ :count => 1, :created_at => later.httpdate, :old_value => false, :new_value => true}] }) end it "provide information about any update locks that exist on a page" do Piece.field :async page = Page.create(:title => "page") piece = Piece.new page.things << piece page.save piece.save lock = Spontaneous::PageLock.create(:page_id => page.id, :content_id => piece.id, :field_id => piece.async.id, :description => "Update Lock") assert page.locked_for_update? result = outstanding_changes[:changes] change = result.detect { |change| change.page.id == page.id } change.export[:update_locks].must_equal [{ id: lock.id, content_id: piece.id, field_id: piece.async.id, field_name: :async, location: "Field ‘async’ of entry 1 in box ‘things’", description: "Update Lock", created_at: @now.httpdate }] end end