/* # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~/assets/themes/j1/modules/cookieConsent/js/cookieConsent.js # Provides JS Core for J1 Module BS Cookie Consent # # Product/Info: # https://shaack.com # http://jekyll.one # # Copyright (C) 2020 Stefan Haack # Copyright (C) 2021 Juergen Adams # # bootstrap-cookie-banner is licensed under MIT License. # See: https://github.com/shaack/bootstrap-cookie-banner/blob/master/LICENSE # J1 Template is licensed under MIT License. # See: https://github.com/jekyll-one/J1 Template/blob/master/LICENSE # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: # BS Cookie Consent is a MODIFIED version of bootstrap-cookie-banner # for the use with J1 Template. This modified version cannot be used # outside of J1 Template! # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 'use strict'; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ESLint shimming // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* eslint indent: "off" */ /* eslint no-unused-vars: "off" */ /* eslint no-undef: "off" */ /* eslint no-redeclare: "off" */ /* eslint indent: "off" */ /* eslint JSUnfilteredForInLoop: "off" */ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function BootstrapCookieConsent(props) { var logText; var current_page; var whitelisted; var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.core.bsCookieConsent'); var modalId = "bccs-modal" var self = this var detailedSettingsShown = false this.props = { autoShowDialog: true, // disable autoShowModal on the privacy policy and legal notice pages, to make these pages readable language: navigator.language, // the language, in which the modal is shown languages: ["en", "de"], // supported languages (in ./content/), defaults to first in array contentURL: "./content", // this URL must contain the dialogs content in the needed languages cookieName: "cookie-consent-settings", // the name of the cookie in which the configuration is stored as JSON cookieStorageDays: 365, // the duration the cookie configuration is stored on the client postSelectionCallback: undefined, // callback function, called after the user has made his selection whitelisted: [], // pages NO consent modal page is issued xhr_data_element: "" // container for the language-specific consent modal taken from /assets/data/cookieconsent.html } for (var property in props) { this.props[property] = props[property]; } this.language = this.props.language if (this.language.indexOf("-") !== -1) { this.language = this.language.split("-")[0]; } if (!this.props.languages.includes(this.language)) { this.language = this.props.languages[0]; // fallback on default language } var Cookie = { set: function (name, value, days) { var value_encoded = window.btoa(value); var expires = ""; if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); expires = "; expires=" + date.toUTCString(); } document.cookie = name + "=" + (value_encoded || "") + expires + "; Path=/; SameSite=Strict;"; }, get: function (name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) === ' ') { c = c.substring(1, c.length); } if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) === 0) { var value_encoded = c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length); var value = window.atob(value_encoded); return value; } } return undefined } } var Events = { documentReady: function (onDocumentReady) { if (document.readyState !== 'loading') { onDocumentReady(); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', onDocumentReady); } } } function showDialog(options) { Events.documentReady(function () { self.modal = document.getElementById(modalId); if (!self.modal) { self.modal = document.createElement("div"); self.modal.id = modalId; self.modal.setAttribute("class", "modal fade"); self.modal.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"); self.modal.setAttribute("role", "dialog"); self.modal.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", modalId); document.body.append(self.modal); self.$modal = $(self.modal); if (self.props.postSelectionCallback) { self.$modal.on("hidden.bs.modal", function () { self.props.postSelectionCallback(); }); } // load modal content // var templateUrl = self.props.contentURL + '/' + 'index.html'; $.get(templateUrl) .done(function (data) { self.modal.innerHTML = data; self.modal.innerHTML = $('#' + self.props.xhr_data_element).eq(0).html(); $(self.modal).modal({ backdrop: "static", keyboard: false }); self.$buttonDoNotAgree = $("#bccs-buttonDoNotAgree"); self.$buttonAgree = $("#bccs-buttonAgree"); self.$buttonSave = $("#bccs-buttonSave"); self.$buttonAgreeAll = $("#bccs-buttonAgreeAll"); updateButtons(); updateOptionsFromCookie(); $("#bccs-options").on("hide.bs.collapse", function () { detailedSettingsShown = false; updateButtons(); }).on("show.bs.collapse", function () { detailedSettingsShown = true; updateButtons(); }); self.$buttonDoNotAgree.click(function () { doNotAgree(); }); self.$buttonAgree.click(function () { agreeAll(); }); self.$buttonSave.click(function () { $("#bccs-options").collapse('hide'); saveSettings(); updateOptionsFromCookie(); }); self.$buttonAgreeAll.click(function () { $("#bccs-options").collapse('hide'); agreeAll(); updateOptionsFromCookie(); }); }) .fail(function () { logger.error('You probably need to set `contentURL` in the props'); }) } else { self.$modal.modal("show") } }.bind(this)) } function updateOptionsFromCookie() { var settings = self.getSettings(); if (settings) { for (var setting in settings) { var $checkbox = self.$modal.find("#bccs-options .bccs-option[data-name='" + setting + "'] input[type='checkbox']"); $checkbox.prop("checked", settings[setting]); } } } function updateButtons() { if (detailedSettingsShown) { self.$buttonDoNotAgree.hide(); self.$buttonAgree.hide(); self.$buttonSave.show(); self.$buttonAgreeAll.show(); } else { self.$buttonDoNotAgree.show(); self.$buttonAgree.show(); self.$buttonSave.hide(); self.$buttonAgreeAll.hide(); } } function gatherOptions(setAllExceptNecessary) { var $options = self.$modal.find("#bccs-options .bccs-option"); var options = {}; for (var i = 0; i < $options.length; i++) { var option = $options[i]; var name = option.getAttribute("data-name"); if (name === "necessary") { options[name] = true; } else if (setAllExceptNecessary === undefined) { var $checkbox = $(option).find("input[type='checkbox']"); options[name] = $checkbox.prop("checked"); } else { options[name] = !!setAllExceptNecessary; } } return options } function agreeAll() { Cookie.set(self.props.cookieName, JSON.stringify(gatherOptions(true)), self.props.cookieStorageDays); self.$modal.modal("hide"); } function doNotAgree() { Cookie.set(self.props.cookieName, JSON.stringify(gatherOptions(false)), self.props.cookieStorageDays); logger.warn('delete cookie: j1.user.consent'); // j1.deleteCookie('j1.user.consent'); j1.deleteCookie('all'); self.$modal.modal('hide') j1.goHome(); } function saveSettings() { Cookie.set(self.props.cookieName, JSON.stringify(gatherOptions()), self.props.cookieStorageDays); self.$modal.modal("hide"); } // call consent dialog if no cookie found (except pages whitelisted) // whitelisted = (this.props.whitelisted.indexOf(window.location.pathname) > -1); if (Cookie.get(this.props.cookieName) === undefined && this.props.autoShowDialog && !whitelisted) { showDialog(); } // API functions // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // show the consent dialog (modal) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- this.showDialog = function () { whitelisted = (this.props.whitelisted.indexOf(window.location.pathname) > -1); if (!whitelisted) { showDialog(); } } // collect settings from consent cookie // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- this.getSettings = function (optionName) { var cookie = Cookie.get(self.props.cookieName); if (cookie) { var settings = JSON.parse(Cookie.get(self.props.cookieName)); if (optionName === undefined) { return settings; } else { if (settings) { return settings[optionName]; } else { return false; } } } else { return undefined; } } }