define("dojox/mobile/Overlay", [ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/sniff", "dojo/_base/window", "dojo/dom-class", "dojo/dom-geometry", "dojo/dom-style", "dojo/window", "dijit/_WidgetBase", "dojo/_base/array", "dijit/registry" ], function(declare, lang, has, win, domClass, domGeometry, domStyle, windowUtils, WidgetBase, array, registry){ return declare("", WidgetBase, { // summary: // A non-templated widget that animates up from the bottom, // overlaying the current content. // baseClass: String // The name of the CSS class of this widget. baseClass: "mblOverlay mblOverlayHidden", _reposition: function(){ // summary: // Position the overlay at the bottom // tags: // private var popupPos = domGeometry.position(this.domNode); var vp = windowUtils.getBox(); if((popupPos.y+popupPos.h) != vp.h // TODO: should be a has() test for position:fixed not scrolling || (domStyle.get(this.domNode, 'position') != 'absolute' && has('android') < 3)){ // android 2.x supports position:fixed but child transforms don't persist popupPos.y = vp.t + vp.h - popupPos.h; domStyle.set(this.domNode, { position: "absolute", top: popupPos.y + "px", bottom: "auto" }); } return popupPos; }, show: function(/*DomNode?*/aroundNode){ // summary: // Scroll the overlay up into view array.forEach(registry.findWidgets(this.domNode), function(w){ if(w && w.height == "auto" && typeof w.resize == "function"){ w.resize(); } }); var popupPos = this._reposition(); if(aroundNode){ var aroundPos = domGeometry.position(aroundNode); if(popupPos.y < aroundPos.y){ // if the aroundNode is under the popup, try to scroll it up, aroundPos.y + aroundPos.h - popupPos.y); this._reposition(); } } var _domNode = this.domNode; domClass.replace(_domNode, ["mblCoverv", "mblIn"], ["mblOverlayHidden", "mblRevealv", "mblOut", "mblReverse", "mblTransition"]); setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){ var handler = this.connect(_domNode, "webkitTransitionEnd", function(){ this.disconnect(handler); domClass.remove(_domNode, ["mblCoverv", "mblIn", "mblTransition"]); this._reposition(); }); domClass.add(_domNode, "mblTransition"); }), 100); var skipReposition = false; this._moveHandle = this.connect(win.doc.documentElement, has('touch') ? "ontouchmove" : "onmousemove", function(){ skipReposition = true; } ); this._repositionTimer = setInterval(lang.hitch(this, function(){ if(skipReposition){ // don't reposition if busy skipReposition = false; return; } this._reposition(); }), 50); // yield a short time to allow for consolidation for better CPU throughput return popupPos; }, hide: function(){ // summary: // Scroll the overlay down and then make it invisible var _domNode = this.domNode; if(this._moveHandle){ this.disconnect(this._moveHandle); this._moveHandle = null; clearInterval(this._repositionTimer); this._repositionTimer = null; } if(has("webkit")){ domClass.replace(_domNode, ["mblRevealv", "mblOut", "mblReverse"], ["mblCoverv", "mblIn", "mblOverlayHidden", "mblTransition"]); setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){ var handler = this.connect(_domNode, "webkitTransitionEnd", function(){ this.disconnect(handler); domClass.replace(_domNode, ["mblOverlayHidden"], ["mblRevealv", "mblOut", "mblReverse", "mblTransition"]); }); domClass.add(_domNode, "mblTransition"); }), 100); }else{ domClass.replace(_domNode, ["mblOverlayHidden"], ["mblCoverv", "mblIn", "mblRevealv", "mblOut", "mblReverse"]); } }, onBlur: function(/*Event*/e){ return false; // touching outside the overlay area does not call hide() } }); });