Module RubyRunUtils__
In: lib/rubyrun/rubyrun_utils__.rb


Included Modules


Public Instance methods

Environment variable not defined or defined with nil value is deemed to be non-existent


    # File lib/rubyrun/rubyrun_utils__.rb, line 33
33:   def env_var_exists?(var)
34:     ENV[var].nil? || ENV[var] == '' ? false : true
35:   end

Error exit


    # File lib/rubyrun/rubyrun_utils__.rb, line 38
38:   def fatal_exit(e)
39:     $stderr.print e.to_s + "\n" + e.backtrace.join("\n")
40:     exit(-1)
41:   end

Retrieve caller details (filename, line number, method name)


    # File lib/rubyrun/rubyrun_utils__.rb, line 27
27:   def get_caller_detail(n=3)
28:     caller(0)[n].gsub("#{RUBYRUN_PREFIX}_", '').gsub('//', '/') 
29:   end

Return a readable thread ID for the current thread of execution


    # File lib/rubyrun/rubyrun_utils__.rb, line 22
22:   def get_thread_id(th=Thread.current)
23:     th.inspect.split(/Thread:0x/)[1].split(/ .*?>/)[0]
24:   end

Given a class, it‘s deemed to be a Rails Action Controller if one of its ancestors is ApplicationController


    # File lib/rubyrun/rubyrun_utils__.rb, line 60
60:   def is_application_controller(klass)
61:     return false unless klass.superclass
62:     if klass.superclass == ApplicationController
63:       return true
64:     else
65:       is_application_controller(klass.superclass)
66:     end
67:   end

Return false if the passed in hash is empty Return false if the hash doenst even have the class name as a key Return true if the hash has the key but the method array is empty Return true if the method array has a case-insensitive matching name, matching can be exact or ‘include’. Otherwise return false


    # File lib/rubyrun/rubyrun_utils__.rb, line 75
75:   def is_in?(hash, klass, mid, mode='loose')
76:     return false if hash.empty?
77:     [klass.to_s, klass.class.to_s, '*'].each {|name|
78:       if hash.has_key?(name)
79:         return true if hash[name].empty? 
80:         method_name = return_method_name(mid)
81:         hash[name].each {|meth_name|
82:         case mode
83:           when 'strict'
84:             return true if method_name.downcase == meth_name.downcase 
85:           when 'loose'
86:             return true if method_name.downcase.include?(meth_name.downcase) 
87:           end
88:         }
89:       end
90:     }
91:     false
92:   end

Return true if a Rails Action Controller class A module or object has no superclass hence the rescue clause


    # File lib/rubyrun/rubyrun_utils__.rb, line 45
45:   def is_rails_controller?(klass, mid)
46:     return true if $rubyrun_controller_classes.include?(klass)
47:     $rubyrun_rails_env ||= ENV['RAILS_ENV']
48:     begin
49:       ($rubyrun_controller_classes << klass; return true) if $rubyrun_rails_env &&
50:         klass.to_s[-10, 10] == 'Controller' &&
51:         is_application_controller(klass) &&
52:         !klass.private_instance_methods(false).include?(return_method_name(mid))
53:     rescue
54:     end      
55:     false    
56:   end

Return method name since mid can be an method object ID or a string


    # File lib/rubyrun/rubyrun_utils__.rb, line 95
95:   def return_method_name(mid)
96:     mid.kind_of?(String) ? mid : mid.id2name
97:   end
