## YAWAST [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/adamcaudill/yawast.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/adamcaudill/yawast) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/adamcaudill/yawast/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/adamcaudill/yawast) [![Test Coverage](https://codeclimate.com/github/adamcaudill/yawast/badges/coverage.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/adamcaudill/yawast/coverage) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/yawast.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/yawast) [![Docker Build](https://img.shields.io/docker/automated/adamcaudill/yawast.svg)](https://hub.docker.com/r/adamcaudill/yawast/) **The YAWAST Antecedent Web Application Security Toolkit** YAWAST is an application meant to simplify initial analysis and information gathering for penetration testers and security auditors. It performs basic checks in these categories: * TLS/SSL - Versions and cipher suites supported; common issues. * Information Disclosure - Checks for common information leaks. * Presence of Files or Directories - Checks for files or directories that could indicate a security issue. * Common Vulnerabilities * Missing Security Headers This is meant to provide a easy way to perform initial analysis and information discovery. It's not a full testing suite, and it certainly isn't Metasploit. The idea is to provide a quick way to perform initial data collection, which can then be used to better target further tests. It is especially useful when used in conjunction with Burp Suite (via the `--proxy` parameter). Please see [the wiki](https://github.com/adamcaudill/yawast/wiki) for full documentation. ### Installing YAWAST is packaged as a Ruby Gem & Docker container to make installing it as easy as possible. Details are available [on the wiki](https://github.com/adamcaudill/yawast/wiki/Installation). The simplest options to install are: As a Gem: `gem install yawast` Via Docker: `docker pull adamcaudill/yawast` It's strongly recommended that you review the [installation](https://github.com/adamcaudill/yawast/wiki/Installation) documentation, to make sure you have the proper dependencies. ### Tests The following tests are performed: * *(Generic)* User Enumeration via Password Reset Form Response Differences * *(Generic)* User Enumeration via Password Reset Form Timing Differences * *(Generic)* Info Disclosure: X-Powered-By header present * *(Generic)* Info Disclosure: X-Pingback header present * *(Generic)* Info Disclosure: X-Backend-Server header present * *(Generic)* Info Disclosure: X-Runtime header present * *(Generic)* Info Disclosure: Via header present * *(Generic)* Info Disclosure: PROPFIND Enabled * *(Generic)* TRACE Enabled * *(Generic)* X-Frame-Options header not present * *(Generic)* X-Content-Type-Options header not present * *(Generic)* Content-Security-Policy header not present * *(Generic)* Public-Key-Pins header not present * *(Generic)* X-XSS-Protection disabled header present * *(Generic)* SSL: HSTS not enabled * *(Generic)* Source Control: Common source control directories present * *(Generic)* Presence of crossdomain.xml or clientaccesspolicy.xml * *(Generic)* Presence of sitemap.xml * *(Generic)* Presence of WS_FTP.LOG * *(Generic)* Presence of RELEASE-NOTES.txt * *(Generic)* Presence of readme.html * *(Generic)* Presence of CHANGELOG.txt * *(Generic)* Missing cookie flags (Secure, HttpOnly, and SameSite) * *(Generic)* Search for 14,169 common files (via `--files`) & 21,332 common directories (via `--dir`) * *(Apache)* Info Disclosure: Module listing enabled * *(Apache)* Info Disclosure: Server version * *(Apache)* Info Disclosure: OpenSSL module version * *(Apache)* Presence of /server-status * *(Apache)* Presence of /server-info * *(Apache Tomcat)* Presence of Tomcat Manager * *(Apache Tomcat)* Presence of Tomcat Host Manager * *(Apache Tomcat)* Tomcat Manager Weak Password * *(Apache Tomcat)* Tomcat Host Manager Weak Password * *(Apache Tomcat)* Tomcat version detection via invalid HTTP verb * *(Apache Tomcat)* Tomcat PUT RCE (CVE-2017-12617) * *(Apache Struts)* Sample files which may be vulnerable * *(IIS)* Info Disclosure: Server version * *(ASP.NET)* Info Disclosure: ASP.NET version * *(ASP.NET)* Info Disclosure: ASP.NET MVC version * *(ASP.NET)* Presence of Trace.axd * *(ASP.NET)* Presence of Elmah.axd * *(ASP.NET)* Debugging Enabled * *(nginx)* Info Disclosure: Server version * *(PHP)* Info Disclosure: PHP version CMS Detection: * Generic (Generator meta tag) *[Real detection coming as soon as I get around to it...]* SSL Information: * Certificate details * Certificate chain * Supported ciphers * Maximum requests using 3DES in a single connection * DNS CAA records Checks for the following SSL issues are performed: *Note: By default, YAWAST uses SSL Labs, meaning this is a small subset of issues detected.* * Expired Certificate * Self-Signed Certificate * MD5 Signature * SHA1 Signature * RC4 Cipher Suites * Weak (< 128 bit) Cipher Suites * SWEET32 * 64-bit Serial Numbers ([details](https://adamcaudill.com/2019/03/09/tls-64bit-ish-serial-numbers-mass-revocation/)) Certain DNS information is collected: * IP Addresses * IP Owner/Network (via [api.iptoasn.com](https://api.iptoasn.com/)) * TXT Records * MX Records * NS Records * CAA Records (with CNAME chasing) * Common Subdomains (2,354 subdomains) - optional, via `--subdomains` * SRV Records - optional, via `--srv` In addition to these tests, certain basic information is also displayed, such as IPs (and the PTR record for each IP), HTTP HEAD request, and others. ### Usage The most common usage scenario is as simple as: `yawast scan ` Detailed [usage information](https://github.com/adamcaudill/yawast/wiki/Usage-&-Parameters) is available on the wiki. ### Sample Sample output for a [scan](https://github.com/adamcaudill/yawast/wiki/Sample-Output) and [TLS-specific](https://github.com/adamcaudill/yawast/wiki/Scanning-TLS-(SSL)) checks are on the wiki. ### Special Thanks * [AppSec Consulting](https://www.appsecconsulting.com/) - Generously providing time to improve this tool. * [SecLists](https://github.com/danielmiessler/SecLists) - Various lists are based on the resources collected by this project.